Iran is Behind the Destruction of the West

In the second seal of Revelation, it says this about the rider: "And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, ... ."

If the second seal opened on 9/11/2001 with the emergence of Islam as the rider, then a key player behind this rider is Iran. And "take peace from the earth" means the nuclear obliteration of the West. Let that sink in. Taking peace does not mean terrorism. It means nuclear war.

‘... . I say let this land [Iran] burn. ..., provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.” – Ruhollah Khomeini
Source: Iran is serious about its promise of 'death to Israel' - opinion - The Jerusalem Post

As amazing as it seems, Iran just might be behind seals 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This includes the destruction of the West. It opens the door to the Antichrist, the fake Jesus (false prophet) and the great falling away into the religion of demons.

You have probably heard Iranians shouting "death to Israel" and "death to America," but what about Allah's promise that Muslims will conquer Rome in the future? Did you ever think that there might actually be something to these threats?

The Bible includes a lot of confusing language in Revelation and other places about future events. Probably the most important thing I have learned about interpreting this kind of language is that one must interpret backwards, not forwards. In other words, the Bible does not lead us forward into the real world scenario. The real world scenario leads us back to the Bible. When you are close and can see with your own eyes events unfolding before you, then you can relate those things in the real world back to the Bible. I cover this here:

You are Probably Missing This Step in Parable Interpretation | Christian Forums

"Death to Israel"

A major war has been underway for a decade in the Middle East though it infrequently makes headlines. Month after month, week after week, and night after night, the Israelis have operated across the region against the Islamic Republic of Iran in what the Israeli government calls "the-war-between-wars" (or "the-campaign-between-wars").
Source: The Quiet War between Israel and Iran: Iran's Hegemonic Drive :: Middle East Quarterly

The reason for the-war-between-wars is that Iran is positioning Israel's neighbors for both terrorism and war against Israel. Israel's neighbors are slowing getting ready for the mother of all wars against Israel. Additionally, Iran is gradually positioning itself for a major nuclear breakout where we will wake up one day to an Iran with 100 nuclear tipped missiles that can be delivered across Europe. In the mean time, Israel is trying to fight back but mostly it's a losing battle. Iran is slowing gaining ground on all fronts.

At some point, either America or Israel or both will have to attack Iran in order to take out its nuclear program. When that attack happens then expect a big war between Iran's proxies and Israel. This war looks a lot like Isaiah 17 and destruction of Damascus. Israel will neutralize the threats from its neighbors but at a cost of using nuclear weapons.

"It seems increasingly likely that Israel will strike Iran to prevent the Islamic Republic from acquiring nuclear weapons."

"Iran, Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett warned on June 12, “is dangerously close to getting their hands on a nuclear weapon.” In an interview with The Telegraph, the premier pointed out that “Iran is enriching uranium at an unprecedented rate.” Bennett added: “Iran’s nuclear program won’t stop until it’s stopped.”"
Source: Deal or No Deal, Iran-Israel War Is Coming to the Middle East | The National Interest

Israel and Iran are rapidly approaching an inflection point over Tehran’s nuclear program, and what was the atomic equivalent of a controlled clash between the two countries is now devolving into an unconstrained chain reaction.
Source: Israel and Iran: Five minutes to Armageddon? | The Hill

Israel-Iran Shadow War on Verge of Exploding into the Open |

The next big war between Israel and its neighbors sounds a lot like Isaiah 17 and the third horse of Revelation.

Why is Iran so focused on destroying Israel and developing nuclear weapons?

Hastening the return of the Mahdi

"Twelvers believe that a figure called “the Mahdi” or “Twelfth Imam” is the last of a dozen divine imams who are heirs to an Islamic nation. Their eschatology says the Mahdi was born in the mid-ninth century but then disappeared from humanity. He will only reappear during a time of global calamity. During an apocalyptic war, he will return to bring justice to the world—by raising the flag of Shiite Islam in every corner of the world."

"Chaos is a prerequisite to their messianic figure’s return, and many Twelvers believe they can hasten his reappearance by intentionally stirring up chaos."

"“In order to bring about this Islamic messiah,” said political strategist Joel Rosenberg, “the leaders actually believe they need to create bloody carnage, the death of millions of people in order to create the conditions for the Mahdi to bring peace.”"
Source: Why Would Iran Start a War It Can’t Win? To Accomplish a ‘Divine Mission’ |

The Islamic Mahdi is accompanied by the Islamic Jesus. Those two look at lot like the Antichrist and false prophet. They are demons too.

"Death to America"

If Israel uses nuclear weapons against its neighbors, then that gives the green light to Russia and China to retaliate against America. Most likely they won't retaliate immediately. I would expect retaliation to come the following spring, without warning and at night while America sleeps.

The most important thing you need to know is that America is near war with both Russia and China right now.

America and Russia are already on a path that leads to World War III:

In war, nothing is inevitable and not much is predictable. But the war in Ukraine has a direction that observers can see and that we should name. What began as a criminal Russian aggression against Ukraine has become a proxy war between Washington and Moscow. The two sides are locked in an escalatory cycle that, along current trends, will eventually bring them into direct conflict and then go nuclear, killing millions of people and destroying much of the world. This is obviously a bold prediction and certainly an unwise one to make — in part because if I’m right, I’m unlikely to be around take credit for it.
Source: We Are On a Path to Nuclear War - War on the Rocks

And China:

China is “is predisposed to delivering a decisive first blow against U.S.”

