Paul Manafort is poised to rejoin Trump world (not anymore, it appears)


Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
Los Angeles Area
United States
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Legal Union (Other)

Paul Manafort, poised to rejoin Trump world, aided Chinese media deal

With his freedom [after Trump pardoned him], Manafort hardly retired to a quiet home life. Instead, the longtime power broker — briefly brought low by the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election — reengaged in international consulting, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post and people familiar with his activities who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.

Manafort has been assisting an effort to launch a Netflix-like mobile streaming and entertainment platform in China that, according to corporate documents, has the endorsement of the Chinese government. In an email to The Post, Manafort said he was “not involved with China” and has “had nothing to do with China, including Chinese businesses, government, individuals, or anything else,” but acknowledged that he “was asked to make introductions to U.S. studios and potential U.S. partners in the venture.”

[Other activities in Japan, South Korea, Guatemala...]

Advisers say Trump is determined to hire Manafort, likely handing him a substantial role at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, because he appreciates that his onetime campaign chairman has remained loyal to him even while serving in prison.

[After Trump pardoned Manafort...] The two later reconnected at one of Trump’s clubs and have stayed in touch since, according to a person familiar with their interactions.

Meanwhile, Manafort is moving closer to a significant role at the Republican National Convention, scheduled for July. He is expected to be involved in organizing the convention committees and helping to manage the party’s platform process, according to people familiar with the planning.


Some forum history:

Trump's Terrible Day Sees Cohen Plead Guilty, Manafort Convicted

Paul Manafort will enter a guilty plea in second trial

Manafort lied to the FBI after the plea deal

Unregistered (foreign) Russian agent, Manafort, gave Trump campaign polling data to Russia

And from the "Wishful Thinking" files:

Pardon of Manafort Would Hurt The President



Dona Quixote
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Jun 11, 2005
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What a red flag! (Add hammer and sickle.)
He certainly facilitated Russian election interference in 2016, and however no scruples the 2024 Trump campaign has been so far, it just got worse.

And they claim they want election integrity. Liars! Crooks!
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
Los Angeles Area
United States
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Legal Union (Other)
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