How serious should we take dreams?


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Jan 21, 2024
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I'm not a big dreamer, I guess we all dream but as far as remembering them I usally don't.

However quite recently I've had more dreams as I wake up from them and they are quite vivid. And I guess you could say I just had my first ever christian dream and it was quite absurd really, won't go into all the details but I was avoiding a situation and as I got to the door to exit which had a few stairs up there was a few guys outside who got interested in what was inside.

I was literally standing in doorway and actually tried to block the vision for them to what I was avoiding and one of them who was about as tall as I peeked over my shoulder and he saw and he was drawn. I stepped aside and in they went but in came also an old lady dressed in quite old clothing and she stopped right infront of me with a big smile on her face. And she had something in her hands around her waist and she lifted it up and I knew it was the bible. She just smiled and looked at me.

When I got out I saw this giant of a man looking in my direction, very intense fellow and I had this strong sense that he had something to do with it. And he broke his attention to me and went into a building infront of me so I chased after. As I got inside he had his body turned in another direction so I walked up to him and grabbed a hold of his right arm and asked him what he was doing towards me. He grabbed a hold of both my arms firm but gently and as I was looking at his face I could just partially see his eyes as they were flaring with white light. He said: "I'm only doing my duty to the heavens".

I actually woke up right after he says heavens, and I had been laying in a way that I had pressed my ear in some weird angle that I could hear my pulse. But as I woke up from him saying heavens, I heard my pulse as heavens.... heavens.... heavens... in tact with my pulse.

I don't know about this dreaming stuff, it's abit weird to me. Are we suppose to take stuff like this seriously?


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I'm not a big dreamer, I guess we all dream but as far as remembering them I usally don't.

However quite recently I've had more dreams as I wake up from them and they are quite vivid. And I guess you could say I just had my first ever christian dream and it was quite absurd really, won't go into all the details but I was avoiding a situation and as I got to the door to exit which had a few stairs up there was a few guys outside who got interested in what was inside.

I was literally standing in doorway and actually tried to block the vision for them to what I was avoiding and one of them who was about as tall as I peeked over my shoulder and he saw and he was drawn. I stepped aside and in they went but in came also an old lady dressed in quite old clothing and she stopped right infront of me with a big smile on her face. And she had something in her hands around her waist and she lifted it up and I knew it was the bible. She just smiled and looked at me.

When I got out I saw this giant of a man looking in my direction, very intense fellow and I had this strong sense that he had something to do with it. And he broke his attention to me and went into a building infront of me so I chased after. As I got inside he had his body turned in another direction so I walked up to him and grabbed a hold of his right arm and asked him what he was doing towards me. He grabbed a hold of both my arms firm but gently and as I was looking at his face I could just partially see his eyes as they were flaring with white light. He said: "I'm only doing my duty to the heavens".

I actually woke up right after he says heavens, and I had been laying in a way that I had pressed my ear in some weird angle that I could hear my pulse. But as I woke up from him saying heavens, I heard my pulse as heavens.... heavens.... heavens... in tact with my pulse.

I don't know about this dreaming stuff, it's abit weird to me. Are we suppose to take stuff like this seriously?
Hello Michu. I hope everything is going well for you, fellow Christian. Please read the disclaimer* first, near the bottom of my post. All verses are in ESV format.

It is awesome that you had a dream with Christian elements, as these dreams do not always happen, Michu. Dreams can be complex, but they can also be meaningful and even reveal spiritual truths. Here are some Bible verses that may help you in interpreting your dream:

1. "For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds, then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings, that he may turn man aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; he keeps back his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword." - Job 33:14-18

God can speak to us through dreams, revealing warnings or guidance. Your dream may have been a message from God.

2. "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." - John 14:26

The Holy Spirit can help us remember the things that God reveals to us, including dreams.

3. Acts 10:9-33 discusses Peter's version. It is quite long for me to quote.

Peter, like you, was unsure of the significance of his dream. But God used it to bring about a significant encounter with Cornelius and the beginning of the spread of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

4. "So I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'" - Isaiah 6:8

Your dream may be a call from God for you to do something. Be open to the possibility that He may be asking you to take action based on what you have seen.

5. "But if anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." - Mark 4:23

God speaks to us in many ways, including through dreams. Be attentive and listen for His voice.

*Big disclaimer:

Not all dreams have deep spiritual or prophetic significance. Some dreams are simply the result of the brain processing the events and experiences of our daily lives. The Bible doesn't specifically teach us to interpret every dream, but rather encourages us to seek God's guidance and wisdom in all areas of our lives.

In your case, it may be helpful to reflect on any personal or emotional issues that might have been on your mind when you had the dream. It's also important to remember that dreams can be influenced by what we consume, such as food or media. If there is no obvious spiritual message or significance in your dream, it may simply be a reflection of the normal functioning of your brain.

