The Coming Day of Terror and Disaster


Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
Feb 7, 2013
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Jeremiah 17:5-6 The Lord says: A curse upon anyone who trusts in mortals or expects help from fellow mankind, while their heart is far from their God and Maker. They will be like a lonely tree in the salt lands, when good comes, they will be unaware of it. Psalms 146:3-4, Isaiah 2:22

Jeremiah 17:7-8 Blessed is anyone who trusts in the Lord and is confident of His deliverance. They will be as trees planted by a stream, when the heat comes, it will not wilt, but stays green and bears fruit. Romans 8:18, Jeremiah 4:2

Jeremiah 17:9-11 The heart of mankind is deceitful, desperately sick – who can fathom it? I, the Lord, searches the mind and tests the heart, requiting each one for their conduct and as their deeds deserve. Those who gain wealth unjustly will be judged, they are fools in the end. Psalms 14:1, Romans 2:8

Jeremiah 17:12-14 The place of our sanctuary is like a glorious throne, exalted from the beginning. The Lord, on whom the hope of Israel is fixed, all those who reject You will be written in the dust.
Heal me, Lord, and I shall be healed. Save me and I shall be saved, for You are the One that I praise. Isaiah 57:16-19

Jeremiah 17:15-18 Others ask me: Where is the fulfilment of God’s Word? Let it come, if it can. It is not the prospect of disaster that makes me trust You, You know it is not my desire to see the coming Day of terror. You know all that I have spoken. Save me on the Day of disaster, protect me in Your refuge. Let my enemies be shocked, may they be terrified on that evil Day. Destroy them with Your double destruction. Psalms 83, 2 Peter 2:3b, Jeremiah 11:20
Ref: REBible.

Note, that it is ‘the Day of terror and disaster’ that is the next prophesied event. Not a ‘rapture’ of the church, not WW3, not the Tribulation, or the Return of Jesus, but the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath against ‘those who hate Me’. Deuteronomy 32:34-43
This will be the Lords Day of vengeance and wrath, so comprehensively prophesied in the Bible. The Sixth Seal worldwide punishment of the ungodly peoples. Revelation 6:12-17

The dilemma that we face, is how to prepare for this forthcoming Day? Should we take sensible precautions, such as an underground shelter and food storage? Looking at the verse in Isaiah 29:4, where it says how the Jewish remnant in Jerusalem will hide in underground bunkers, then perhaps we do need to think how we can avoid being burned ‘when the heat comes’. As this event will be a massive explosion of the suns surface, a CME of unprecedented magnitude, it will affect each country for just the day portion of the 24 hour period, then to keep under cover should suffice. Prepare for extreme heat, up to 150c – 350f. Malachi 4:1 There will be earthquakes; Revelation 6:12, Isaiah 13:13, Isaiah 29:6, Joel 2:10, so care is needed so as not to be trapped in a basement if the building above collapses.
Isaiah 26:20-21 Go, My people, enter your rooms until the Lord’s wrath has passed.

The biggest problem that we will face after that Day, will be food supplies. There will no longer be any deliveries to supermarkets and cities will uninhabitable.
But we have this promise: Psalms 111:5 He provides food for those who fear Him.....

Do not ‘trust in mortals or help from fellow mankind ‘, be confident in His deliverance’. He will save His people, those who trust in His protection and who call upon His Name, they will gather and live in the new country of Beulah. Isaiah 62:1-5, Romans 9:24-26


Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
Feb 7, 2013
Thames, New Zealand
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Great , can't wait , mad max on steroids plus kentucky fried man.
Makes for a great bed time story for the kids.
Sad really, how the Lord blocks the ears and blinds the eyes of those who choose to believe false theories and fables. Isaiah 29:9-12, 2 Thess 2:11-12
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Dec 9, 2021
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Sad really, how the Lord blocks the ears and blinds the eyes of those who choose to believe false theories and fables. Isaiah 29:9-12, 2 Thess 2:11-12
Nah I was just messing around being silly.
I was actually looking up your Beulah because I had never heard of it before,

And found that its a town in my state and that the town was named that because of isaiah 62.
Didn't know all that so found it interesting.

Beulah, Victoria - Wikipedia
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Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
Feb 7, 2013
Thames, New Zealand
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Nah I was just messing around being silly.
I was actually looking up your Beulah because I had never heard of it before,

And found that its a town in my state and that the town was named that because of isaiah 62.
Didn't know all that so found it interesting.

Beulah, Victoria - Wikipedia
Typical Aussie!
After all of the holy land is cleared and cleansed, as Deuteronomy 32:34-43, and many other Prophesies tell us; there will be a new nation established there. As Isaiah 62:1-5 describes.
Check out more articles on this subject at;
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Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
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Most people have no conception of the worldwide devastation that will be caused by the hit upon the earth by the Lord’s fiery Day of vengeance and wrath. Isaiah 29:6 What is prophesied will be so shocking, so terrifying, that it is impossible for us to really comprehend and only when it happens, will we realise the full extent of the damage done to the world and our modern infrastructure.

There has never been a comparable natural disaster in recorded history. The nearest to it may be the continuous winters of 1883-87, caused by the ash clouds from Krakatoa, or some recent tsunamis. Only Noah’s flood really compares, but fortunately this time we have God’s promise to never again destroy man and animals so extensively. Genesis 9:16 Many people will die, Jeremiah 25:33, Isaiah 34:3, but most will survive.

