Why our Schools teach Socialism and Attack Christianity


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Jan 12, 2016
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Marxism and Humanism are the predominant philosophies of America's education establishment, yet every day we send the public schools our most precious gift, our children, to be "educated."

Our schools are filled with sex education, political correctness, environmental extremism, global unity, diversity training (pro-gay indoctrination), and "higher-order thinking skills" boldly claiming that, in order to become a higher order thinker, one must first believe absolutely that there are no absolutes!

Our schools are filled with violence, murder, extortion, rape, unwanted pregnancy, drug use, disrespect, and foul language. Test scores have been declining for decades as the numbers of children who cannot read continue to increase.

While the pontificators wonder why this is so, many parents and citizens have figured it out. Although earth worship, paganism and the occult flourish in public schools, the Greatest Story Ever Told, based on the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible, which tells of the greatest teacher who ever lived, Jesus Christ, is not used or even allowed. The Bible was America's first textbook, but today it is referred to as a collection of fables.

America's educational system began to decline with the introduction of socialism, given impetus by the increasing involvement of the federal government. Lenin said: "Communism is socialism in a hurry." Socialism, therefore, is Communism by gradualism rather than by revolution. The socialist "Fabian Society," forerunner of most socialist groups in America, had as its motto "Make Haste Slowly."

"Democratic socialism" became the battle cry for socializing the United States. The goal was to "permeate and penetrate," then control from within. The socialists' first target was education, and they attacked with deceitful language. There were no badges or socialist labels; followers described themselves as "liberal," "progressive," and even "moderate." Words were the weapon of choice in this new war. By changing the meanings of words, socialists concealed their true purpose.

This massive social engineering was carried out under the banners of "reform" and "social justice." These innovations are in the public interest, Americans were told. They promote true democracy, humanitarianism, and, of course are "for the children." The buzzwords of socialism were and still are "social" and "democracy" (i.e. social science, social studies and socialization of the child).

In the early 1900s, unrest in Europe brought thousands of socialists to America. Many held degrees in psychology, sociology and psychiatry (the behavioral sciences) and a number of them became university professors.

Norman Thomas, a socialist and member of the American Civil Liberties Union, boldly told the world: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

John Dewey, known as "the father of modern education," was an avowed socialist and the co-author of the "Humanist Manifesto." The U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities discovered that he belonged to 15 Marxist front organizations. Dewey taught the professors who trained America's teachers. Obsessed with "the group," he said, "You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society, which is coming, where everyone is interdependent."

Author Rosalie Gordon, writing about Dewey's progressive (socialist) education in her book What's Happened To Our Schools, said: "The progressive system has reached all the way down to the lowest grades to prepare the children of America for their role as the collectivists of the future. The group - not the individual child - is the quintessence of progressivism. The child must always be made to feel part of the group. He must indulge in group thinking and group activity."

After visiting the Soviet Union, Dewey wrote six articles on the "wonders" of Soviet education. The School-To-Work program, now in our public schools in all 50 states, is modeled after the Soviet poly-technical system.

In 1936, the National Education Association stated the position from which it has never wavered: "We stand for socializing the individual." The NEA, in its Policy For American Education, opined: "The major problem of education in our times arises out of the fact that we live in a period of fundamental social change. In the new democracy [what happened to our republic?], education must share in the responsibility of giving purpose and direction to social change. The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual . . . Education must operate according to a well-formulated social policy."

NEA specialist Paul Haubner, tells us, "The schools cannot allow parents to influence the kind of values-education their children receive in school; . that is what is wrong with those who say there is a universal system of values. Our goals are incompatible with theirs. We must change their values."

Chester M. Pierce, M.D., Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard, had this to say: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well - by creating the international child of the future."

Some politicians agree. Former Nebraska state senator Peter Hoagland said: "Fundamentalist parents have no right to indoctrinate their children in their beliefs. We are preparing their children for the year 2000 and life in a global one-world society and those children will not fit in."

