Your Sacred Calling: An Open Letter To Conservative Christian Guys



From a Conservative Christian Young Woman
Struggling to Remain Modest, Pure, and Content

I know that every family has different standards. They have different convictions that the Lord has put upon their hearts, and different likes and dislikes, unique styles and tastes. Christian fathers differ on plenty of things too. Therefore, the way each father leads his family varies. But, sometimes things that are clearly against the teachings of the Bible, get veiled under the “our own standards” cloak.

I don’t have a problem with girls wearing pants. I don’t have a problem with girls wearing only skirts. I don’t have a problem with stylish clothes, jewelry, makeup, or fashion—I wear these things. What I do have a problem with is girls who purposefully flaunt themselves in front of young men, especially since one of them could very well be my future husband - and I have a huge problem with the guys who fall them.

Continued here:
yoursacredcalling . blogspot . com /2010/08/open-letter-to-conservative-christian.html

Girls, guys, what are your thoughts? I personally really agree with her, but I know that it seems a little one-sided, because there are plenty of Christian girls who seem to only go for the trendy "bad boys" at Church.