As the survivors come out from under whatever shelter they have found, Isaiah 2:20-21, Revelation 6:15, there will be little, if any light for weeks or months. Amos 5:20, Zephaniah 1:15 Most buildings will be destroyed by earthquake and fire, Isaiah 24:18, Zephaniah 3:8 and huge tsunamis will wipe out all coastal cities and towns. Jeremiah 51:42, Amos 9:6

Normal mains electricity supply will not be restored for years. Only small generators will be able to supply power and these will soon run out of fuel, as will all motor transport. Line telephone systems and radio communication may be set up fairly quickly, but mobile phones and internet may never be re-established, because all of our satellites will have crashed back to earth; Rev 6:13

The world will slowly recover and in order to regain control and normal services, a 10 region One World Government will be organised. Daniel 7:23-24 However, those who have maintained their faith and trust in the Creator God during this time of testing have the promises of His redemption and their gathering into all of the Holy Land. Deuteronomy 30:3, Isaiah 35, Psalms 107, Zechariah 10:8, Hosea 11:10-11, Ezekiel 11:17, Ezekiel 36:8, Isaiah 49:8-23, Jeremiah 23:3-4, Psalms 69:35-36, Colossians 1:11-12 and in Revelation 7:9-14, where John sees all the Christain peoples, gathered in all of the holy Land, soon after the Sixth Seal event. Revelation 6:12-17
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Livin' in yesterday's tomorrow
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I see you've abandoned the use of the phrase "soon coming" in all your CME rants. I guess that's progress of a sort, but I understand how after three decades or more of making the "soon coming CME" claim, it seems even you have gotten tired enough of it not actually coming soon, that you've abandoned the phrase alltogether....Again, that's progress, of a sort.
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Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
Feb 7, 2013
Thames, New Zealand
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I see you've abandoned the use of the phrase "soon coming" in all your CME rants. I guess that's progress of a sort, but I understand how after three decades or more of making the "soon coming CME" claim, it seems even you have gotten tired enough of it not actually coming soon, that you've abandoned the phrase alltogether....Again, that's progress, of a sort.
What I am sure of is: it will happen. Ezekiel 33:30-33
Could be very soon, judging by the current world situation, esp in the Middle East and the high level of activity on the sun.
However, there are a few indications still to happen before the Lord will arise and take action. I will keep you informed so you can go thru your repertoire of scathing comments.
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Writer of studies on Bible prophecy
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Hebrews10:27..the terrifying judgement of a fierce fire, that will consume God’s enemies

2 Peter 3:7 By the Word of God, the present heavens and earth are being reserved for burning; they are being kept until the Day of judgement when the godless will be destroyed. Matthew 3:10-12, Isaiah 34:2-3

The Apostles are telling us the next time that the Lord will judge and punish, it will be with fire. In the days of Noah, He destroyed the antediluvian civilization with water and the rainbow is His promise that He will never again flood the earth. It is frightening to think it, but there are a great many unfulfilled prophecies that describe this coming fire judgement. It will be the way that He will destroy His enemies, in the soon to happen; attempt by Iran to send nuke missiles to Israel and the entire world will be affected.

This terrible and shocking event, will be so severe that every person will be revealed for what they really are. This crisis will show the real nature of the worlds enmity against God. At the same time it will reveal the true condition of every Christian. 1 Corinthians 3:13

Most of us are well fed, enjoying a very comfortable lifestyle and can sing Hallelujah, Amen, with great fervour, but when the terrifying fire judgement hits the earth, will we stand firm in our trust for His protection? When electric power fails, when all telephone, radio and internet communications are gone, food supplies cut off and our modern infrastructure destroyed? Isaiah 24:10-13

Isaiah 29:13-14 Because this people worship Me with empty words and pay Me lip service while their hearts are far from Me and their religion is but a human precept, learned by rote: therefore I shall shock them, adding shock to shock, The wisdom of their wise will vanish and understanding will be lost. Matthew 11:25

A large percentage of the Bible is a message to us, today in the end times. Most of the events, such as the Exodus and the history of the Israelites are previews of what we now and will soon experience. 1 Corinthians 10:11 We must learn from them and be prepared for huge changes. The ancients had to face it, why not us?

Although I am not a theologian, I can read plain words, words that mean things and provided you don’t ignore or allegorize what the prophets are trying to tell us, then a literal and logical understanding will enlighten us as to what will soon happen to this world. 2 Peter 1:19

I do not subscribe to the pretentious and impossible theory, which says that God’s people are going to be ‘raptured’ and removed from the earth before this time of trial comes. The whole message of salvation, of discipleship, and coming into the maturity of a Christian is a preparation for a time of testing. 1 Peter 4:12

1 Corinthians 10:13 So far you have faced no trial beyond human endurance. God will not test you beyond your powers, but when the test comes he will enable you to endure under it.

Luke 21:34-36 Be on your guard, keep alert, so that the great Day does not catch you unready, for that Day will come on everyone the whole world over. Pray for the strength to pass safely through all that is coming and then to stand in His presence.

Acts 14:22....that to enter the Kingdom of God, we must undergo many hardships.

Hebrews 12:7-9 You must endure God’s discipline, He is treating you like His children. .......If you avoid it, then you are illegitimate and not true children.
Ref: REB, some verses abridged
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