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    • F
      If its set up 30 days before the mid point and the 7 years has 2520 days in it, why is it even a question? Subtract 1290 days from...
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      Fisherking replied to the thread Who are the 144,000.
      This is real easy if one thinks it through. If one is not capable of seeing it for the code it is, hes out of luck. God uses numbers...
    • F
      Basically, nothing in either chapter is the First Half of the 70th week. Rev . 12 is all 2nd half, I mean the Jews Flee at the 1290...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread Mark of the Beast.
      The Mark of the Beast is simple, matters not what it is, you will be given a choice, (not me or the Church we will not be here) of do...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread Mark of the Beast.
      Not really, it says they will not listen to his epistles, just as they would not listen unto the "other scriptures" So, he calls one...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread Mark of the Beast.
      They were still Letters to the Churches, not meant to be Holy Writ. You not understanding FACTS is on you my friend. You want to argue...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread Mark of the Beast.
      They were LETTERS unto Churches. So Paul never intended them to be thus saith the Lord. The RCC made them scriptures. Not saying we...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread Mark of the Beast.
      For starters, most people get all this wrong, the listen to Paul, who was not the Prophecy guy per se, John was. I think Paul deduced...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread How Old Is The Earth.
      That of course is not true. Man was created 6000 years ago, when God placed His spirit into a clay/dust being, thereby Man was created...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread How Old Is The Earth.
      This is not a true statement, even if you do not quite grasp that it is not factual, I try not to chew my cud too many times, I find we...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread How Old Is The Earth.
      And if I put a radar image on my computer and sent it out that would also not be a radar image, but they used the WMAP to map all this...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread How Old Is The Earth.
      I doubt you will ever get it, tunnel vision is a real thing my friend. Yes yowm can mean DAY........but it can also mean many other TIME...
      • main-qimg-6eaf313be7f71fc208465170c02ff3a6-lq (1).jpg
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread How Old Is The Earth.
      Its not a day, the earths crust took millions of years to cool. Its not even debatable, all you do my friend is lose the chance to...
    • F
      Fisherking reacted to Diamond7's post in the thread How Old Is The Earth with Like Like.
      Einstein said it all in E=MC2. You have to know what you are talking about and understand a subject to make is simple and concise. When...
    • F
      Fisherking replied to the thread How Old Is The Earth.
      Because Moses and most Hebrew writers had no understanding of billions of years, so their YOWM could never give a detailed description...
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