In the Humanist Magazine, Jan./Feb 1983, John Dunphy wrote: "The battle for mankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom . The classroom must and will become the arena of conflict between the old and the new . the rotting corpse of Christianity and the new faith of humanism."

Bureaucrats, politicians and educators regularly appear on television blaming either parents or lack of funds for the failure of our schools. Their prescription is always the same: more money and more government control. For well over 50 years, American voters have fallen for these fallacies. Victor Gollancz, a famous socialist publisher, explained why he believed that socialism would take over America: "Christians are not exactly bright, so it will be easy for socialism to lead them down the garden path through their ideals of brotherly love and 'social justice.'"

It's time for Christians to stand up for their families and their faith and put God in charge of this nation and its schools. Restoring America is that simple.

Why Our Schools Teach Socialism -- September 2001 Education Reporter


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As a teacher, let me answer this for you...

Marxism and Humanism are the predominant philosophies of America's education establishment, yet every day we send the public schools our most precious gift, our children, to be "educated."

No, the predominant philosophy is that children see the world with an inherent intellectual curiosity and it is our job as teachers to teach them about the world and promote their intellectual curiosity.

Our schools are filled with sex education

Since the majority of parents don't do it, it's either us or inappropriate content. Regardless, it's not always even the best sex education either.

political correctness

If by you mean respecting other people, and now go around insulting other people, the yes. That's not political correctness, that's teaching them how to treat other people.

environmental extremism

No, we teach them about renewable vs non-renewable energy, and how the environment works. There's no extremism being promoted.

global unity

If you mean talk about other cultures, how cultures impact each other, and how interconnected everyone is, then yes.

diversity training (pro-gay indoctrination)

You mean teaching that you should respect other people's differences in beliefs, cultures, and such, then yes. We don't teach that you have to agree with them, but you shouldn't treat them any differently.

and "higher-order thinking skills" boldly claiming that, in order to become a higher order thinker, one must first believe absolutely that there are no absolutes!

1) That's not "higher-order thinking skills" means, it means being able to critically think about something and be able to think about thinking (metathinking). It has nothing to do with believing that there are no absolutes.
2) These higher-order thinking skills are actually what separates us from even the most intelligent animals and without them we would still be quite literally living in the stone age or before.

Our schools are filled with violence, murder, extortion, rape, unwanted pregnancy, drug use, disrespect, and foul language.

Our teen pregnancy rate has been declining for decades, our bullying rate has declining, teen drug use has declined over the years,

Test scores have been declining for decades as the numbers of children who cannot read continue to increase.

The problem with the test scores in the United States is incredibly complicated and it would ultimately make this post extremely long, so I'll just give a summary: We're measuring and concerned about proficiency instead of growth, and our class sizes are too large because schools are either underfunded and misallocated funds.

Although earth worship, paganism and the occult flourish in public schools

No, they don't. Teachers cannot promote religion. Actually, according to Barna research, about half of us are practicing Christians, and about two-thirds of people who volunteer in public schools are practicing Christians.

the Greatest Story Ever Told, based on the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible, which tells of the greatest teacher who ever lived, Jesus Christ, is not used or even allowed. The Bible was America's first textbook, but today it is referred to as a collection of fables.

Actually no, The Bible can still be used as a textbook, there are public schools with religion classes where students academically study religious texts and such.

America's educational system began to decline with the introduction of socialism, given impetus by the increasing involvement of the federal government.

Fun fact: The federal government actually has very little to do with what is taught in the classroom.

This massive social engineering was carried out under the banners of "reform" and "social justice." These innovations are in the public interest, Americans were told. They promote true democracy, humanitarianism, and, of course are "for the children." The buzzwords of socialism were and still are "social" and "democracy" (i.e. social science, social studies and socialization of the child).

In the early 1900s, unrest in Europe brought thousands of socialists to America. Many held degrees in psychology, sociology and psychiatry (the behavioral sciences) and a number of them became university professors.

