
  1. Aviel

    Buy the Ticket : Get the Ride

    Reader.. We understand that God has free will. and Jesus has Free will. If not, who is pulling their strings? Who is controlling them, as that would be THEIR God. A.) Not possible. So, God and the Pre-incarnate word........ said..."let US.... make OUR Image". "Image" =...
  2. J&BC

    Does Romans 3:23-25 contradict limited atonement?

    "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance...
  3. The Liturgist

    The Harrowing of Hell

    Those who enjoy listening to Choral Evensong, which I do on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from St. Thomas Fifth Ave, one of the last of the Anglican churches to preserve that great tradition of a boys’ choir, the majority having succumbed to a combination of liberalism, in abolishing boys...
  4. C

    Losing your salvation

    If the Bible says very clearly that we cannot lose our salvation (Romans 11:29; John 10:28-29; Romans 8:38-39, Ephesians 1:13, etc.), how can anyone say that we can lose our salvation? If we are saved we have eternal security and can find comfort in the fact that we cannot lose our salvation to...
  5. T

    Predestination- What does it mean?

    Hello Brothers and Sisters. Curious, prior to Calvin’s double predestination theology, what did the church believe predestination meant?
  6. T

    Supra and Infra Question

    Hello brothers and sisters, I have questions around supralapsarian and infralapsarian views. 1. Were these views initially brought up and discussed during the reformation? 2. Who are the earliest Christian’s to hold one or the other of these views? 3. Does the old church discuss any of this...
  7. Aviel

    Going to Heaven : How to do it.

    - Going to Heaven.... Reader.. Christianity is spiritual. "God is A Spirit". The bible teaches us that the things we can see are going to go away, turn into nothing, and the things we can't see are ETERNAL. YOU are a spirit being, who is living inside a currently aging toward death, body...
  8. OkieAllDay

    Election / Reprobation

    "Double predestination" vs "Single predestination"
  9. Aviel


    We understand that the Law and the 10 Commandments are good. They are Holy. They are Pure. But, because they are Holy, they show us that we are not.... as that is the main purpose of the Law and 10 Commandments. They are a Spiritual Mirror, a HOLY Mirror that reflect God's Righteousness...
  10. Chaleb

    Being Reconciled : #2

    - Before Paul was born again, he said that he had been "" blameless in the law."" He had kept it, and later found that Christianity is not based on that,..... and discovered that in his inner man there is a tremendous conflict that occurs if he tried to strive to be holy in his flesh, (self...
  11. The Liturgist

    The Physical Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

    Following in the path of the Holy Apostles, the Early Church Fathers, the Eastern Orthodox, the Oriental Orthodox, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran churches, and High Church Anglicans that our Lord is not merely spiritually...
  12. jintercession

    This church is driving a wedge between me and my family...

    Hi everyone who decides to read this!! Lucky you, you're in for a treat... The church I grew up in (Baptist/Pentecostal) started going woke and seeker sensitive and it turned out to be worse than I thought... Perhaps it was gradually creeping in and I just didn't realize it. Upon participating...
  13. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Hello. I've watched many of R. C. Sproul's and other videos on predestination, and I don't get it completely. I understand that Semi-Pelagianism is the idea that God knows who's going to be receptive to the gospel and who isn't. So that's out. So is it that God causes babies to be born knowing...
  14. grandvizier1006

    Sources arguing for Arminianism?

    I'm at a crossroads in my life where I am having to pick between Presbyterians and Nazarenes and which church to go to. As a result, I have to come to understand whether I believe in Calvinism or Arminianism, or maybe Molinism, which is more or less a third option that I think warrants...
  15. W

    Scientific Defense for A Literal Interpretation of the Bible

    Hi, would love to hear some feedback (both pro and con) on this discussion about Christian Transhumanism, Hyper Calvinism, Simulation Theory, Quantum Archaeology, Hell and the Lake of Fire. I also make a case for a literal interpretation of the Bible and the Calvinist worldview.
  16. grandvizier1006

    Is it possible for me to lose my salvation by accident?

    For background, I was raised in a Presbyterian church. So I grew up with the understanding that salvation could not be lost, and that God's grace covered our sins, provided, of course, that we didn't keep on sinning. And if someone seemed to be a Christian but later fell away, then there were...
  17. The Liturgist

    Orthodox Christians As The Victims Of Heretical Sects

    This originated as a reply to a thread, but grew a bit too large, so I made it a blog post. Indeed, it is true that Roman Pagans accused the early Christians of cannibalism, based on a misunderstanding of the Eucharist. Pagan accusations of gross sexual immorality were probably the result of...
  18. The Liturgist

    2. Apophatic Theology, Doctrinal Development And Schisms

    Apophatic theology, known as the Via Negativa in Latin, and apophatic language involves the use of negations to express divine things, for example, God is unchanging, God cannot be circumscribed, there is no place where God is not, there is nothing that God does not know, and there is no limit...
  19. The Liturgist

    Sola Scriptura vs. Nuda Scriptura

    A member in another thread asked me an interesting question, which I have posted here to avoid derailing the thread and also to not give the misleading appearance of criticizing anyone participating in that thread, for nothing in this reply was written in response to the comments or beliefs of...
  20. Ceallaigh

    Does going against John Calvin mean going against God?

    In this video John MacArthur reads objections to Calvinism's doctrine of predestination, and says the comments go against the sovereignty of God. It sounded more to me that the comments went against John Cavin's doctrine. Or should both considered one and the same?