Pray With Me/Up In Arms


Nov 22, 2007
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I am posting on behalf a friend who isn't very tech savvy and doesn't know how to post things online to a forum like this. She asked me to do this for her.

This letter is exclusively for my brothers and sisters (only). I want us to pray for three miracles
by first asking God to forgive the lost who walked away and put this world first. First, I want to
remind everyone why we fell in love with God. All of us have our stories to tell. I hope my stories
will remind everyone of a time when we walked alone. It was a time before we were born again.
We didn't know God yet somehow we cried out to Him for help. Did you know He was there? I
hope my stories bring back memories of the times God showed up to rescue us.

Remember in the beginning when we would take a shower and lather our bodies with soap?
We would use our nails to scratch our bodies so hard. Did the sins come off? Why did we do
this when we didn't know Jesus?

This is my first story. I remember a day when it was raining hard and starting to flood the streets.
It was late at night and we were drinking. The car swerved just as we were nearing two round
large telephone posts. I cried out to God to forgive me. I asked Him to give me another chance.
We landed between the two posts with no space to spare.

How can I forget the time He stepped in to help keep my sanity in check. I was leaving my home
to run an errand. The car refused to start. I kept trying over and over to no avail. Finally, I got out
of the car and walked behind it. There was a little boy in a wooden cart just sitting there. I walked
back inside my home and sat down close to an hour before going outside again. I knew my car
would start this time.

It's hard to forget your first marriage. I loved my husband more than you can imagine. We parted
ways because he got his mistress pregnant. I am barren. The first month almost destroyed me. I
thought I was going mad. How could I feel real pain in my heart? If you would have told me a person
could feel real pain in the heart I would have called you a liar. I called out to God to help me stay
sane. I was not His child, yet he answered my prayer. God was there.

When my parents divorced, it was hard to understand. My father and I moved to another city. It was
a low income place. I became depressed. It was hard to deal with life. One day I walked to a drug
store down the street. It was filled with pale white metal shelves on the left. The long wooden counter
was on the right. I moved around the shelves until I found two fat plastic bottles filled with sleeping pills.
I took them to the counter and placed them before a tall thin young man. He got ready to put them in a
brown paper bag before hesitating. I gave him my best smile and disarmed him. The week-end was just
around the corner and I knew my father would be leaving to spend the night with his girlfriend. I waited
for him to leave before bringing out the paper bag and glass of water. Before I could proceed, someone
knocked at the door. It was my friend coming to tell me another friend of ours had just tried to commit
suicide. My first thoughts were how can someone be so stupid. After she left, I packed a bag and took
the bus to the hospital to visit my friend in another city. Do you know I never would have known Jesus?
Who was Jesus? It wasn't easy being young without someone teaching you the Word..

This brings about my first prayer request. How can anyone leave HIM after all He did for them before
and after they were born again? God rescued us so many times and yet some walked away. Why did
you leave? I know the enemy still attacks us. Do some think that my painful experiences stopped after
I was born again? Our stories never end. The difference is that God now fights our battles with us and
for us. Pray that He would open their eyes and hearts to see the truth. Remember we love and need
those that strayed away.

The other prayer request is about tithes. Please do not start making excuses. I am talking to my brothers
and sisters who can pay and don't. What example do they set for their children? Is it alright to steal? Do
they tell the children to put themselves first? Non-believers trust in their money. It is their God, an idol they
worship. Who pays to spread the good news and buy bibles? What about food banks, clothes, medical
expenses, building wells, home repairs, small businesses, orphans, trafficking, etc... The list goes on and
on. For those who pay tithes, I heard years back that only ten percent paid tithes. The other day I heard
from a TV minister that only 2.7 paid tithes. I still can't believe it. Do we really believe the few can carry
the weight?

Many refuse to sacrifice. Please understand why we must pray for a miracle. Let's pray they will stop trusting
in their money. I hope God will cast out the fear that binds them (1John4:18).

The last prayer request is about voting. I know some people do not vote because of religion or personal reasons.
I'm not talking to them. I heard that 82 percent of voting Christians do not vote. Is it true? If they do not vote that
also means they do not send in support. Who then is protecting Christian rights? Again,18 percent are carrying
the weight. Why doesn't it matter to them that together we can be a powerhouse? We need their prayers and
support. Without them we are weak.

Please understand why I am asking you to pray for these three miracles with me. We serve a God who answers
prayers. I hope we can start praying on New Years Eve through November 2024. Remember, it's all about Jesus!
How can we represent him if we do not pray together?

See You in Heaven,

Your Sister in Christ

P.S. Please feel free to share or post this letter. The more brothers and sisters praying the better. For those who
have a habit of complaining or criticizing, take it up with my sister Angelina. Family is family. Did I make someone
think of the movie Steel Magnolias? Never!
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Richard T

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
traveling Asia
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"Around eight-in-ten Republican registered voters (79%) are Christians, compared with about half (52%) of Democratic voters." The voting rate for registered voters is about 80%, so Christians do vote but the term Christian is rather broad. What the 2020 electorate looks like by party, race and ethnicity, age, education and religion I do pray more Christians vote. Please help them improve and also to vote according to your will, not for a party but for the best men and their corresponding policies.
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Electric Nightfall
Angels Team
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Apr 25, 2022
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Dear Lord,

I bring sister Angelina's prayer requests to You. You know her well and the burdens that You have placed on her heart to share.

First, I pray that those that you have called to faith in Christ would not stray away. You wrote through that author of Hebrews:

Hebrews 6 said:
3 And this we will do, if God permits. 4 For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame. 7 For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and produces vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God; 8 but if it yields thorns and thistles, it is worthless and close to being cursed, and it ends up being burned.

I pray that this Scripture may heard, that it may be taught and applied by Your Ministers to Your Truth, to those who are weak and stumbling in their faith, those tempted to fall away, to those who need to hear it the most.

Second, I pray that those whom you have financially blessed may be inspired to give. I pray that ministers to Your Truth may teach correctly about giving and not for gain as the Pharisees did, robbing the poor and needy.

Third, I lift up Angelina's concern about voting up to you. You know every person's heart. Help us to stand for Your Truth in the halls of power, and not suffer from depression about voting. I pray that we have the wisdom to select the leadership that is Your will for our nation.

In Christ's Name,
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