
  1. AlexB23

    Change in our Life (Joshua 1:9 and Isaiah 43:18)

    Today we are going to analyze Joshua 1:9 and Isaiah 43:18, some verses that discuss the topic of change. @Gnarwhal posted a thread about change, so hopefully this Bible study table will be useful to him, and all of us who are worried about change. If you want more of these Bible study tables, I...
  2. Christsfreeservant

    Living for the Will of God

    “Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. For the time that is past suffices for...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    Out With the Old, In With the New

  4. Farid7

    Is Motion Possible?

    Hello everyone, For something to move, it first must go halfway, but first it must go half the way of the halfway, and so on and so on. That obviously makes motion impossible, since it must go through infinite halfways to reach it's destination. Unless, it disappears and reappears somewhere...
  5. Farid7

    Is change possible?

    Hello everyone, I would like to share something about change. The "Y" is a variable for anything in general. "If something different than Y is not Y. Then Y cannot become something different, because then something different is Y. Thus Y cannot change."
  6. By_the_Book


    Choice I will make sure to keep this short. I know many of the postings here are so so long that it can be a bit much. Therefore, I would like to try to keep my stuff brief, but meaningful. I just want to make a couple of comments about something that God spoke to me many years ago...
  7. G

    The more you change species, the harder it is to be optimistic about the species you are - Discuss?

    Hi there, So it really comes down to one gripe, with Evolution: that macro-Evolution does not have consequences. Setting aside that we do not see it, in nature, for a moment, let us consider agreeing with the spirit of what is being said - to see if we can learn from it. Now, there is...
  8. G

    How do I "stimulate", my Evolution? I can be stimulated to embrace the theory, but what next?

    Hi there, So, yes, a basic basic concept for you: you have the theory, but how do you "stimulate" the Evolution that the theory makes you aware of? Scripturally speaking, we study the scriptures. Meditatively speaking, we practice meditation. Instinct grows, if it is practiced - it stands to...
  9. G

    Three things Evolutionists need: perceptiveness, calm & idealism.

    Hi there, So I have sought council as to how to strengthen a person, when they want to maintain the greatest strength they can have, as an Evolutionist: Perceptiveness, means knowing when one mutation is clashing with another, for which it would be better to do without both, that is, starting...
  10. G

    The funniest question: "how soon do you think it will be before monkeys become humans, *again*?"

    Hi there, So this is hilarious right: The only way to say this is rubbish, is to say "the selection pressures aren't there any more", but the problem is, we never knew what the selection pressures were to begin with. I mean there is no experimental evidence that something that happened once...
  11. G

    If selection pressure waned and waxed, such that the species started again: what'd you do better?

    Hi there, So yes, simple question: The point being, you would have hindsight about the Evolutionary process, as applied to your population? Just looking for your thoughts on this, thanks. EDIT: In Christianity, we have a concept called "quickening", where if you know what to do and you agree...
  12. G

    Simple question: when selection pressure pressures, is selection pressure easier, or Evolution?

    Hi there, So the question is really basic, you might not get the subtlety of it (so hang in there with me): The point being, that there is a couple of targets for pressure, to be enacted by Evolution (either the selection pressure itself, or the Evolution as a whole). You need to be able to...
  13. G

    If "Caterpillar -> Cocoon -> Butterfly" evolves, why does "Butterfly -> Cocoon -> Butterfly" not?

    Hi there, So yes, a simple question in some ways: if "Caterpillar -> Cocoon -> Butterfly" evolves, why does "Butterfly -> Cocoon -> Butterfly" not evolve also? What selection pressure is there, for the former, but not for more of the same? If the evolution was guided by a selection pressure...
  14. G

    "They shall all be taught by God" (Isa.), at God's coming will be "they shall all speak healing"

    Hi there, So there is a context sensitive verse in the gospels, quoted from Isaiah, that they shall all be taught by God - that is, you will not need to explain what you mean, to others, anymore, they shall understand what it means to speak of God (and His teaching). What is interesting is that...
  15. G

    Christianity has all manner of kinds - is that Evolution's goal also?

    Hi there, This is basically an "if not, why?" sort of thread. The point is, Christianity differentiates different themes of different kinds, so as to try to capture as much nuance of faith in Jesus' words, as possible. This is clearly a deeply rooted and successful strategy in disseminating...
  16. Gentle Lamb

    Dealing with Regret

    What do you do when you find yourself regretful about a situation that you can't change? How do you move forward? Like you had the opportunity to address it years ago, but you maybe never took your thought or feelings about a situation seriously enough to make changes about the situation. Years...
  17. G

    All theology is this: give your throne, to the Holy Spirit *and make it His*

    Hi there, So yes, I realised something profound about scripture and theology and revelation: when we become believers, we begin to repent, but when we become mature believers, we begin to trust the Holy Spirit's rule. The best way to honour the Holy Spirit's "rule", is to allow Him to take...
  18. G

    Evolution that needs to change, is called "Evolution": Evolution that doesn't need to change, is...?

    Hi there, So just a simple observation: how something begins, is not how it ends. We say "the beginning" is "the beginning" and things follow it; we say "the end" is "the end" and things lead up to it - well, when you call something "the Evolution" you say "it will change" so theoretically, you...
  19. G

    Jesus said "he who is faithful in what is least, is faithful in much" - Evolution? Or in need of it?

    Hi there, So I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but the words of Jesus on incremental changes, is actually pretty clear: if you have enough of the initial requirement, the fuller difference can be expected. Jesus describes it, in terms of faith, but you could easily translate it...
  20. M

    Helpful Information: Does God Change A Person?

    There is a lot of helpful information below this initial post! Does God Change A Person? Hey you, just curious to know what you believe on this matter. You are openly allowed freedom to express your views. Does anyone here believe that God changes a person when they first initially start...