Norman Thomas, a socialist and member of the American Civil Liberties Union, boldly told the world: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

John Dewey, known as "the father of modern education," was an avowed socialist and the co-author of the "Humanist Manifesto." The U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities discovered that he belonged to 15 Marxist front organizations. Dewey taught the professors who trained America's teachers. Obsessed with "the group," he said, "You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society, which is coming, where everyone is interdependent."

Author Rosalie Gordon, writing about Dewey's progressive (socialist) education in her book What's Happened To Our Schools, said: "The progressive system has reached all the way down to the lowest grades to prepare the children of America for their role as the collectivists of the future. The group - not the individual child - is the quintessence of progressivism. The child must always be made to feel part of the group. He must indulge in group thinking and group activity."

After visiting the Soviet Union, Dewey wrote six articles on the "wonders" of Soviet education. The School-To-Work program, now in our public schools in all 50 states, is modeled after the Soviet poly-technical system.

In 1936, the National Education Association stated the position from which it has never wavered: "We stand for socializing the individual." The NEA, in its Policy For American Education, opined: "The major problem of education in our times arises out of the fact that we live in a period of fundamental social change. In the new democracy [what happened to our republic?], education must share in the responsibility of giving purpose and direction to social change. The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual . . . Education must operate according to a well-formulated social policy."

NEA specialist Paul Haubner, tells us, "The schools cannot allow parents to influence the kind of values-education their children receive in school; . that is what is wrong with those who say there is a universal system of values. Our goals are incompatible with theirs. We must change their values."

Chester M. Pierce, M.D., Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard, had this to say: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well - by creating the international child of the future."

Some politicians agree. Former Nebraska state senator Peter Hoagland said: "Fundamentalist parents have no right to indoctrinate their children in their beliefs. We are preparing their children for the year 2000 and life in a global one-world society and those children will not fit in."

In the Humanist Magazine, Jan./Feb 1983, John Dunphy wrote: "The battle for mankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom . The classroom must and will become the arena of conflict between the old and the new . the rotting corpse of Christianity and the new faith of humanism."

Bureaucrats, politicians and educators regularly appear on television blaming either parents or lack of funds for the failure of our schools. Their prescription is always the same: more money and more government control. For well over 50 years, American voters have fallen for these fallacies. Victor Gollancz, a famous socialist publisher, explained why he believed that socialism would take over America: "Christians are not exactly bright, so it will be easy for socialism to lead them down the garden path through their ideals of brotherly love and 'social justice.'"

I'm just going to address the general idea here that we're sort of brain washing the kids away from Christianity and towards socialism, atheism, etc. That's further from the truth. In fact, the exact opposite of brain washing occurs in public schools. If I'm teaching geography and your child is in my class, and while we're in the Middle East unit I give lesson about the basics of Islam, going off the governmental requirement of "The student understands the basics of Islam" they come home and talk about how beautiful they thought mosques were. That is the perfect opportunity for you to talk about architecture and Christianity, not send me a knee-jerk email about how I'm indoctrinating your child with Islam. That's ultimately going to end up in a meeting that no one wants to be at and will accomplish nothing because from our end we'll be heartbroken because we see a parent who wants to shut down their childs intellectual curiosity and you'll see it as us "indoctrinating your child".

It's time for Christians to stand up for their families and their faith and put God in charge of this nation and its schools. Restoring America is that simple.

God is not bound by our laws. God goes where God pleases go, God is in charge of this nation and our schools regardless of who is in power. If you don't believe that God is in our schools, I encourage you to go watch a "See You at the Pole" even where teachers and students pray together as one body in Christ over their schools. I've never known a Christian teacher who doesn't pray for their students or even remotely what believe that what they're doing is not in service to God. I don't generally like telling people stuff like this, but I feel it's appropriate here, but whenever I got to school early enough while I was student teaching, I would walk through the classroom, touching every desk, asking God to be with and bless the students. God was in that classroom every day, just like he is every classroom of every other Christian teacher in this country.
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Aryeh Jay

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I personally like the idea of the Bible being a textbook. There is no violence, rape sex, murder, genocide, infanticide, foul language, incest, or any other objectionable junk like the PC so called text books that the Obama administration has forced on our children and oppressed us with.
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Dec 21, 2005
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Marxism and Humanism are the predominant philosophies of America's education establishment, yet every day we send the public schools our most precious gift, our children, to be "educated."

