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      fli replied to the thread God grants repentance to life.
      Mr. bling I will agree to disagree with you. Thank you Mr. BBAS 64 thank you for your reply. Philippians 1:29 For to you it has...
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      fli replied to the thread God grants repentance to life.
      Genesis 3:3 but of the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch...
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      fli replied to the thread God grants repentance to life.
      First who did God say sinned in the garden? Romans 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not...
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      fli replied to the thread God grants repentance to life.
      Mr. bling and d taylor Thank you both for your replies. Yes, Mr. bling your right, repentance can be done by anyone. As I stated if...
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      What is the gospel? The predominate position seems to be “Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus.” Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you...
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      fli replied to the thread Where were the 33 missing fish.
      It's no wonder that you misinterpret. You have the wrong time of the catch of 153 fish. John 21:14 This is now the third time Jesus...
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      fli replied to the thread Where were the 33 missing fish.
      You keep misquoting and misinterpreting my post to justify your position. You said: “If the number was added to then there are more than...
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      fli replied to the thread Where were the 33 missing fish.
      Thank you for your reply I am not good at separating your questions so I will cite your question and reply. You ask: Am I suggesting...
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      John 21:11 Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so...
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      fli replied to the thread 1John 3:4-6.
      As stated in my lost post one product of our sanctification is our increased love for Jesus. Christians in Muslim dominate, communist...
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      fli replied to the thread 1John 3:4-6.
      We are born again the moment we believe. Because of that, we were more ready than the criminal next to Him on the cross to die and go...
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      fli replied to the thread 1John 3:4-6.
      The world think we are crazy if we believe it. Thank you.
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      fli replied to the thread 1John 3:4-6.
      Since God does not impute sin to those in Christ, does that mean if they do wrong that there are no consequences? No! God will...
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      fli replied to the thread 1John 3:4-6.
      When you disagree with someone's position, you should post evidence and supporting statements for your position. This policy, sometimes...
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      fli replied to the thread 1John 3:4-6.
      In my computer course I did a global concordance search on the phrase “born of God”. A global concordance search is a search through all...
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