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Why cant we just trust in Gods sovereignty and sit back?


We are saved purely by the work and grace of God.
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Dec 13, 2015
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I know what scripture says. Scripture does say that God is sovereign over all including over lives even to the point that he planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born. But scripture also says that sanctification requires action on the part of the believer and a true believer would have action.

Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification? Why does our salvation and our sanctification require action on our part? Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

I've asked my Elder this question before and he said because that's what the Bible says and that's what God requires of us. He said God is sovereign but at the same time God requires us to take action because he commanded us to do so. But, that explanation is lacking for me. I... I just want to trust in God's sovereignty that everything is going to turn out. I want to sit back and let God lead me into what he wants for me. I don't want to take action because 1. I don't know if the actions that I'm taking is really God's will and 2. Because what if the actions that I'm taking are not fruitful enough? And 3. We'll, let's face it. I'm lazy. I don't trust God's sovereignty. I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do. Not that I'm trying to earn salvation or that I'm trying to earn his favor, no I'm just trying to earn the basics here. I'm trying to earn a relationship with him and I'm trying to earn what the Bible says is what every Christian should strive for, the Christian life.
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Aug 15, 2024
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I know what scripture says. Scripture does say that God is sovereign over all including over lives even to the point that he planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born. But scripture also says that sanctification requires action on the part of the believer and a true believer would have action.

Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification? Why does our salvation and our sanctification require action on our part? Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

I've asked my Elder this question before and he said because that's what the Bible says and that's what God requires of us. He said God is sovereign but at the same time God requires us to take action because he commanded us to do so. But, that explanation is lacking for me. I... I just want to trust in God's sovereignty that everything is going to turn out. I want to sit back and let God lead me into what he wants for me. I don't want to take action because 1. I don't know if the actions that I'm taking is really God's will and 2. Because what if the actions that I'm taking are not fruitful enough? And 3. We'll, let's face it. I'm lazy. I don't trust God's sovereignty. I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do. Not that I'm trying to earn salvation or that I'm trying to earn his favor, no I'm just trying to earn the basics here. I'm trying to earn a relationship with him and I'm trying to earn what the Bible says is what every Christian should strive for, the Christian life.
Do you think anyone would tolerate such a relationship with someone else ?
If you love God, your actions will be commensurate with that love.
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Jul 26, 2016
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Well I understand what you are trying to say. It remains a shocking change when ones seeks to practice exactly what he believes God wants but at the same time stays puzzled if that really is what God wants. But maybe think of it this way: Action is not a quest for love or approval from God, which you indeed have; búsqueda lays outside that dynamic. It is about developing intimacy just as friends count on one another for companionship and fellowship, you in them, and they in you.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Many people hold to the notion that sovereignty means "God is in control of everything."
He is not. He chooses not to be. When He created the universe, He gave every created thing a portion of His sovereignty. Each thing has the right to exist and to interact with every other created thing. Some of these things work together, and the sum total is called "the course of nature." We are a part of that course of nature. Things happen simply because we interact with the universe God created. We caught the flu because we were there, and the flu virus was there, and bang! Flu. We slip on the floor because someone spilled their water, and swoosh... on the floor, we go. Sometimes, we slip and fall. It is nothing more complicated than that. Sometimes it rains on our parade. All things happen. Add to this: the creation has fallen. It is falling and falling—the doldrums of decay.
God gives creation the default value of "all things are allowed." Of course, God can intervene at any time. Many times, He does. We have no idea how often He does. Looking around the world as it is, it is obvious that he often does not intervene. But God's involvement in our universe is one of an Intervener, not an orchestrator. Salvation is an intervention against damnation. Healing is an intervention against sickness. Freedom is an intervention against oppression. God did not orchestrate damnation, sickness, or oppression. He intervened against them. Prayer is not an effort to get Him to change His mind. His will is already set. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Prayer is a request for intervention. Prayer can be a request for protection from the existence of evil. God did not create the evil. God created the protection. God delivers from the effects of a fallen world. If you do not pray, then protection may not come. "Lead up not into temptation, and deliver us from evil."
Add to this the fact that there is a Satan in the world. He is the god of this world, roaming around like a lion, seeking someone to devour. He wants to devour you, and like all other created beings, he does not have to ask God's permission. He, like a lion, will devour whoever he can get to. The scripture says that unless you are vigilant and sober, you may be devoured. But if you resist, he must flee. It is implied that if you do not resist and if you are not vigilant and sober, you are liable to be devoured. That is the course of nature. A lion does not have to ask permission to catch a gazelle. Catching prey is what lions do. The Adversary does not have to ask permission to be adverse. Resist him in the name of Jesus. Turn from sin and resist temptation.
The answer is that God is not in control of everything and is not orchestrating everything. The world operates as a machine called the course of nature. The course is fallen, and the devil is the god of it all. But if we begin to pray and believe proactively, we can defeat him, and God will intervene on our behalf. The notion that God is behind every evil in our lives is one of the most faith-destroying false teachings there is. Realizing these things will revolutionize your prayer life and change you from a victim of the devil into a faith warrior!
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Psalm 19:1-4 and Romans 1:20
May 12, 2009
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He planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born.

