Lies of the Adversary

It pays to remember that in the beginning Christianity was not an institution of religion but a movement of humans which grew beyond the borders of the Hebrew people. It was never meant to become a government or a ruling organisation, but a movement of easily manageable home groups or local communities. The large numbers eventually involved would lead to it's fall by turning it into yet another human kingdom requiring rulers, laws, allegiance, policing and the like. And so it eventually did, just as the Sanhedrin had become before it, as did the other secular institutions of man. It's what we do.

Again, it was meant to be a movement of people caring for people and really nothing more, other than telling the good news that God had put in motion a plan. A plan to take away authority from adversarial spirits, both elohim and human, returning Himself as the sole will to be followed. There was no need for anything else to be done by man as it was God Himself who was in control of His plan and not man. Our task was light. So it was a simple matter for local communities to follow this pattern under an elder who was a role model and keeper of the movement/faith. This rather than as an organization of the people or an institution.

Man of course did as man has always done, saw a good thing the people would like, used it and sought control and power over them. Even though we had
explicit orders from God to care for each other and tell of the good news God was returning to us, adversarial man took it as an opportunity to setup their own kingdoms and eventually they incorporated, joining these mini kingdoms to the adversarial world of man by whoring itself to the opposite characteristics of the Kingdom, the Roman Empire. This grew in nature as it eventually became a maker of worldly kings and nations itself, until the final slap in God's face where they took it upon themselves to make Christianity about ourselves rather than God's will, about what was in it for us as it's focal point rather than being happy for Him overcoming adversity within creation. They abandoned God's will, thus returning to self interest and became just another government of mankind. Just another institution that could control the people rather than care for them and serve them. Ironically it was the people who ended up serving these authourities instead of the other way around, as of course with any other human government.

The blind have led the blind ever since, following a worldly government using God as it's platform just as previous governments had used their own gods. The difference is they didn't follow Him but expected Him to serve them as did the people with their other fake gods. The ol' God is on our side ploy. Tradition grows with time and this soon became it's own truth. Jesus said His church (people, not institution) would follow God's truth alone. Quite the difference. We ended up with Christianity divided within, the ladder climbers and the meek. Few unfortunately follow the original movement. We as humans are of the same adversarial flesh as the fallen elohim and have no problem going along with any lies that keep us serving ourselves. We are influenced by the world we can see rather than the Kingdom we cannot. Discernment will determine who those amongst us are that follow the original movement or instead, something else all too familiar within the secular world of man.

© ...timothyu

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