The Naval Institute Press has just published a small book titled The Road to Pearl Harbor: Great Power War in Asia and the Pacific, which is part history and part a warning that history may be about to repeat itself with another great power war in Asia and the Pacific.
Are We on the Road to Another Pearl Harbor? - The American Spectator

Will a ‘Peak’ China decide now is the time for war with America: Hal Brands and Michael Beckley have breaking news from 1832! Namely that it sometimes makes sense for the weak to pick a fight with the strong. No less an authority than Carl von Clausewitz affirms it. Suppose, postulates Clausewitz, a weaker contender “is in conflict with a much more powerful one and expects its position to grow weaker every year. If war is unavoidable, should it not make the most of its opportunities before its position gets still worse? In short, it should attack . . . .”
Source: China Could Decide Now Is the Time for War with America - 19FortyFive

America, Russia and China are at a point where a big war is entirely possible. It just needs a spark to set off everything.

I believe the timing of the attack on America is given in Isaiah 18:7:

At that time gifts will be brought to the Lord Almighty

from a people tall and smooth-skinned,
from a people feared far and wide,
an aggressive nation of strange speech,
whose land is divided by rivers—

the gifts will be brought to Mount Zion, the place of the Name of the Lord Almighty.

Isaiah 18 is a warning of destruction to some unknown country. It appears to be a powerful friend of Israel. It warns the entire world to stop and pay attention of a nuclear event that appears to be Isaiah 17. When you see that then pay attention. There will be a delay until the following spring. Then in the last verse the timing is given: when a powerful friend of Israel brings a gift for the new temple on the Temple Mount. On that very day destruction will come.

I have just covered seals 2, 3 and 4.

Destruction of Europe

Allah has promised Muslims that they will conquer Rome. I believe this comes via nuclear terrorism with Iran behind it. There will be in investigation by European officials. After 9 months NATO will nuke Iran in retaliation. Iran will retaliate and destroy much of Europe and several Gulf states.

Iran will be indirectly behind the destruction of America, and it will be behind the destruction of Europe. In the end Iran will be wiped out.

This is about seals 5 and 6.

Seals 5 and 6 are circular. We go from seal 5 to seal 6 and back to seal 5 and then 6 again.

Seal 5:

Revelation 6:9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.
Revelation 6:10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”
Revelation 6:11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.

Here we have a localized event involving a church. The church is unknown but if we have to guess then it has to be Rome. Retaliation will be coming soon.

Seal 6 describes a nuclear event that most likely involves a Christian country attacking a Muslim one. This appears to be the retaliation promised in seal 5.

If seal 6 is nuclear retaliation then seal 5 most likely is a nuclear event as well.

Now we can see that seal 5 is the nuclear destruction of Rome via nuclear terrorism. The most likely country behind nuclear terrorism would be Iran. Retaliation is delayed by an investigation to determine who was behind the attack, otherwise the retaliation would be immediate. Hence, that serves as confirmation that the attacker was hidden and the attack was nuclear terrorism. Seal 6 is a nuclear attack on Iran in retaliation.

[Blog] The Prophetic Destruction of Iran

"Thus, Daniel 11:40 describes the war between the kings of the north and south that will start as a result of the violent “push” of the king of the south against the king of the north. "

Iran pushes against Europe. Europe waits nine months then nukes Iran.

But what is a "push?"

In this case, I think push means nuclear terrorism. I suspect that Iran nukes Rome via nuclear terrorism. The author discusses other possibilities.

Prophecy Fulfilled: Sept. 4, 2015 - Israel News
But here’s where it gets interesting. Very interesting. All this has been mapped out over 1500 years ago in the following Jewish scriptural sources:

Yoma 10a in the Talmud – “Rabbi Yochanan said in the name of Rabbi Yehuda in the name of Rabbi Ilayi: In the time to come, Rome will fall at the hands of Persia.”
- Prophecy Fulfilled: Sept. 4, 2015

But why does Iran want to conquer Rome?

Because Mohammad said so:

A Canadian imam recently delivered a Friday Sermon in Alberta proclaiming that Islam would soon conquer Rome, “the heart of the Christian state,” as prophesied by the Prophet Muhammad.

Source: Canadian imam: Islam will conquer Rome | The Times of Israel

Here is another reference to Islam conquering Rome:

A high profile Muslim cleric and Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament gave a sermon last Friday in which he declared that soon Rome, “the capital of the Catholics” will be soon overtaken by Islam.

Source: Muslim cleric proclaims Rome will soon be conquered by Islam | Catholic News Agency

Before Iran takes out Rome, it will seek to take out Israel.

Translation: When the world finishes the job that Hitler started, the Mahdi will come, bringing heaven on earth; Islamic heaven, that is.

Source: The fall of Qasem Soleimani and the Mahdi Doctrine - The Jerusalem Post

And nothing is going to stop it:

While some of us may take comfort believing Iran would never use a nuclear weapon against us, knowing the impact of a U.S. counter-strike, we should not. The late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei disregarded it long ago, proclaiming 20 years ago this month: “We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. … Patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.”

The mullahs’ master plan should leave us with little doubt as to what Iran’s intentions are once it is nuclear-armed.

Source: The mullahs seek to control uncontrolled chaos | The Hill

If Iran is behind seals 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, do you think it might be special? Do you think there might be a name for such a special country? What about Mystery Babylon?

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