artificial intelligence

  1. Victor Medvil

    What is your view on Biological Immortality

    There is an entire movement called trans-humanism dedicated to supporting technologies and sciences such as Biotechnology,Nanotechnology, and Robotics to become Physically Immortal and "God-like" on this Earth via technology, I wanted to know Christian views on such a attempt does this conflict...
  2. seekingmuch

    Can A.I. become Self-Aware as in Skynet?

    With the advent of robots being perfected and Alexa and Google Assistant, along with Siri, becoming so sophisticated, will artificial intelligence become self-aware one day? Facebook actually killed an A.I. experiment between two bots because the bots developed their own language to talk to each...
  3. SummerMadness

    A.I. Could Worsen Health Disparities

    A.I. Could Worsen Health Disparities One of the big problems with reliance on machine learning algorithms is placing too much faith in the results without regard for the training set used. If the data used to build the AI is flawed, then your outcomes will be still flawed. And unlike humans...
  4. 2PhiloVoid

    "Artificial" Apologetics for the Truth of the book of Revelation

    Partially in response to talks given in 2018 by Yuval Noah Harari [as seen here], the Apologetics ministry of Ravi Zacharias very recently presented the following talk given by the Christian apologist, mathematician and philosopher of science, John Lennox, followed by further assessments from...
  5. Anguspure

    Neurologist outlines why machines can’t think

    This article is an interesting discussion about why it is not AI that is a threat to humanity. Rather it is humanity that may use AI to destroy itself. A cornerstone of the development of artificial intelligence is the...
  6. S

    Is Artificial Intelligence Part Of The Beast System?

    Interesting video above. Just wanted to start a discussion around this.
  7. SummerMadness

    Racist, Sexist AI Could Be A Bigger Problem Than Lost Jobs

    Racist, Sexist AI Could Be A Bigger Problem Than Lost Jobs
  8. SummerMadness

    AI Model Fundamentally Cracks CAPTCHAs, Scientists Say

    AI Model Fundamentally Cracks CAPTCHAs, Scientists Say
  9. Lulav

    The Mystery of the Feet of Clay and Iron

    Remember that huge Status that King Nebuchadnezar erected? It gave us a preview of how things would be in the end times. He based it off the interpretation of his dream that Daniel gave him. But he thought that the whole body should be Gold, he must have thought all kingdoms of all times...
  10. Radrook

    AI, Is Concern Warranted?

    Is Concern for AI Waranted?