Hello from the West Coast

hey im char.... my guess is... well its has been confirmed.. that we have a mutual friend who is posting these bold christian tasks... none other than jason...... who i like to call grandpa... thats cool........ ok so thanks to jason im also new to this but yeah i think this will be good for me... ive been living in orlando the past year but i havent really found a youth group im crazy about..... hah thats cool... God bless... oops.. Jesus bless
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Hello everyone I am new to the forums too. I am the one posting the "Bold Christian Task of the Day" as well at my web site. I am about to start a new web site around the concept of Christians with tasks to cause them to leave their comfort zones. The site will also have a bunch of other things but that's the main concept for now. Please visit the site I have up now and start checking out the daily Bold Christian tasks and let me know if it's an idea you think could catch on. They are currently embedded in my daily journal, check it out.*  I am just trying to live out James 2:14-15 Faith without works is dead. Here are my works and I'm trying to get others involved too. Thanks for going to the site or just for replying. James and Char thanks for doing the tasks, you guys are the best. Jesus Bless and talk to you all later.


* Please PM him for the URL to his daily journal.  Thanks.  :)
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