Our schools are filled with sex education, political correctness, environmental extremism, global unity, diversity training (pro-gay indoctrination), and "higher-order thinking skills" boldly claiming that, in order to become a higher order thinker, one must first believe absolutely that there are no absolutes!

Our schools are filled with violence, murder, extortion, rape, unwanted pregnancy, drug use, disrespect, and foul language. Test scores have been declining for decades as the numbers of children who cannot read continue to increase.

While the pontificators wonder why this is so, many parents and citizens have figured it out. Although earth worship, paganism and the occult flourish in public schools, the Greatest Story Ever Told, based on the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible, which tells of the greatest teacher who ever lived, Jesus Christ, is not used or even allowed. The Bible was America's first textbook, but today it is referred to as a collection of fables.

America's educational system began to decline with the introduction of socialism, given impetus by the increasing involvement of the federal government. Lenin said: "Communism is socialism in a hurry." Socialism, therefore, is Communism by gradualism rather than by revolution. The socialist "Fabian Society," forerunner of most socialist groups in America, had as its motto "Make Haste Slowly."

"Democratic socialism" became the battle cry for socializing the United States. The goal was to "permeate and penetrate," then control from within. The socialists' first target was education, and they attacked with deceitful language. There were no badges or socialist labels; followers described themselves as "liberal," "progressive," and even "moderate." Words were the weapon of choice in this new war. By changing the meanings of words, socialists concealed their true purpose.

This massive social engineering was carried out under the banners of "reform" and "social justice." These innovations are in the public interest, Americans were told. They promote true democracy, humanitarianism, and, of course are "for the children." The buzzwords of socialism were and still are "social" and "democracy" (i.e. social science, social studies and socialization of the child).

In the early 1900s, unrest in Europe brought thousands of socialists to America. Many held degrees in psychology, sociology and psychiatry (the behavioral sciences) and a number of them became university professors.

Norman Thomas, a socialist and member of the American Civil Liberties Union, boldly told the world: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

John Dewey, known as "the father of modern education," was an avowed socialist and the co-author of the "Humanist Manifesto." The U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities discovered that he belonged to 15 Marxist front organizations. Dewey taught the professors who trained America's teachers. Obsessed with "the group," he said, "You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society, which is coming, where everyone is interdependent."

Author Rosalie Gordon, writing about Dewey's progressive (socialist) education in her book What's Happened To Our Schools, said: "The progressive system has reached all the way down to the lowest grades to prepare the children of America for their role as the collectivists of the future. The group - not the individual child - is the quintessence of progressivism. The child must always be made to feel part of the group. He must indulge in group thinking and group activity."

After visiting the Soviet Union, Dewey wrote six articles on the "wonders" of Soviet education. The School-To-Work program, now in our public schools in all 50 states, is modeled after the Soviet poly-technical system.

In 1936, the National Education Association stated the position from which it has never wavered: "We stand for socializing the individual." The NEA, in its Policy For American Education, opined: "The major problem of education in our times arises out of the fact that we live in a period of fundamental social change. In the new democracy [what happened to our republic?], education must share in the responsibility of giving purpose and direction to social change. The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual . . . Education must operate according to a well-formulated social policy."

NEA specialist Paul Haubner, tells us, "The schools cannot allow parents to influence the kind of values-education their children receive in school; . that is what is wrong with those who say there is a universal system of values. Our goals are incompatible with theirs. We must change their values."

Chester M. Pierce, M.D., Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard, had this to say: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well - by creating the international child of the future."

