Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets what does it mean?


Orthodox Christian
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Aug 3, 2007
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The Lord said how we are to treat each other as we would want to be treated is the law and prophets ( Matthew 7:12). The Lord said that the law & prophets are dependent on the 2 great commandments to love God & neighbor ( Matthew 22:36-40). Our Lord told the rich young man the commandments for eternal life ( Matthew 19:16-19).

What Jesus Christ said before His cross is repeated by St. Paul after the Lord’s Cross in Romans 13:8-10. This is the same Gospel and the fulfillment of the law explained. St. Paul gives us explanations of the Lord’s redemption of our sins by the Lord’s blood ( for ex. Colossians 1:10-23). Note within the passages from Colossians I have linked the Lord’s divinity is the same as given in the Gospels ( for ex. compare John 1:1-3, John 1:14-18).
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You need discernment, the gospels of paul and Jesus are not quite the same. do you see the differences?
That's the gist of it. Paul indeed obtained help to discern that the one he was opposing was the promised Messiah,
Having therefore obtained help from God, I witness to both small and great...Acts 26:22-23
Why do yo think paul called it HIS GOSPEL?
Because it was entrusted to the saints. Jude 1:3
do a list of what they both said and see.
I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’

Therefore, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision...Acts 26:17-20 [He does give help to the seed of Abraham. Heb 2:16]
But I know this, you think you know but don't
know then that those who have faith are children of Abraham. Gal 3:7
and you wont even look because you are afraid of what you may find, the truth.
And the truth is that both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children.
Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus. Eph 3:6 NLT

To those who are called to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1 Cor 1:24
That whoever boasts should boast about what the Lord has done. 1 Corinthians 1:30-31

"When the dark powers had done their worst
Jesus brought victory o’er the curse.
You are my All in all.
Death could not hold the King of kings.
Now to His heirs new life He brings.
You are my All in all."
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We have to remember that the Law was old Israeli that Moses and God created. This is similar to Hindu religion and the laws that were made to govern the people.
Mosheh did not collaborate with Yahova over what the Law says, those are the words Yahova set in stone.
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Our own fulfillment of the law is in Jesus Christ. We can't keep the law and the law in itself never saved anyone. Thus Jesus, who could fulfill the law. Then He gave us two commands in Matthew 22 that He stated keeps the law. And we can't even every second of every day, keep those two ! No, we needed a savior, His mercy and God's grace. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. If not, then we never needed Him and Christianity is false.
the law saves you from sin
You have to pair what Jesus says here with what is written in Hebrews regarding how the Old Covenant is passing away.

When Jesus spoke those words, he had not YET fulfilled the law and the prophets. He was GOING to fulfill them.

The passing away of the old should be understood in the same way that Paul talks about how gifts of the Spirit and the like will pass away when we attain perfection.

Like those gifts, the Old Covenant was given to point forward to the perfect Covenant that would be given through Christ. When that perfect covenant in Christ's blood has come, the old is no longer necessary to point to it. As such it passes away.

Further, there are things in the Old Covenant which continue, but are transformed and transfigured. In the New.

For example, the celebration of Passover was given as a perpetual ordinance. It is going to last forever. However, it has been transformed and transfigured by Christ into a more perfect form.

We no longer look back to the Passover of Egypt, instead we now look back to the Passover of Calvary. The lamb is no longer a literal lamb that we sacrifice every year, the Lamb is now Jesus Christ the Lamb of God.

The Passover continues in the New Covenant, but it is not unchanged. Every Christian who participates rightly in the elements of Holy Communion is keeping the Passover. On the other hand, people who try to follow the old rite of the Passover, and don't participate rightly in Holy Communion, are not keeping the Passover.

God's law is not abolished, but it is transfigured. The Law of the New Covenant is merely not the Law that was given at Sinai, and subsequently modified through out the Pentateuch. It is the Law of Love that is written on the hearts of every believer by the Holy Spirit.

There are two errors to be avoided here.

One is antinomianism. The idea that some in the Corinthian Church had when they wrote to Paul, that there are no longer any laws and all behaviors are permissible.

The other is clinging to the old so firmly that you miss the new. This is what Hebrews talks about and it essentially says that those who insist on serving the Old Covenant have no place in the New Covenant of Christ.
can you define the old and new covenant using only scripture so we can examine together?

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the law saves you from sin

can you define the old and new covenant using only scripture so we can examine together?

The Law defines sin.

Now that misnamed Covenant. Yahova made a one Law Covenant with Adam and I find niwhere that He erased or forgot it when He renewed His Covenant with man through Abraham. Then, when He wrote the Renewed Covenant with Mosheh I do not find where He did away with any of the one with Abraham. Each Renewed Covenant makes Our Deal with Yahova clearer and less difficult to understand just what He means. In this Renewed Covenant Yashua even instructed us that He did not do away with the Law. No, He completed the Law of the Prophets all the way through the Perfect Sacrifice for my and your sins against God.
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Jan 19, 2024
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The Law defines sin.

Now that misnamed Covenant. Yahova made a one Law Covenant with Adam and I find niwhere that He erased or forgot it when He renewed His Covenant with man through Abraham. Then, when He wrote the Renewed Covenant with Mosheh I do not find where He did away with any of the one with Abraham. Each Renewed Covenant makes Our Deal with Yahova clearer and less difficult to understand just what He means. In this Renewed Covenant Yashua even instructed us that He did not do away with the Law. No, He completed the Law of the Prophets all the way through the Perfect Sacrifice for my and your sins against God.
Finally someone who sees the exact thing i see in scripture! I agree completely!
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Stephen Andrew

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May 10, 2024
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Peace to all,

To me this is the Logic of teh Power of the Holy Spirit, will of God, Eternal law.

Through the mortal and corruptible flesh and soul of Adam and Eve we become immortal and incorruptible through the Body of Jesus by the Baptism of John and we become by the living sacrifice of God transfigured gloriously into the image of the Father by the Power of the Holy Spirit will of God in the soul of the being.

All mankind becomes united a one in being with the Father and the Son glorified and transfigured into the image of the Father by the Holy Spirit power in the soul of the being.

Peace always,
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