Why did he ghost me after I refused to send him a picture?


Aug 11, 2020
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
Marital Status
Three days ago on social media, a boy sent me a friend request. Usually, I rarely accept strangers because I'm tired of online perverts. But this time, after checking his profile, I figured he was different and decent since he didn't seem to be a womanizer (didn't have many likes on pictures) + he had some pictures with quotes saying that ''Real love is not about money and luxurious cars but small gestures, care, and attention...'' That especially made me think he was a decent guy and not a womanizer messing up with lots of women and only caring about sex... I accepted his friend request and he immediately texted me. Our chat was normal, he even mentioned to me that he was looking for a decent woman. When I asked him what he meant, he replied that it was complicated - generally, he is looking for a real Woman. He complimented me on "looking cute" and asked me if I had a boyfriend and I said that I was single.

Everything was fine and we even laughed at some jokes until he asked me to send him a picture ''from now''. This immediately gave me an unpleasant feeling since my profile doesn't look fake, nor do I use many filters in my photos. What is more, even a few days ago I uploaded a new profile picture! This made me wonder why he needed such a picture, considering the fact that after all, he didn't request ''a naked photo'' but just a picture from now. I asked him why he wanted it, asking him if he thought that I was a fake profile - he replied, "No, but I wanna enjoy you lovingly." Respectively, I told him that I don't send photos and I'm not such a person. At first, he understood and I was relieved that he wouldn't bother me with such requests again. After, he even said that he had a challenge for me - to go out on a date where he would start a conversation with me in several different ways. I told him that this was an interesting and unusual proposal, and we can do it someday. He agreed, saying ''Yes, we will have some fun.'' I was glad that things were moving in a positive direction, but not long after, he again asked me for ''only 1 photo.'' I already started feeling uncomfortable finding an excuse to refuse his stubborn request, as if this strange idea was mine and not his ... I jokingly refused and changed the subject. Deep inside, I was afraid that after my second refusal, he would give up and stop texting me. But I have principles and class not to do such things especially with a person who has just texted me. Plus, I thought that after he said that he was looking for a real Woman, he would appreciate me, seeing that I'm not cheap and don't send my photos like that.

When he texted me again the next day, I was happy because I saw that that didn't repel him. I figured that he would finally respect my decision and stop with this photo, thanks to which we could have a more interesting conversation to get to know each other. We had a nice talk and suddenly, jokingly, he asked me for a picture AGAIN. He said that ''Every wall falls with a little perseverance.'' As a joke, I refused again. Then, we exchanged a few sentences and after that, he never texted me again ...

The result - now, I hate myself internally .. I hate that I once decided to trust and give a chance to a stranger online and he turned out to be another idiot. I figured that he was a good and decent guy when I saw the quotes about true love that he had shared, as well as the fact that not many women liked his pictures. I feel pitiful and hate myself because I allowed myself to get used to him and like him only for the 2 days we texted each other. I started worrying if I said something wrong but after rereading our chat, I found out that everything was okay. I started thinking that I must have been ugly or that he didn't like me... I even asked my friends if I looked like my photos and they all confirmed. But if it that was the case, then we he send me the request, texted me, asked me out?! Now, as absurd as it sounds, I miss him and I want him to text me again since I thought he was a good and decent guy... and that type of guys don't dump you if you refuse to fulfill their weird desire to send them a picture, right?

I'm extremely confused, even though I'm used to the BS from idiots, but this time I somehow thought it was different...I feel emptiness and I miss him because I feel like I lost something valuable, even though I realize it obviously wasn't. Please give me advice what you think about this case. In your opinion, what did he want and what were his intentions? Do you think he was really decent and good, given the quotes about the true love he shared?


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Jan 16, 2019
United States
Marital Status
In Relationship
It isn't uncommon for someone to desire recent photos. People use older images all the time and never acknowledge it. Meeting in person yields surprises. It happens.

My previous suitors have requested an image with a sign bearing their name and impromptu video calls on Skype. And we get on the phone too. That doesn't bother me. I expect his due diligence. I'm a stranger with a photo. He doesn't know who he's talking to.

Just because I have a picture of a woman doesn't mean I'm a girl. Let alone the one in the image.

You're arguing from a position of class but you've already revealed yourself. If you have multiple shots on your profile you're not being discreet. Protesting you don't send photos to strange men while revealing yourself to strangers doesn't add up.

A person who values privacy doesn't post public images of themselves.

It seems you have different methodologies about getting acquainted. He cuts to the chase and asks for information upfront. I'm accustomed to that. It doesn't mean they're shady or trying to pull a fast one. They move at a faster pace.

I don't agree with ghosting. If you're not interested say so and move on.

Next time someone says they want a real woman ask what he means. Your definition is probably different. Allow the man to explain himself so you're on the same page.

Reading your OP in light of the brevity of your exchange is difficult. There's a lot of negative thoughts and feelings expressed. You need to guard your heart. Don't read so much into things. Keep your expectations in check.

48 hours isn't a lot of time to develop an acquaintance. I think you're focusing on the wrong thing. Forget about him. Why are you in this place? How did a two day exchange drive you to this point?

I would do some soul searching. Look at my boundaries and batten down the hatches. Disappointment is understandable. But it was only two days. You have to put the experience in the right perspective.

Why did he affect you the way he did? That's the question I'd answer. So I don't repeat the mistake.

Yours in His Service,

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