
  1. Q

    Does God want us to live in a patriarchal society ?

    Is that for God’s will or against it ?
  2. Dilencia Jesudhason

    What should I do about my feelings for a guy?

    I have recently started developing feelings for a guy within our friend's circle. He is an active Christian and is part of the church choir. We recently started texting and he loves telling me about his day. We haven't dug deep into our past lives or generally any additional information about...
  3. Q

    Is it a sin not be in love with your spouse ?

    If a person is married to a person that are not in love with are they in sin. Please support with scriptures
  4. Q

    Can a Christian relationship last long and happy when the couple has little to nothing in common with each other ?

    If the only thing they share in common is political views and Faith views can the relationship work good and well in the long run ?
  5. Q

    Should a Christian person date a person they are not sexually attracted to ?

    Christians date with the intentions of marriage so with that being said should a Christian person date a person they are not sexually attracted to even when they are celibate until marriage. Considering the person has good Godly qualities and they connect
  6. Q

    Is there any scripture that explains why women like men that mistreats them ?

    Most women are repelled by guys that treat them really well even some so called Godly women. I was wondering if there is any Biblical scripture that explains why ?
  7. Q

    Would you be ok with your daughter getting into a serious relationship with this man ?

    This guy is a new Christian 2 years into the faith but he has a past of being promiscuous and playing with women emotions and being a former criminal that steals and used to be a devil worshiper and be alcoholic. He currently has a deep devotion to the ministry and loves helping the church and...
  8. Q

    What is the point of marriage besides a family ?

    What is really the point of marriage besides having kids ?
  9. Q

    What is a woman role in a Godly marriage these days ?

    Besides caring for children what are they supposed to provide for the man they are with ? Companionship can only go so far with them since we cannot be vulnerable So honestly what is the role Biblical Scripture are appreciated
  10. Q

    Does Jesus really loves us unconditionally?

    Im aware he died on the cross for us to have salvation and go to heaven, but he requires us to repent and change our lives to have relationship with him. I know he wants the best for us but if Jesus loves us unconditionally we could do whatever and still go to heaven because the love is...
  11. Q

    How should a Christian husband love his Christians wife ?

    Jesus said a man should love his wife as Jesus loved the church what does this verse mean ?
  12. Q

    LADIES would you have a relationship with a Christian man who had a promiscuous past and who was a former pimp ?

    If he was a Christian man would you get into a relationship with him and hope it leads into marriage if he has qualities you like ?
  13. Q

    What is gossip ?

    What counts as gossip since they are no biblical definition to gossip ?
  14. Q

    How much should you have in common with a significant other to make the relationship work besides our faith ?

    Can the relationship just work from shared values and beliefs or is interests and hobbies really important too ?
  15. Q

    When should a Christian man be in love with the woman he is with ?

    Should it be after marriage or months into the dating stage or when they are about ti get married?
  16. Q

    Women when you first started dating as a Christians was it hard to tell if a man was interested or not while dating ?

    Alot of women in the world get validation from sex and alot of physical affection. I was wondering was it hard to tell the interest level of a Christian man when a women becomes a Christian and becomes celibate and has boundaries ? Have any Christian women experienced this before in their early...
  17. Q

    Best dating apps for Christians ?

    Name not just Christian based dating apps but good apps your more likely to find a Christian person on
  18. Q

    Should I dump a person I’m in a relationship with if we don’t share the same love languages ?

    If we share the same values & like doing the same things should I still see the same person if have different love languages ?
  19. Q

    What does it mean when a Christian woman tells a Christian man he isn’t physically loving her enough in the relationship ?

    What does this mean for a non-married couple ? Does this mean more hugs or kisses ? ?
  20. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian couple to get a prenuptial agreement before marriage ?

    Divorce unfortunately happens in and out the church should a Christian person protect their finances and get a prenup before marriage.