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Is prepping necessary..? (its a valid question)

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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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for me there is simply NO simple answer .
I think the fundamental principles of christianity promote FAITH in God first and foremost.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than ...

However Faith and its activation in our lives is proven by our obedience to the lord Jesus .
Thus if the lord is telling you to prep in a certain manner then one would be foolish to not heed his voice
in contrast- ..if we act out of "fear " and prep according to the imaginations of our own hearts then we do not walk in faith and cannot please God in that respect .

my point for this post is NOT to say yay or nay on prepping but to look at how and where it fits into the will of God- and his will does differ for each one of us .
for joseph his will caused him to prep .. thats rather obvious ..for noah his will was for him to prep - again .. obvious .

But For the children of israel leaving egypt and faced with an absolute disaster of the egyptian army coming to slaughter them ? no prep .GOD provided escape .
for a nation in an arid desert without food or water .. NO PREP ..God provided water from the rock and manna from heaven .
then there is the question of self preservation ..once we are all prepped will we then open our doors to others in need and give freely of what we have (in love) trusting that when it runs out God will provide ..or will you horde it unto self and say "well, they should have prepped"?

So i observe in this topic an all important factor that i feel is good to discuss.

listening to and OBEYING the voice of the lord in our lives

only self and God (God mostly) knows the true motive of the heart -do we prep from faith..? or from fear ? one is a must the other is sin.

that a great multitude of disasters is coming the likes of which the world has never seen before ( it is written) is certain.. my wife has been having dreams of the earth rippling like water in utter destructions ..but in her dream the destruction stopped at her feet (God is able) .. other folks in church have had dreams of an army of angels charging from the heavens on horses .. also i have shared of my wife's other dream of the moon turned too blood and the sun darkened ..it was not an eclipse ..she said it looked like burning black embers of a fire .
over these last 3 blood moons man has made a law against God (not the first but the biggest) a law the subject of which brought down judgment on sodom and gomorra .. and the world has begun to turn upside down .. it will not get better but worse . im not saying this to scare but to point out that i understand there is valid reason to consider preparing .. but there is more valid reason to seek the lord as to HIS will for what we should each be doing in these days and times -the furtherance of the Gospel being the top priority .

also the question of self preservation vs laying down our lives in faith is ,i feel ,at the forefront of this topic .



Reading the Bible
Jan 22, 2011
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Seems to me just what I was saying in previous post. I think some people are a bit misguided as to what kind of preparation they ought to be doing each day.

If its a daily quiet time, thats all well and good.
But if they mean buy a hundred cans of beans and build a nuclear bomb shelter...i think thats a bit extreme and y2k ish. God told Noah to build an ark, but that was when he sent the flood. Jesus is our ark. He is the only name by which we are saved, so we are to listen to Him. And do what he says to prepare ourselves. And in the bible he does say not to worry, cast all our cares upon him. he cares for us.
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captured by His Grace
Feb 3, 2009
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You bring up some valid points Alithis. I got to say that personally i wonder about the whole prepping thing too. If God has laid it on your heart to make preparations then you should do it. On the other hand if you are just caught up in what someone on tv or you tube video has expressed what good will it be?
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