The Bible teaches us to trust God in all things, including our dreams and the interpretation of them. If you feel led to seek a deeper understanding of your dream, I would encourage you to pray about it and ask God for wisdom and clarity. But if you sense that the dream was just a normal part of your sleep cycle, you can trust that God is still in control of your life and will guide you according to His perfect plan.

Ultimately, whether or not your dreams have spiritual significance, the most important thing is to seek a deeper relationship with God and to trust His leading in your life. May God bless you and give you peace as you navigate the mysteries of dreams and the deeper truths of His Word.
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Jan 21, 2024
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Hello Michu. I hope everything is going well for you, fellow Christian. Please read the disclaimer* first, near the bottom of my post. All verses are in ESV format.

It is awesome that you had a dream with Christian elements, as these dreams do not always happen, Michu. Dreams can be complex, but they can also be meaningful and even reveal spiritual truths. Here are some Bible verses that may help you in interpreting your dream:

1. "For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds, then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings, that he may turn man aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; he keeps back his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword." - Job 33:14-18

God can speak to us through dreams, revealing warnings or guidance. Your dream may have been a message from God.

2. "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." - John 14:26

The Holy Spirit can help us remember the things that God reveals to us, including dreams.

3. Acts 10:9-33 discusses Peter's version. It is quite long for me to quote.

Peter, like you, was unsure of the significance of his dream. But God used it to bring about a significant encounter with Cornelius and the beginning of the spread of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

4. "So I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'" - Isaiah 6:8

Your dream may be a call from God for you to do something. Be open to the possibility that He may be asking you to take action based on what you have seen.

5. "But if anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." - Mark 4:23

God speaks to us in many ways, including through dreams. Be attentive and listen for His voice.

*Big disclaimer:

Not all dreams have deep spiritual or prophetic significance. Some dreams are simply the result of the brain processing the events and experiences of our daily lives. The Bible doesn't specifically teach us to interpret every dream, but rather encourages us to seek God's guidance and wisdom in all areas of our lives.

In your case, it may be helpful to reflect on any personal or emotional issues that might have been on your mind when you had the dream. It's also important to remember that dreams can be influenced by what we consume, such as food or media. If there is no obvious spiritual message or significance in your dream, it may simply be a reflection of the normal functioning of your brain.

The Bible teaches us to trust God in all things, including our dreams and the interpretation of them. If you feel led to seek a deeper understanding of your dream, I would encourage you to pray about it and ask God for wisdom and clarity. But if you sense that the dream was just a normal part of your sleep cycle, you can trust that God is still in control of your life and will guide you according to His perfect plan.

Ultimately, whether or not your dreams have spiritual significance, the most important thing is to seek a deeper relationship with God and to trust His leading in your life. May God bless you and give you peace as you navigate the mysteries of dreams and the deeper truths of His Word.
Thank you,

It is the problem that I have and I don't really know how I should relate to it, as you say it may be, but it could also just be my brain doing it's thing when I'm asleep. I kinda feel like a baby dreamer. I find dreams and visions to be a little bit of an odd space to begin with as I'm naturally sceptical. Even for me to listen to others discussing their own and the meaning thereof, I havn't been able to relate to that much.

For someone like me who doesn't usally have too strong dreams to now have them in very much detail and to now having my faith in there aswell, I feel weird about it.

I don't think I should ignore them though.

I appreciate it and and will try to look into the subject a little bit more. And if someone has anything else to say about how we as christians should relate to very strong spiritual / christian dreams, maybe out of biblical teachings, it's very much welcomed!

I used to be agnostic you know, it took me several years to believe in god. He had to show himself to me and he did, enough to have me believe anyway. With dreams I feel like I need new proofs of it's being from god, the proof is in the pudding ye?

Thank you, god bless!
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Thank you,

It is the problem that I have and I don't really know how I should relate to it, as you say it may be, but it could also just be my brain doing it's thing when I'm asleep. I kinda feel like a baby dreamer. I find dreams and visions to be a little bit of an odd space to begin with as I'm naturally sceptical. Even for me to listen to others discussing their own and the meaning thereof, I havn't been able to relate to that much.

For someone like me who doesn't usally have too strong dreams to now have them in very much detail and to now having my faith in there aswell, I feel weird about it.

I don't think I should ignore them though.

I appreciate it and and will try to look into the subject a little bit more. And if someone has anything else to say about how we as christians should relate to very strong spiritual / christian dreams, maybe out of biblical teachings, it's very much welcomed!

I used to be agnostic you know, it took me several years to believe in god. He had to show himself to me and he did, enough to have me believe anyway. With dreams I feel like I need new proofs of it's being from god, the proof is in the pudding ye?

Thank you, god bless!
You might want to talk to a pastor or a priest about this.
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