
  1. Trayalc

    (NSFW) When/how to confess to past sexual sin while dating?

    I've been dating a young Christian woman for a couple of months now. When/how should the topic of past sexual sin come up? Is it still too early? Have I waited too long already? The sexual sin in my past consists of (1) pornography and (2) some sexual activity in one past relationship (though...
  2. InThePottersChamber

    Heard 'God' said that 'John' was my husband...texted him and he was very rude to me

    Hi, around two days ago, as I was dozing off, I heard, not audibly, but in my heart, God said 'you already know your husband.' So I shot him a few names and when I mentioned 'John' (not his real name) God said yes, it was John. I hadn't kept in touch with John for a year, but I do remember...
  3. The Duke 007

    Rocks formed naturally vs Rocks created by God in Genesis 1

    A simple alternative to explaining the carbon-dating flaw is the fact that our Scientific knowledge of rock formation is limited to how they are formed now on their own; either igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, a slow process and build-up of rocks over time, from volcanos, sea beds...
  4. A

    Potential girlfriend affirms homosexuality, what to do, am I wrong?

    I’m a third year college student and about six months ago I met this wonderful Christian girl who loves the Lord and loves people. She’s gone through some of the toughest health problems and some of the toughest family problems I’ve ever seen someone go through and she’s come out on top through...
  5. EtainSkirata

    How to have patience while waiting for a possible proposal?

    A couple months ago I told my boyfriend I wanted to marry him, and... we haven't really had any talks that would count as "deliberately moving us closer to marriage." But I mean, it's only been 9 months of dating, and I had told him before that I wanted to wait a year before getting married...
  6. H

    Red Flags in a 1 year relationship

    Hi all, I am new to this community but was desperately seeking a place that I can find Christian based advice on my dating life. I welcome any resources! I am having serious doubts and trust issues in my one year relationship. I met my boyfriend on Upward (the Christian dating site) with much...
  7. J

    Does this make my parents too involved in our dating relationship?

    [deleted message]
  8. jintercession

    This church is driving a wedge between me and my family...

    Hi everyone who decides to read this!! Lucky you, you're in for a treat... The church I grew up in (Baptist/Pentecostal) started going woke and seeker sensitive and it turned out to be worse than I thought... Perhaps it was gradually creeping in and I just didn't realize it. Upon participating...
  9. S

    Parental Approval

    So, me (25F) and this guy (25M) have been best friends and engaging in a long distant relationship for a while now. We knew each other before I moved states and have been keeping in touch, getting closer over the years. My parents don't know the extent of our relationship except that we talk and...
  10. K

    Mother doesn't think I should be with my boyfriend

    I am a 24 F recently graduated and living at home to save up money for my own apartment. My boyfriend and I dated for a little over 2 years at first and everything was going great, we are both Christians and never really had any problems in our relationship. However, we did break it off for a...
  11. L


  12. EtainSkirata

    Constant anxiety in dating

    I'm constantly worried about flaws and imperfections in my boyfriend of 2 months. Every week I have something new to obsess over. "What about this thing, what about that?" I'm bouncing around his different issues--many of which he's willing to talk about and make changes on, especially the...
  13. EtainSkirata

    Harm OCD

    Last night I was out with my boyfriend, and we were going to sit on the trunk of his car and look at the stars. He tried to lift me up to sit on the trunk, but it was a little awkward and I ended up sitting on his hand. As I was getting situated, I was thinking about making sure I wasn't gonna...
  14. EtainSkirata

    Struggling with same sex attraction

    Hello, I've battled SSA for about 14 years now. I've never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, but it's an attraction that I've been aware of for a long time. Sometimes it's barely a passing thought, but lately I've been acutely aware of the issue. I feel as though I have to police my brain...
  15. EtainSkirata

    Obsessing about dating

    So I met this guy recently. I'm usually pretty good at reading people and determining pretty fast if a guy is someone I'd want to date or not. And when I first met this guy, I had a couple small red flags. But he wanted to hang out so I decided to give him a chance. We ended up going on a date...
  16. M

    Girlfriend´s friends drive her away from God

    Hey everyone, I was hoping I could find some advice here. First to give up some context, I have been a christian basically my whole life I have tried my best to live a life worthy of being called God´s son so perphaps sometimes I could be inflexible with some things. About 6 months ago I...
  17. bèlla

    Dating is Harder

    Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Say Dating Has Gotten Harder for Most People in the Last 10 Years —Pew Research Center (download report) Among those who are on the dating market – the 15% of American adults who are single and looking for a committed relationship or casual dates – most say they are...
  18. Kilk1

    Ancient Jewish Pre-Marriage Customs

    Hello! Does anyone have any knowledge of ancient Jewish pre‐marriage customs, customs pertaining to what couples did before being betrothed/married? In other words, since the dating concept we have today is a modern one, how did people find a spouse in Biblical times? For example, would Song of...
  19. D

    Confusing aspects of dating a European girl

    Please don't judge me to be a homophobe, I certainly am not. Even so, I think I’m completely losing all feelings for a girl after she told me she was questioning her sexuality, maybe even a bit emasculated too. Please excuse any ignorance towards lgbt in this post from being raised in a very...
  20. bèlla

    The Attraction Game

    Name one quality you'd like in a suitor. Add a blurb to your post. Easy peasy. :-) Rules ABC format You can't choose two Discussion is permitted Have fun! ~bella