A chicken analogy of salvation


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Jan 3, 2019
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Something happened the other night, and it's made me think there's a deeper meaning to what took place.

We keep chickens for eggs. They are really more like pets. I prepare special meals for them, and enjoy giving them treats. I protect them from predators. There is no lack of raccoons, foxes, hawks and other critters trying to get at them. During the day they are in a protected outdoor run, and just before dark they roost up into a coop that I lock up every night.

The interesting thing about chickens is they have different personalities just like people do. There's this one little white hen that gives me no end of grief. While the others eagerly come to roost just before dark, she often lags behind refusing to come up the ramp so I can lock them all in. It is my wish that all my ladies survive to live again another day. So I've spent many a late evening going into the run and chasing this naughty one up the ramp.

The other night she was particularly obstinate. It had just rained, their outdoor run was muddy and slippery, and I'd had it with her. As much as I really didn't want to lose her I also realized she just didn't care enough about her own safety to choose to do the right thing. So I shut the door for the rest of the flock and left her outside.

As I pondered at what happened it occurred to me that I now had a real life example for non-believers who question if God is a loving God why did he make hell for people and let them suffer there forever. But, aren't people who refuse the security and safety offered by Jesus like my little white hen? I've been very patient in giving her many, many chances to accept the security of the coop, but when I realized she just wouldn't have it I said, "fine, your choice."

The end of this true story is that later than night I relented, went out to the chicken coop and found her pacing up and down the ramp anxious to be let in. So, she'll live to give me grief one more day at least.

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Mar 10, 2021
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Lucky for the humans that God has much more patience with us. He created evil Isa 45:7 Why? As a foe for you to overcome.
And that overcoming is done within you.
Can you even begin to start the effort or see that as a goal without the infilling of the Holy Ghost? No, and thats why your initial
salvation is a gift that is given you in the heart, not about your acceptance, its His gift that begins your journey unto becoming a son.
Election according to grace.

Consider Pauls conversion. Was he after being saved, or a persecutor of the church?
1 Ti 1:13-14 NLT even though I used to blaspheme the name of Christ. In my insolence I persecuted His people. But God had mercy
on me because I did it in ignorance and unbelief.
Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He FILLED ME WITH FAITH AND LOVE THAT COME FROM JESUS CHRIST.

Now look at 16- But God had mercy on me so that Jesus Christ could use me as a prime example of His great patience with
even the worst sinners. Then others will realize they, too, can believe in Him and receive eternal life.

It would be prudent to note that Paul received what he received by Gods mercy/grace, not Pauls choosing. The same goes for anyone
that receives the gift, it is by Gods choice period. When that occurs for each individual is strictly up to the Father.
Paul as the prime example was definitely NOT a believer UNTIL His visitation.
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One God and Father of All

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2018
Wilmington, DE
United States
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Something happened the other night, and it's made me think there's a deeper meaning to what took place.

We keep chickens for eggs. They are really more like pets. I prepare special meals for them, and enjoy giving them treats. I protect them from predators. There is no lack of raccoons, foxes, hawks and other critters trying to get at them. During the day they are in a protected outdoor run, and just before dark they roost up into a coop that I lock up every night.

The interesting thing about chickens is they have different personalities just like people do. There's this one little white hen that gives me no end of grief. While the others eagerly come to roost just before dark, she often lags behind refusing to come up the ramp so I can lock them all in. It is my wish that all my ladies survive to live again another day. So I've spent many a late evening going into the run and chasing this naughty one up the ramp.

The other night she was particularly obstinate. It had just rained, their outdoor run was muddy and slippery, and I'd had it with her. As much as I really didn't want to lose her I also realized she just didn't care enough about her own safety to choose to do the right thing. So I shut the door for the rest of the flock and left her outside.

As I pondered at what happened it occurred to me that I now had a real life example for non-believers who question if God is a loving God why did he make hell for people and let them suffer there forever. But, aren't people who refuse the security and safety offered by Jesus like my little white hen? I've been very patient in giving her many, many chances to accept the security of the coop, but when I realized she just wouldn't have it I said, "fine, your choice."

The end of this true story is that later than night I relented, went out to the chicken coop and found her pacing up and down the ramp anxious to be let in. So, she'll live to give me grief one more day at least.

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She may have ADHD.
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