
  1. Christsfreeservant

    What God has Prepared for Those who Love Him

    “Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away. But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if...
  2. imlosingit

    (Rant) I'm beginning to lose faith...

    Disclaimer: I don't want anyone trying to manipulate me into straying into unbelief, away from Christianity, or whatever. Wednesday evening this week, I have a distress episode, about feeling ugly, and wanting stretch my face to make it better. Today, I had another distress episode about my...
  3. C

    Prayer for salvation

    Good day I'm asking for prayer for the salvation of the persons attending Minakshe Marie Amen Devi Temple, Rama Krishna Blenheim Mandir, Riverstown Mandir, Hampton Court Mandir, Affiance Vishnu Mandir, Unity Shiv Mandir, Stewartville Mandir, Meer-Zorg Vishwa Jyoti Mandir, New Forest Hindu...
  4. S

    I am depressed about my struggles with finding a job, moving out, and starting my life.

    I recently graduated college and am ready for a full-time job. I want to move out of my parents' house and start living my life. I have been searching for jobs for months, I have interviewed with some, but ultimately get rejected again and again. I knew my field (film/media/design) would be...
  5. gerard_chew

    Easter Song - Lost Without You (Abridged)

    My fellow believers in Jesus, wishing each one a belated and blessed happy Easter! Here is a one-minute Easter song to remember our Lord coming to give us life.
  6. gerard_chew

    Lost Without You

    Please feel free to use this song in your private devotion (quiet time) and public worship, and also share it with your fellow Christian family members and friends. Thanks and God bless!
  7. pantingdeer

    I am wicked and with a dead heart

    For many years I have stuggled, never feeling like I was a saved person. If someone asked me if I believed in God and believed in Jesus and that he died and rose again, I would say ‘yes’. But do I really believe it? On an intellectual level, I think I do - I believe the Bible and believe I would...
  8. W

    Hi I'm new

    I'm new here and I need help. I can never read the Bible without fear that I'm going to hell. Hell disturbs me anyway and I don't wanna go there. What do I have to do? I'm quitting weed and other drugs and alcohol because I believe they are a sin. But I still smoke cigs and am struggling with...
  9. G

    Lawlessness will abound, but not in Spirit

    Hi there, So for context where I live now has never had any problems with riots - I truly am blessed. However, I was looking at a video about "lawlessness abounding" and I was truly humbled. The way out of the dark is there for the world, if they need it: but they have to trust Jesus. That's...
  10. S

    Really Lost and Confused, Sometimes

  11. CodyR4

    very conflicted and having a really hard time getting back into church

    i have been irreligious for the better part of ten years. i was going to an orthodox church but i feel like im not progressing, the priest also never keeps in touch with me, like ive been told they should. i contact him a lot via email but never get responses. i am considering going back to a...
  12. Totodile386

    I'm Too Weak To Survive In Society! God Save Us!

    I'm active, I can walk supernatural distances . . . but I hate working for the man 90% of the time. I have basically been fired from Walmart because I'm too weak to keep up with everyone else -- minimum wage Walmart O_O! I hate working because I'm so weak, but I hate working more because it...
  13. rocknanchor

    This Present World

    Who is it God says is truly, ‘lost’? Already, within that question, is three differing subjects the lost can wrangle over each and every word, but God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ has given us the Spirit to both discuss and understand – lost are those whom have heard, but never received...
  14. A


    I have an ex that is currently living with me. I invited him to into my home just until he was able to get back on his feet. (which was a bad idea). He moved in November, I was expecting him to be there maybe about a month or two. But with his past rental history I should of known that it wasn't...
  15. ll_retro.duck_ll

    Missing Something for Sexual Freedom?

    Hello, been struggling with an addiction to porn ever since middle-school and even after I became a Christian (20+ yrs). I grew in knowledge of the Word of God and Christian service over the years. What became an everyday act became limited to about 1-2 times every week 2 weeks. The longest I...
  16. pantingdeer

    Lost on where to go in life - PLEASE HELP

    I’m completely lost on where to go in life. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do after O finished school so instead of doing nothing I decided to go to university. At university, I wasn’t sure what I should study so I just picked a subject that I was naturally good at. I’ve been doing it...
  17. G

    My buck and a half: if you've confessed your sin, but still doubt your salvation, pray for the lost

    Hi there, So this is a really simple trick, that I thought I might share - I have often struggled with whether I am saved "in the right way". What I learned was, once you have made commitment to take up your cross daily, actually your focus should be - for the most part - centered on Jesus...
  18. S

    Feeling lost and afraid right now

    Hey everyone, I’m new here and I’m looking forward to hearing your input if you have any you’d like to offer :). I need a place to spill everything going on right now and I think because you guys believe in God this would be a good place to do so. I grew up in a Christian home, parents were...
  19. T

    Dealing with porn, marijuana & alcohol as a female Christian

    I'll be honest, I've been having a really tough time with these sins. And right now I'm really wanting to smoke, but I know I'll feel guilty about it and it will make my mood worse. I was doing so well with not looking at porn and masturbating but I failed the other day. I feel like I will...
  20. G

    Should I put it to Evolutionists, that more often repeated difference is evidence of design?

    Hi there, So I have to be careful who I talk to, because typically people with a pre-established position, are more ready to shoot you down, than work with you. What I wanted to ask them, was: 'what is repeated difference a sign of?" In other words, when you see Jesus come back, what will you...