Premier Greek NT Scholar tackles Romans chapter 7


Sep 3, 2011
United States
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He doesn’t quite get it, although he’s pretty good. In Rom 7 Paul speaks of our struggle against sin, after explaining that the law is right, holy, spiritual, and good. At the end of Rom 7, however, Paul gives us the answer to this problem: Jesus Christ! And going into Rom 8 we see how this answer plays out in our lives; we now have the ability to overcome the sin that condemns us to death. The answer is not a reprieve from the penalty of sin, but forgiveness of past sin and then the overcoming of sin, through Him, under grace, by the Spirit. Must we achieve perfect sinlessness? No! And yet Mr Schreiner acknowledges that real change, as new creations, towards the good, is the result of being believers. At some point, grave, ugly, persistent sin, returning to the flesh, will separate us from God all over again. There’s nothing to be proud of in being a sinner. The point is to be aware of our tendency to sin while not giving it too much sway, too much power, or excusing it too easily. But he’s pretty darn good tho I have to admit, IMO, FWIW.

We’re here to experience/experiment with evil/sin and learn to hate it as we’re convicted of it. The ultimate goal is to have victory over it. We confess sin not merely as an act of humility, but also for the purpose of doing better next time, with the help of grace.
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