
Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2023
United States
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Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God.

Ephesians 6.

So. reader....who's armor is it?

A.) ITs Gods.
So this means its Spiritual, and you can't see it or provide it for yourself.

What does that mean?
It means :

1.) you don't work for it,
2.) and you don't strive to have it,
3.) and you don't try to do it.

A.) You RECEIVE IT from God, and you rest in it.

Listen, .. when you work , God rests.....and when you rest in God's Grace, God is your strength. "i can do all things through Christ , which STRENGTHENS ME/You"..

"It is GOD who strengthens you"

So, if the Armor of God is SPIRITUAL, and comes from GOD.....then HOW do you wear it?

Reader, you wear it inside your Faith, inside your heart, in the eyes of your understanding being opened.... in the INNER MAN., exactly as you "renew your mind".
In other words, its by Revelation KNOWLEDGE that you receive it and wear it.
Its by Spiritual ENLIGHTENMENT that you put it on.
ITs from GOD= into you, as the "renewed mind".

Its this....>"The EYES of your UNDERSTANDING">..being "ENLIGHTENED"... by revelation knowledge.
See that?
There is God's Armor, found.

Now...Look at this verse...

Proverbs 8:14. "Counsel is mine....and sound wisdom....I am understanding....= I HAVE Strength..""

See that?
That is the word of God,= that is the inner spiritual application of the word of God, that IS "understanding"... "Spiritual"... .and to have that is to have "STRENGTH" and this strength is the LIGHT of Revelation, ... given from God.

A.)= There is your ARMOR.

There is your : "i can do all things THROUGH Christ".
There is your : "be strong in the POWER of = HIS Might".
There is your "Christ always Gives me the Victory"...over my flesh, the world and the devil.
There is your "Freedom From SIN"

See that?
That is not you doing it.
That is you understanding it correctly, ... which is revelation knowledge...... which is how you "put it on". = The "renewing of your MIND".

And where do you put it on?
You put it on, according to this verse.

Hebrews 13:9

"Establish your HEART with GRACE" as this is "GOOD", and when you do this, when you only trust in Christ alone to be saved and to stay saved, then this real faith will become unto you the HEAD armor and the inner spiritual enlightenment and the power of the Grace of God = for you and in you and through you.

There is your " Armor".