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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
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The ancient city of Xi'an is one deeply-rooted in Chinese history. Its city walls were build during the golden era of the Tang dynasty, and its famous Terracotta Army depicts the warriors of China's first emperor. Today, this capital city is a thriving center of tourism, culture, and scientific research. To step into the streets of Xi'an are to enter the worlds of the past and the present all at once.

This month, we are praying for house churches in Xi'an. Will you join us in praying for the King of Kings to be glorified in this ancient city, for the renewal of his gospel of grace to transform its ancient heart?
This Week's Prayer Guide

September 29 - This October, we are praying for the central-northwestern city of Xi’an. Pray for the gospel to go deeper and wider among the churches and people of Xi’an.
September 30 - Xi’an is one of China’s most ancient cities. It served as the capital of several dynasties, including the Zhou and Tang dynasties. The ancient city wall still stands, and its Terracotta Army is one of China’s most famous landmarks. Pray for the King of Kings to be glorified in this ancient city.
October 1 - The ancient name of Xi’an was Chang’an, translated in English as the “City of Perpetual Peace.” Pray that Jesus, the true Prince of Peace, may bring the peace of his life, death, resurrection, and ascension to this city.
October 2 - Xi’an is one of China’s leading cities for tourism. Each year, hundreds of millions of tourists make the trip to see the city’s old sites, sample its food, and partake in its culture. Pray that the economy and city health can be strengthened by this tourism, and that those who visit Xi’an to encounter its culture will also have a chance to encounter Christ.
October 3 - The population of Xi’an has grown greatly over the last 15 years. Though it has always been a deeply-rooted city in China with such a long history, one pastor notes the changes he has seen: “I’ve been here 16 years. There have been a lot of changes. When I came, Xi’an was in bad shape, a lot of thieves and the city was in tatters. The population has grown so much over these years. Before it was a small town; now it’s a big city.” As the city grows, pray that the church will also grow, that they can be renewed and that new churches will be planted to help reach the local communities.
October 4 - There are many universities in Xi’an, and it is a center of learning. In 2023, Xi’an was noted to be one of the world’s top twenty leading cities in fields of scientific research. Pray for churches in Xi’an to have the opportunity to love and care for the many students who live in the city, and to be a witness of Christ to them.
October 5 - During the Tang dynasty, the first Christian missionary on record arrived in Xi’an via the ancient silk road. God has long been at work in this city. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to save the lost, broken, and hurting in this city, that the people of Xi’an may find hope in Christ.

9月30日——西安是中国最古老的城市之一。它曾是多个朝代的都城, 包括周朝和唐朝。古城墙依然屹立,其兵马俑是中国最著名的地标之一。求主使万王之王在这座古城中得荣耀。
10月1日——西安的古名是长安, “长久安定之城”。求主使耶稣这位真正的和平之君将他的生命、死亡、复活和升天的福音带给这座城市。
10月3日——西安的人口在过去15年里有了显著增长。虽然西安在中国历史悠久, 根基深厚, 但一位牧师还是注意到了他所看到的变化: "我在这里已经16年了。变化很大。我刚来的时候,西安的状况很糟糕, 小偷很多, 城市破败不堪。这些年,人口增长了很多。以前它是一个小镇, 现在它是一个大城市。" 随着城市的增长,祈祷教堂也能发展, 祈祷它们能够更新, 祈祷新的教堂能够建立起来帮助当地社区。
10月4日——西安有许多大学, 是个学习中心。2023年, 西安成为全球科研领域排名前二十的城市之一。请为西安的教会祷告, 让他们有机会关爱居住在西安的众多学生, 成为基督的见证人。
10月5日——唐代, 有记载的首位基督教传教士通过古丝绸之路抵达西安。上帝一直在这座城市中工作。祈求圣灵继续拯救这座城市中迷失、破碎和受伤的人,让西安人民在基督里找到希望。


Messianic Arabic-Semitic Chinese
Oct 19, 2005
Beijing China
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HuaJueXiang Mosque, Xi'an, China
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