
  1. cradleGO

    God's Punishment/Judgment - EO View

    The toughest part of belief in my view is how God will mete out punishment/ how we will be judged. I am not asking about myself but about "how it works". On the one hand, I know that God is a loving God and wants the best for us. And Christ has clearly laid out what is most important to Him...
  2. Christsfreeservant

    The Heavens Proclaim His Righteousness

    “The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” “The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory. All worshipers of images...
  3. The Liturgist

    Orthodox Priest on the dangers of Legalism and Selfish Spirituality

    I particularly liked the quote he thought was from St. Isaac the Syrian “God is not just, God is Love, if he were just I would be the first person condemned to Hell.
  4. Christsfreeservant

    What We Set Before our Eyes

    Video Talk Psalms 101:1-3 ESV “I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music. I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house; I will not set before my eyes anything that is...
  5. G

    A population of variations of the Greatest Evolution, varies the greatest it can "evolve"?

    Hi there, So, new concept: if there is Evolution that is good, there is Evolution that is best. Conclusion: if the best is varied, the best will be prolonged. Interpretation: there is better that can be evolved, until keeping what has already been evolved becomes more important. The point being...
  6. V

    Lawyer who twice voted against Trump says this is a 'sad day for the Constitution'

    Dershowitz said there are three groups of people: those who are anti-Trump and want anything done to get him; the pro-Trump people who think he can do no wrong; and the "vast majority" of Americans who are centrists who "want to see the law applied fairly and equally, and we're seeing this more...
  7. A

    What are the Dangers of the Judgemental side of David's life in the Bible?

    David can be seen as a warrior-King chosen by God to lead Israel. In 2 Samuel 8, we see David bringing judgement upon the enemies of Israel in a playful arbitrary manner like a vigilante does in comic books. Psalm 109 which is well-known for it's imprecatory nature was either...
  8. G

    Works continue, long after faith is gone (selah)

    Hi there, So there is a painfully obvious point to make, in the manner that James spoke of about showing his faith by his works (from memory, James): In other words, we do not get to Heaven by works, but that does not change the fact that the faith (at least for the faith of its own sake) will...
  9. G

    There is an adaptation, none of your ancestors had; an expectation, you have to wait for

    True, yes, How do I know this? I know this, because God has not created everything that is in His power to Create. God is able to Create more! That God is always able to Create more, means that anyone who believes in Him, is able to live above mere survival. Everything that was Created in...
  10. FredVB

    Provision For Restoration Started

    With all that destruction on all the land, what would be left? There would not be enough for food for people to eat, from that. The family that survived all the destruction on the earth with being preserved with all the life on the ark were already familiar with the previous people who perished...
  11. G

    This is what I don't get: you can transition into almost anything, till you are put straight back

    Hi there, So this is what I don't get: you can transition into almost anything, as a species, kind after kind after kind, and then due to selection pressures prevailing against you, you can be put straight back to the kind you were, but not less. How does that even make sense? I mean if I am...
  12. Windeneda Innusah


    TAKE TO HEART THE FOLLOWING VERSES Num. 23:19 - “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good"? Mal. 3:6 - "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not...
  13. G

    The remnant of God, will be preserved

    Hi there, Frequently we talk about the remnant being saved, in the Old Testament - but few realise that the remnant being saved, extends to the remnant of God. The just shall live by faith, this extends even to God - He must endure destruction, that is the destruction of His Power, to secure...
  14. dzheremi

    HG Bishop Youssef (Southern US Diocese): "Seeking Justice in an Unjust World" + Q&A

    From July 7, 2020 -- HG Bishop Youssef of the Southern United States diocese of the Coptic Orthodox Church speaks on the topic of seeking justice in an unjust world to a group of young Coptic lawyers, law students, and young professionals in Atlanta, Georgia: Taking questions from the...
  15. S

    Health Insurance, amidst Infanticide

    Over a year ago, I remember hearing on the news several stories on the radio, and reading about them online, about states like Virginia, New York and Illinois passing laws permitting new and more horrifying levels of infanticide. For instance, in Illinois assault and battery law (see footnotes)...
  16. Mr. M

    A Just Recompense

    Matthew 7:1&2. Stop judging, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. The justice and judgment of God is that we set our...
  17. T

    What It Means To Fear God

    This is what it means to fear God... Judgement day is today; the eyes of the judge are on you at this very moment, so prove your case to him while it is time. A blind faith that Jesus came so that God's eyes have been made blind to a corrupted life is an ignorant hope. Jesus came to show each...
  18. T

    What it means to fear God

    This is what it means to fear God... Judgment day is today; the eyes of the judge are on you at this very moment, so prove your case to him while it is time. A blind faith that Jesus came so that God's eyes have been made blind to a corrupted life is an ignorant hope. Jesus came to show each...
  19. archarios

    Donald Trump Signs Law to End Rape Kit Testing Backlog

    Donald Trump Signs Law to End Rape Kit Testing Backlog I think this is a good law to sign and will help solve a very important problem.
  20. questionman

    Sin, guilt, condemnation and the age of innocence

    Assumptions: At the end of the age, God will judge mankind. If man is found guilty, he will be punished. We know that all men will be found guilty because all have sinned. In the gospel, Jesus assumes our guilt to himself and imputes his righteousness to us. It seems like there are at least two...