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    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread What's on your mind?.
      Been a minute or two. How is going, CF?
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread Self-Care.
      That sounds fun. What sorts of careers have peaked your interest so far? I'm getting takeout for dinner, have an old episode of Top...
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 reacted to sampa's post in the thread Self-Care with Like Like.
      Self care tonight: Having some turmeric nut milk latte and reading a job hunting book to explore a second career. Gotta look at the...
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread Health and Fitness Goals.
      Wow that's fantastic! I hope everything keeps going well and you continue to improve.
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 reacted to sampa's post in the thread Health and Fitness Goals with Like Like.
      10k trail race completed a couple weeks ago. Grueling 5 weeks training during Daniel fast, elimination diet, and no caffeine during...
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread What's on your mind?.
      Something about that reminds me of an awkward interaction I had at the mall once when these two "missionaries" tried to start peddling...
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread What's on your mind?.
      Just got home from rhe ER with my mom. She was having heart palpitations/irregular heartbeat. Doesn't seem to be anything too...
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread What's on your mind?.
      I miss designing houses in The Sims.
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread How did your day go?.
      Work was on a whole special level of awfulness, but my team held together and we had fun. Family dinner was good. My sister and her...
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 replied to the thread What's on your mind?.
      You just listed 98% of my personality xD
    • mojoboy31
      mojoboy31 reacted to TheRealAriel's post in the thread What's on your mind? with Like Like.
      Happy Birthday @mojoboy31 ! May your day be full of vintage hats, strong coffees and chuckle worthy memes!
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