There is only one Dragon/Serpent in scripture (Part 5)

Grip Docility

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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5th Installment of this OP set
There are severe questions that arise, whenever I biblically reveal who God's Adversary is. I have held out until now to answer them... because the long game is much better than the short game, on this theological matter. I've been building a foundation to answer many questions about the matter, that haven't been revealed yet.

Question 1) I thought Satan was cast out of Heaven before we meet him in Eden, can you prove otherwise?

Revelation 12:5 But she gave birth to a Son—a male who is going to shepherd[d] all nations with an iron scepterand her child was caught up to God and to His throne.
Here, we have a clear (Before) event that is theologically simple to identify. This is about the Crucifixion of Jesus, His ascension and His establishment as our High Priest.
6 The woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, to be fed there[e] for 1,260 days..
This is about Literal Israel, because it is the WOMAN that birthed the child. Eschatology hounds have been trying to crack the 1260 days thing since the first eschatology hound sat in whatever country they sat, and tried to make the matter point out the very seat that sat in.
7 Then war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels also fought, 8 but he could not prevail, and there was no place for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was thrown out—the ancient serpent, who is called the Devil[f] and Satan,[g] the one who deceives the whole world. He was thrown to earth, and his angels with him.
Then war. First Jesus, Then War. Easy Peasy.

Why do theologians make the other assumption? The Dragons tail sweeping a third of the "stars" verse is misunderstood.
1: The Dragons tail is sweeping things down. The classic teaching is to say that "As Satan was cast down, he swept a third of the angels with him". This is wrong. The Dragon is established "Above" and sweeping up his army of deceived angels, below.​
2: Theologians miss that Satan is literally building his active rebellion from the beginning of scripture, all the way through to the gospels. Satan's first act of rebellion is exactly what the bible shows it to be. Satan, under the appointed position of "Guardian Angel" over Adam and Eve, pulls a nasty trick and makes a display of "TESTING" Adam and Eve. God didn't intend Satan to do that, any more than he intends a 5 year old girl to get Leukemia! Furthermore, Satan outright Deceives Eve. The very moment that Eve "Eats of the Fruit of God's Knowledge (Genesis 3:22)", she unknowingly was cheated out of her and Adam's Dominion of the Earth and had elected a Power Mongering (of his own Free Moral Agency) creation as the Ruler of all creation. This is how Satan usurped the position of Middle man, between God and creation.​
3: Now.... Let's reveal a matter of scripture.... Oh Death (The Power of the Devil Heb 2:14) Where is your STING (Serpent Strike/Snake Venom Bite), Thy Snake Venom Bite is Sin (Missing the Mark... but what is the Mark?.... the Mark we miss is the perfection of YH-H). The Devil's Venom is exposing mankind's lack of perfection, when compared to God. God never intended His children to "Be compared to Him". God isn't a narcist that wants a bunch of Mini Me's. God had intended to guide Adam and Eve as a Loving Mother and Father Guide their children. MOTHER! Are you nuts?!? In the Hebrew, as the Spirit Hovers above the Waters of the Deep.... it actually renders to echo a powerful Bird, Hovering over Her young. Are you still irritated with me? How about when Jesus, Himself, likens Himself to Gathering Israel as a Mother Hen gathers her chicks. This isn't to denote gender to God, as God is Masculine. This is to denote authority. Most masculine and feminine analogies in scripture are actually intended to point to God. Allow me to put it this way. If humanity was on a motorcycle, we ALWAYS sit in the back. ;)
Now it comes to it... One of my favorite passages on this topic that is found in reference to a Wicked king, within a wide indictment of multiple wicked kings... but breaks into Spiritual Prophecy. Why shouldn't it? Ezekiel was a PROPHET. :p (Key point, in reference to this matter: King over all Proud Beasts)

If you are just joining in, you really do need to sit down with OP's 1-4, after you finish reading through this OP, at the very least, because I'm going to build off of them as I address the passage.