Some politicians agree. Former Nebraska state senator Peter Hoagland said: "Fundamentalist parents have no right to indoctrinate their children in their beliefs. We are preparing their children for the year 2000 and life in a global one-world society and those children will not fit in."

In the Humanist Magazine, Jan./Feb 1983, John Dunphy wrote: "The battle for mankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom . The classroom must and will become the arena of conflict between the old and the new . the rotting corpse of Christianity and the new faith of humanism."

Bureaucrats, politicians and educators regularly appear on television blaming either parents or lack of funds for the failure of our schools. Their prescription is always the same: more money and more government control. For well over 50 years, American voters have fallen for these fallacies. Victor Gollancz, a famous socialist publisher, explained why he believed that socialism would take over America: "Christians are not exactly bright, so it will be easy for socialism to lead them down the garden path through their ideals of brotherly love and 'social justice.'"

It's time for Christians to stand up for their families and their faith and put God in charge of this nation and its schools. Restoring America is that simple.

Why Our Schools Teach Socialism -- September 2001 Education Reporter

I take it you would be in favor of removing the socialist pledge of fealty that kids are told to recite every morning at school?
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Ygrene Imref

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
New York, NY
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I take it you would be in favor of removing the socialist pledge of fealty that kids are told to recite every morning at school?


"Patriotism," and "socialism," can be, and often are bedfellows.
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Aryeh Jay

Gone and hopefully forgotten.
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Jul 19, 2012
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I take it you would be in favor of removing the socialist pledge of fealty that kids are told to recite every morning at school?

I would rather we add the proper salute to our daily loyalty oath.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Marxism and Humanism are the predominant philosophies of America's education establishment, yet every day we send the public schools our most precious gift, our children, to be "educated."

Our schools are filled with sex education, political correctness, environmental extremism, global unity, diversity training (pro-gay indoctrination), and "higher-order thinking skills" boldly claiming that, in order to become a higher order thinker, one must first believe absolutely that there are no absolutes!

Our schools are filled with violence, murder, extortion, rape, unwanted pregnancy, drug use, disrespect, and foul language. Test scores have been declining for decades as the numbers of children who cannot read continue to increase.

While the pontificators wonder why this is so, many parents and citizens have figured it out. Although earth worship, paganism and the occult flourish in public schools, the Greatest Story Ever Told, based on the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible, which tells of the greatest teacher who ever lived, Jesus Christ, is not used or even allowed. The Bible was America's first textbook, but today it is referred to as a collection of fables.

America's educational system began to decline with the introduction of socialism, given impetus by the increasing involvement of the federal government. Lenin said: "Communism is socialism in a hurry." Socialism, therefore, is Communism by gradualism rather than by revolution. The socialist "Fabian Society," forerunner of most socialist groups in America, had as its motto "Make Haste Slowly."

"Democratic socialism" became the battle cry for socializing the United States. The goal was to "permeate and penetrate," then control from within. The socialists' first target was education, and they attacked with deceitful language. There were no badges or socialist labels; followers described themselves as "liberal," "progressive," and even "moderate." Words were the weapon of choice in this new war. By changing the meanings of words, socialists concealed their true purpose.

This massive social engineering was carried out under the banners of "reform" and "social justice." These innovations are in the public interest, Americans were told. They promote true democracy, humanitarianism, and, of course are "for the children." The buzzwords of socialism were and still are "social" and "democracy" (i.e. social science, social studies and socialization of the child).

In the early 1900s, unrest in Europe brought thousands of socialists to America. Many held degrees in psychology, sociology and psychiatry (the behavioral sciences) and a number of them became university professors.

Norman Thomas, a socialist and member of the American Civil Liberties Union, boldly told the world: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

John Dewey, known as "the father of modern education," was an avowed socialist and the co-author of the "Humanist Manifesto." The U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities discovered that he belonged to 15 Marxist front organizations. Dewey taught the professors who trained America's teachers. Obsessed with "the group," he said, "You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society, which is coming, where everyone is interdependent."

