
  1. L

    Is it wrong for me to be content where God put my Family?

    My wife has been looking at houses on Zillow and I think it is because she is uncomfortable about the neighborhood/the people who walk up and down our street look quite thuggish☹️ God has provided us a house that’s paid for and I don’t make much plus she doesn’t work due to her having a heart...
  2. C

    Marriage restoration

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer for the return of my wife Cindy-Ann St George and restoration in my marriage, for Dwayne St George. Please pray that unforgiveness is removed and the Lord fills our hearts with love for each other. Thank you for all your prayer.
  3. pantingdeer


  4. A

    A new marriage struggling

    Hi everyone, I’m hoping for some honest feedback. I have been married just shy of 3 months. It seems that since getting married my husband has been twisting scripture to permit abuse. Lately when we have encountered arguments he will get in my face basically touching my nose and start screaming...
  5. Occams Barber

    Man, Woman, Werewolf and Midwife

    Man, Woman, Werewolf and Midwife – a little history of English genders. Back in the mid-5th century a bunch of Germanic tribes crossed the North Sea as part of an invasion of Britain lasting several decades. This invasion largely displaced the local Celtic tribes pushing them to the west of the...
  6. G

    Is your religion, an empty whale?

    Hi there, I got this idea by combining Jesus words that "greater than Jonah is here" and "remember Lot's wife": resulting in the words "is your religion, an empty whale?" since we can remember Jonah's whale, the same way we remember Lot's wife, but we can also question whether our recollection...
  7. Greengardener

    Discussing the Scriptural view of the role(s) and definition(s) of a help-meet

    Shabbat Shalom, Brethren, I am interested in hearing your scriptural view on wives. I was recently challenged by the research of a Messianic friend and thought this would be a good opportunity to extend the discussion out to a larger community to get your views on the purpose of JHWH in...
  8. H

    Prayers for My Marriage

    Hello Everyone, I’m new to the website so I apologize if I didn’t post this in the right forum. I need prayers for my marriage. I need intervention. Have you ever gotten to the point where you know you are not in control ONLY the Lord can work, that’s where I am. My husband and I have only...
  9. T

    Should I care about my wife's weight gain?

  10. bèlla

    [MOVED] Women Submitting To Their Husbands: What Christians Get Wrong

    An interesting article on biblical submission. The author raises some important points. —courtesy of True Love Dates I ended up writing the following blog post, to express some of my concerns regarding the whole “submission culture” that we see in Christian communities, and posed a few...
  11. L

    In laws moved in and are negatively affecting my marriage

    Long story short, my in laws ( wife's mom and dad) moved in with us. They have been with us for 2 weeks now. This is hopefully a short term deal but I see now that they are negatively impacting my marriage. My wife appears to be somewhat very subservient to them and I am not okay with this...
  12. B

    Pray for my marriage | Sexless Marriage

    I'm very weak and in need of prayer. In a world full of truly horrible things I realize this doesn't even compare to being that bad but it's emotionally destroying me and making me bitter and now have a horrible view of marriage which is supposed to be beautiful by design. My wife and I have...
  13. W

    Pastor Asking My Wife to Meet?

    I'm graciously asking for advice on a struggle that I can't seem to shake. The background... My wife and I serve as volunteer ministry leaders in a church of about 200. We've been at the church for about 5 yrs. Our pastor started this church about 10 years ago. The pastor and I are fairly...
  14. Reborn1977

    Men Destroy Their Soul With Adultery - Study Of Proverbs 6:32-33

    How Do We Make Godly Decisions? Study of Proverbs 6:32-33 – Men of Shame When a man commits adultery, he does not just wound the women involved he destroys his own soul according to Scripture. Find out in this post what that destruction of the soul actually entails. GodsTruthInLove.org
  15. O

    Sharing Past Homosexual Sin to Future Wife?

    Hello. I'll do my best to keep this short and concise. I'm a 21 year old male and have been a believer for nearly 8 months now. Before that, I had been addicted to porn and engaged in immoral sexual activity. Although I am not proud of it now, the grace and love of God allows me to move...
  16. Echaminya

    Post valentines treat - is there a perfect soulmate for you?

    Hello everyone!!! So for those who checked out part 1, and part 2 , Part 3 is also available!!!! We continue looking into God's will for a partner. This time, we find out, does God's perfect partner for us exist? Is there someone who can fit you like a glove? Feel free to check it out. God bless.
  17. D

    Seeking a Wife

    Hello dear brothers in Christ, this is my first post in this forum and I'm seeking advice regarding courting and marriage. First, some background about me. I'm 27 yo, recently graduated from University and will start living away from my family. I feel like soon it would be a suitable time for...
  18. Jchaudoir36's Poetry Blog

    "love Makes It All Possible"

    My wife and I We talk, we listen To each others successes To each others failures We pause We pray My wife and I We reflect and comfort each other This world We live in Can be tough We embrace each others needs As our own Love makes it all possible by, Jeff Chaudoir
  19. L

    A Husband and Wife will Become One

    A Husband and Wife will Become One When we look at marriage we have a picture of Jesus and the body of believers. The husband represents Jesus, and the wife represents the body of believers. The husband should treat his wife the way Jesus treats us, He gave up His Throne in Heaven to become a...
  20. Guy Incognito

    The "What I appreciate about my spouse right now" thread

    Hey y'all, this is partially inspired by PeachieKeen bringing "Whats on your mind right now" and the old long running IJWTS thread (but WIAAMSRN is too long) from singles. I'm hoping it can be a fun thing. A lot of the posts here in Marrieds can be more heavy and serious (not that there's...