Ezekiel 28:12-18
You were the seal[c] of perfection,[d]full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.​
God is saying that this being was created without any intention of evil. He was beautiful, wise and perfect, upon creation. I wonder who this is?
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God.
Huh? Let's see here. This is Spiritual Prophecy about a wicked king. So, now we've been placed in the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any wild animal which Adonai, God, had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You are not to eat from any tree in the garden’?”​
So, everyone assumes that Satan is already fully revealed as the Bad Guy, by this point in history. However, everyone forgets that Genesis was written by MOSES. Which means, this is an account written in HIND SIGHT. How did we know that Satan was "Crafty" or a "Serpent".
Matthew 23:23 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?​
Everyone jumps to believing this "Serpent" in Genesis 3:1 is a LITERAL snake, posessed by the Devil. This is God recalling matters, through Moses in a way that gives the reader insight into Satan's heart. It's like God is saying, so this Angel that I had appointed to look out for humanity... yeah... he turned out to be a genuine SNAKE! He was "Crafty" and attempted to overthrow Me. This is where that Snake first began to show the iniquity within his character.
Every kind of precious stone covered you:
carnelian, topaz, and diamond,[e]beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire,[f] turquoise[g] and emerald.[h]​
These 9 stones listed are very odd. They are rows 1,2 and 4 of the Hebrew Priest Breast Plate. Interesting enough, God has always been the "High Priest", but because Satan abused his authority and usurped the "Middle man" position, it would make sense that he is adorned with a partial priest plate. If you have that prophecy bone... Dan, Asher and Gad are missing from his Breast plate.
Your mountings and settings were crafted in gold; they were prepared on the day you were created.
This is what the stones are inlaid within on the breastplate, per the Law.
14 You were an anointed guardian cherub, for[i] I had appointed you.
Oddly enough, there is only one "Guardian Angel" ever directly mentioned as a "Guardian Angel" within the "Protestant 66". It is only logical that the appointment of Guardian Angel was Satan's initial High Station.. which would easily insinuate that he was in the Garden of Eden as a very specially appointed Guardian Angel.
You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the fiery stones.
This explains why, though God gave the Law, that Paul and Luke reveal that the Law was given by the dispensation of angels. Satan goes by another name, also, interestingly enough, within scripture. "Ba'al". Isn't it "odd" that the Israelites crafted a Golden Ba'al idol, while Moses was speaking on Mount Sinai to YH-H, Himself?
The fiery stones are no doubt a reference to what had to be instituted immediately after the deception of Eve. Alters and sacrifice had to be instituted. In fact, God brings animal skins for Adam and Eve to cover their shame which is a proto evangelum in and of itself. (Their shame was due to their implicit lacking when compared to God. It's interesting that the same Adam and Eve were able to be Naked and Unashamed in the presence of God, until the Devil deceived Eve to believe that she needed to have the Knowledge of God, as if she was "lacking". By God's work, Eve lacked nothing! (Adam and Eve were created on the 6th day and God declared His creation good.)
15 From the day you were created you were blameless in your ways until wickedness was found in you.
This is a verse that demonstrates that God didn't create the Devil to be the Devil, nor did He place him where He placed Him to "Cause the Fall" and demonstrate that OBEDIENCE to Him is His highest call. What we see in the wording of this verse, is that God indeed imbued His creation with Full Free Moral Agency. We see that Satan abused his agency and then deceived Eve to do the same.
16 Through the abundance of your trade, you were filled with violence, and you sinned.
Where did Satan actually first officially SIN? Eden. Which bares the question... why didn't God just wipe Satan out and restore Adam and Eve? Why did the Omnipotent, Infinite, Creator of everything, Who, Himself has Always existed and never not existed... Him Who preexists everything... allow Himself to be challenged in authority? I suggest that it is because God didn't HATE Satan, but Loved Satan, as much as He Loves all of His creations! It is Love that God demonstrates by fostering sincerity, within creation. It is Love that ensures that God allows Angels and Mankind to live out their lives as they choose. My personal assertion is that God only intercedes upon request or utter necessity in respects to the wellbeing of the human race.

Why a flood? Because God destroyed the flesh of those that were steeped in violence, but ONLY GOD knows the fate of their souls or spirits or ghosts or whatever you want to call that and believe what state they may exist as. Humanity was on a course of extinction and God interceded. This logic carries forward when any questions arise about why God does something that seems "UnLoving".
So I expelled you in disgrace from the mountain of God, and banished you, guardian cherub,[j] from among the fiery stones.
This is the end result of what Satan did to hang himself on his own gallows. Satan cut off his own nose, to spite his own face, but we haven't arrived at the exact HOW or exactly Just When, yet.
17 Your heart became proud because of your beauty; For the sake of your splendor you corrupted your wisdom.
Pride. His wisdom is lost due to his lust for Power and Self Righteousness.
So I threw you down to the earth; I made you a spectacle before kings.
This is exactly where we see Revelation 12:10 spoken about.
18 You profaned your sanctuaries by the magnitude of your iniquities in your dishonest trade.
Satan was part of something huge! He was involved in the sanctuary practices, somehow. He brought condemnation, ruin, death and turmoil, through deceit and duplicity

This concludes Part 5 of this OP (Links to first 4 parts are below this OP Part conclusion)
Link to part 1
Link to part 2
Link to part 3
Link to part 4
Link to part 6
Link to part 7
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