Author Rosalie Gordon, writing about Dewey's progressive (socialist) education in her book What's Happened To Our Schools, said: "The progressive system has reached all the way down to the lowest grades to prepare the children of America for their role as the collectivists of the future. The group - not the individual child - is the quintessence of progressivism. The child must always be made to feel part of the group. He must indulge in group thinking and group activity."

After visiting the Soviet Union, Dewey wrote six articles on the "wonders" of Soviet education. The School-To-Work program, now in our public schools in all 50 states, is modeled after the Soviet poly-technical system.

In 1936, the National Education Association stated the position from which it has never wavered: "We stand for socializing the individual." The NEA, in its Policy For American Education, opined: "The major problem of education in our times arises out of the fact that we live in a period of fundamental social change. In the new democracy [what happened to our republic?], education must share in the responsibility of giving purpose and direction to social change. The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual . . . Education must operate according to a well-formulated social policy."

NEA specialist Paul Haubner, tells us, "The schools cannot allow parents to influence the kind of values-education their children receive in school; . that is what is wrong with those who say there is a universal system of values. Our goals are incompatible with theirs. We must change their values."

Chester M. Pierce, M.D., Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard, had this to say: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well - by creating the international child of the future."

Some politicians agree. Former Nebraska state senator Peter Hoagland said: "Fundamentalist parents have no right to indoctrinate their children in their beliefs. We are preparing their children for the year 2000 and life in a global one-world society and those children will not fit in."

In the Humanist Magazine, Jan./Feb 1983, John Dunphy wrote: "The battle for mankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom . The classroom must and will become the arena of conflict between the old and the new . the rotting corpse of Christianity and the new faith of humanism."

Bureaucrats, politicians and educators regularly appear on television blaming either parents or lack of funds for the failure of our schools. Their prescription is always the same: more money and more government control. For well over 50 years, American voters have fallen for these fallacies. Victor Gollancz, a famous socialist publisher, explained why he believed that socialism would take over America: "Christians are not exactly bright, so it will be easy for socialism to lead them down the garden path through their ideals of brotherly love and 'social justice.'"

It's time for Christians to stand up for their families and their faith and put God in charge of this nation and its schools. Restoring America is that simple.

Why Our Schools Teach Socialism -- September 2001 Education Reporter

So...you believe an extremist right wing propaganda site?

The bible has no place in public schools...unless it's part of some comparative religions course, or some kid reading it on their own time.
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Shiloh Raven

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2016
United States
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I take it you would be in favor of removing the socialist pledge of fealty that kids are told to recite every morning at school?


"Patriotism," and "socialism," can be, and often are bedfellows.

I would caution you two about criticizing or challenging American Exceptionalism. It has been my experience that doing so makes some Americans angry and it could result in you being demeaned, accused of being unpatriotic, and told to leave the country.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
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So...you believe an extremist right wing propaganda site?

The bible has no place in public schools...unless it's part of some comparative religions course, or some kid reading it on their own time.

Those are direct quotes from leftists.

Are you claiming the quotes are inaccurate, or that you don't care what leftists say?
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Dec 21, 2005
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I would caution you two about criticizing or challenging American Exceptionalism. It has been my experience that doing so makes some Americans very angry and it could result in you being demeaned and accused of being unpatriotic and unAmerican.

Harder to do to us disabled American war vets. :p
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Ygrene Imref

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
New York, NY
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So...you believe an extremist right wing propaganda site?

The bible has no place in public schools...unless it's part of some comparative religions course, or some kid reading it on their own time.

I teach STEM courses, so I don't have much "luxury" to speak about God at all. Indeed, I dont - even in professional meetings with parents or students.

Of course, that doesn't mean I don't see a connection between math and God. Even, I enjoy speaking about those connections.

But, as a professional, I understand boundary between public educational pedagogy, and philosophy. We aren't shutting the blinds and dimming the lights in the last 15 minutes of class to "indoctrinate" kids with religion...

Even in subjects with more luxury to speak about this - like history, English and even elective courses - there is still a clear boundary that most educators do not even deign to cross.

Besides, if you think parents comment about educators now... if we taught their kids religion also we would be verbally (and even professionally) obliterated.
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Ygrene Imref

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2017
New York, NY
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I would caution you two about criticizing or challenging American Exceptionalism. It has been my experience that doing so makes some Americans angry and it could result in you being demeaned, accused of being unpatriotic, and told to leave the country.


And yet, the irony is that those same people criticizing my intellectual and constitutional freedom to criticize my country... would be criticized by the "Founding Americans/Columbians," for the ironic ignorance of the meaning of an American itself.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Those are direct quotes from leftists.

Are you claiming the quotes are inaccurate, or that you don't care what leftists say?

Quote mining doesn't establish the premise of that opinion piece. You don't even know what context those quotes are in.

As for the claims made by the article...such as "the number of children who cannot read continues to increase"...those are easily proven false just by looking it up. Illiteracy rates haven't changed significantly in at least a decade.

So the crisis situation this article paints is false...it's made up...and you only believe it cuz it's telling you what you want to believe.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
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Quote mining doesn't establish the premise of that opinion piece.

Like I said, if you think the quotes are inaccurate, or misleading, please feel free to explain why.

I take them at their word. Their words and actions seem to conform.

Why don't you?
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Like I said, if you think the quotes are inaccurate, or misleading, please feel free to explain why.


The article quotes Lenin for starters...and V I Lenin has absolutely nothing to do with the American education system.

It also quotes humanist John Dewey. What's his connection to the American education system? The article claims "Dewey taught the professors who trained America's teachers"....yet it doesn't provide any evidence of this. What you should be asking is why you take this garbage seriously without a shred of evidence?

It also quotes Norman Thomas...a socialist and member of the ACLU...and what does he have to do with the American education system? Zip, zilch, nada...nothing at all.

Do you really need me to continue?

I take them at their word. Their words and actions seem to conform.

Why don't you?

Who is "them"? What "actions" are you talking about?

When an opinion piece is written for a heavily biased website (and it is heavily biased) and it provides no evidence, and it's claims are easily shown to be false, ....yeah, I treat it with a great deal of skepticism.

Why don't you?
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grasping the after wind

That's grasping after the wind
Jan 18, 2010
Clarence Center NY USA
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I take it you would be in favor of removing the socialist pledge of fealty that kids are told to recite every morning at school?

I know
I would be. Both there and elsewhere, Fascistic loyalty pledges ought not be part of a free society at all. Even if it does say "under God" which is about the only thing that I do not find objectionable about it.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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In short, Thursday, a bunch of false claims and quotes from people who have either little or absolutely nothing to do with the educational system doesn't prove there's some liberal conspiracy to turn your child into a gay communist.
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Shiloh Raven

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May 14, 2016
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In short, Thursday, a bunch of false claims and quotes from people who have either little or absolutely nothing to do with the educational system doesn't prove there's some liberal conspiracy to turn your child into a gay communist.

Whew... I was worried there for a moment about all those Christian children being indoctrinated.
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grasping the after wind

That's grasping after the wind
Jan 18, 2010
Clarence Center NY USA
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The article quotes Lenin for starters...and V I Lenin has absolutely nothing to do with the American education system.

It also quotes humanist John Dewey. What's his connection to the American education system? The article claims "Dewey taught the professors who trained America's teachers"....yet it doesn't provide any evidence of this. What you should be asking is why you take this garbage seriously without a shred of evidence?

It also quotes Norman Thomas...a socialist and member of the ACLU...and what does he have to do with the American education system? Zip, zilch, nada...nothing at all.

Do you really need me to continue?

Who is "them"? What "actions" are you talking about?

When an opinion piece is written for a heavily biased website (and it is heavily biased) and it provides no evidence, and it's claims are easily shown to be false, ....yeah, I treat it with a great deal of skepticism.

Why don't you?

Are you really unaware of Dewey's connection to the education system in the US? I suggest you simply google John Dewey for that information.
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