I don't think this right. If God wrote our lives before we were born, then your attributing sin to God because all have sinned. The Bible states that God has foreknowledge of the freewill choices we will make in our lives, but I do not believe the Bible says God wrote out our lives.

God has made those who believe in His son a new creation in Christ, created to serve Him with good works:

Eph 2:10
For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has before prepared that we should walk in them.

But scripture also says that sanctification requires action on the part of the believer and a true believer would have action.

We are sanctified on account of Christ's finished work, if we believe upon Him with genuine faith. This is our position before God. This is God's part:

1 Cor 6:11
And these things were some of you; but ye have been washed, but ye have been sanctified, but ye have been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

However, there is another aspect of sanctification whereby we should live our lives in accordance with this fact. Practically speaking, we should daily be aiming to live this out practically in our lives and not defiling ourselves with the filth of the world, etc. This is our part.

Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification?

God has done all the work in saving us, what we need to do is repent of our sins and believe upon the savior.

However, God wants us to be exercised about these matters and not be indifferent to them.

He has saved us, now He wants us to live a life, not as it was before we were saved - living in sin, but to live a sanctified life, honoring Him and doing His will. Its the only right response to One who has done so much for us.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Do ye not know that unrighteous [persons] shall not inherit [the] kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who make women of themselves, nor who abuse themselves with men, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor abusive persons, nor [the] rapacious, shall inherit [the] kingdom of God. And these things were some of you; but ye have been washed, but ye have been sanctified, but ye have been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

Whilst on earth, we go through tough times in life. Life's circumstances can often be hard. God uses these circumstances to help form our character more into the likeness of the Lord Jesus, His beloved Son.

God wants Heaven filled with people who are just like the Lord Jesus Christ, whom is so pleasing to God. But God is working in us now to that end. But we will not reach this end whilst on earth, but when we get to Heaven.

Trials and hard times in life, God uses to refine us, to get rid of the dross (the bad bits of our character) so that when we pass through them, we come out a better person for it. If we accept trials in faith. Job is an example of this.

I've asked my Elder this question before and he said because that's what the Bible says and that's what God requires of us. He said God is sovereign but at the same time God requires us to take action because he commanded us to do so. But, that explanation is lacking for me. I... I just want to trust in God's sovereignty that everything is going to turn out. I want to sit back and let God lead me into what he wants for me.

What if a servant said he didn't want to serve the King anymore? The King expects his servants to serve him and carry out his bidding. He then rewards his faithful servants. Likewise, whilst God alone saves people, it has pleased Him to involve us in that work through the preaching of the gospel. He has also given everyone in the Church a gift to build up the saints of God in their most holy faith. Our love of God and love for one another would compel us to want to serve God and be a help to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

I encourage you to read Matthew 25:14-30.

I don't want to take action because 1. I don't know if the actions that I'm taking is really God's will

If you study the Bible, you will better understand what God's will is. Also, being in communion with God daily and walking in accordance with your calling.

2. Because what if the actions that I'm taking are not fruitful enough?

None of the acts of service we do for the Lord are perfect, far from it. But we should seek serve with the right motives, in dependance upon the Lord, and not in our own strength.

Any Christian who has ever served the Lord has never done so perfectly, because we are not perfect (yet). God is the one who blesses a persons work and makes it fruitful. Our responsibility is to do the work, faithfully. Look at Noah, he was a preacher, but not one convert.

2 Peter 2:5
Noe, [the] eighth, a preacher of righteousness, having brought in [the] flood upon [the] world of [the] ungodly

3. We'll, let's face it. I'm lazy. I don't trust God's sovereignty.

Why don't you trust God's sovereignty? This is an unusual thing for a professing Christian to say. If you don't trust God, what does this say about you?

I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do. Not that I'm trying to earn salvation or that I'm trying to earn his favor, no I'm just trying to earn the basics here. I'm trying to earn a relationship with him and I'm trying to earn what the Bible says is what every Christian should strive for, the Christian life.

The Lord Jesus died on the cross in order for you to be able to trust upon the Lord for forgiveness of sins and enter into a relationship with God. You can never earn a relationship with Him.

The Christian life - prayer, communion with the Lord and reading His word. These are the essential to have a life close to the Lord.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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I know what scripture says. Scripture does say that God is sovereign over all including over lives even to the point that he planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born. But scripture also says that sanctification requires action on the part of the believer and a true believer would have action.

Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification? Why does our salvation and our sanctification require action on our part? Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

I've asked my Elder this question before and he said because that's what the Bible says and that's what God requires of us. He said God is sovereign but at the same time God requires us to take action because he commanded us to do so. But, that explanation is lacking for me. I... I just want to trust in God's sovereignty that everything is going to turn out. I want to sit back and let God lead me into what he wants for me. I don't want to take action because 1. I don't know if the actions that I'm taking is really God's will and 2. Because what if the actions that I'm taking are not fruitful enough? And 3. We'll, let's face it. I'm lazy. I don't trust God's sovereignty. I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do. Not that I'm trying to earn salvation or that I'm trying to earn his favor, no I'm just trying to earn the basics here. I'm trying to earn a relationship with him and I'm trying to earn what the Bible says is what every Christian should strive for, the Christian life.
Brother, if indeed you are born again, you are In Christ, and it is the Spirit of God living in you that drives you. You will DESIRE the fellowship with him, that you forsake with every rebellious thought and purpose. Not only that, but you hate that tendency ('the Old Man') within you that drives you to rebel and hopes to make you pursue autonomy. You will not be ABLE to continue in inaction.

Your post sounds to me like a mixture of Reformed thinking and the common notions of the last couple hundred years, that it is our duty to figure out God's plan for our lives. It is not. It is our duty to be circumspect, and sensible, and to pursue the directions God takes you. (And I don't say that to denigrate anyone who believes that they do know what God intends for them. Most of that is common sense, after all.) There's a lot more to say on that subject but that isn't the point of this forum, nor of your OP.

Anyway, Sanctification itself is not as such your job. If you belong to God it happens according to his purposes and his timetable. It IS your duty to obey whatever you know to do, and to pursue him with all your heart. Look at the two main commandments of Christ, which sum up all of the Law. Work at improving your love and esteem of those around you and with whom you come into contact; think of them as better than yourself. Do you love God with your whole being? Do you pursue him and seek to know him better, or do you waste time improving your performance in order to attain something, some level of sanctification? But yes, there is a LOT you can do to improve your obedience. And you already know something about that. John Owen said, "Be killing sin, or it will be killing you." But "it is God who works in you both to will and to do according his good pleasure."

You will not be able to do anything apart from Christ, but with him, you WILL become what he made you to become in the end, and what he has in mind for you every step of the way. Ironically, even our disobedience serves God's purposes! What he has begun he WILL accomplish, (and logically, that is in every detail). You are right now becoming exactly that member of the Body of Christ that you will be in Heaven, which he spoke into existence from the beginning.

You are not yet what you will be. Maybe think of it like this: You are not yet a complete person, though, yes, it is YOU in there! "Already, but not yet" is a pretty good statement about several of God's claims and promises. Spend your time getting to know him. Read scripture voraciously. Pray all day long, when you are driving, when you are walking, when you are eating, when you are thinking.

The best self-esteem comes from knowing that you are only what God intended and has in mind for you, and whatever he assesses you to be. You are not your own. You belong to him, and he lives in you. Well, there's that, plus the huge enjoyment from knowing that God is delighted with what he is bringing to life.

The best confidence in your salvation is throwing yourself upon his mercy. YOU cannot accomplish this, but GOD is accomplishing it.
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Why does God require action on our part?
If you have taken good care of your child so he or she has all needs met . . . why is it necessary for your child to have activities which have nothing to do with making money, getting food, and paying bills?

The child needs wholesome activities with mature people who know how to love . . . so the child can find out how to love and become a sound person.

You have given birth to the child . . . check

You have been making sure the child gets the right food . . . check

You have been arranging for the child to have good schooling . . . check

But there are things the child needs to do, in order to find out how to relate in love with other people. There need to be experiences, discussions, forgiving, all which help the child to discover and to practice and exercise in loving so the child develops and gets stronger in love.

These are activities in sharing with the right people.

And likewise . . . you need to do activities in sharing with God so you develop in His character and way of loving. There are love activities that feed you love while you do them, and which exercise you to get stronger and more and more creative. And this means, then, activities in sharing with our Creator >

"for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." (Philippians 2:13)

God is bringing us to share with Him in His character holy of love and how God is about sharing as family. So, our activities need to be in sharing with God in us, so we become more and more sharing with Him and one another.

So, God does not mean to isolate yourself with your own ability and effort. But become sharing and family with God and one another helping one another.
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Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification? Why does our salvation and our sanctification require action on our part? Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

Because action is what love does.

Luke 7:47
"Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little."

How much do you love Lord Jesus?

Love for God will bring about discipline, but discipline will not bring about love for God.

We take action in things because our Father put us here to bring Him glory through Christ.

We must receive His love first to be filled and made whole, and then from that place His love can overflow into loving others and taking action to love them with the love we are receiving from God

John 15:1-8
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [a]takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

5“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. 7If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

I don't trust God's sovereignty. I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do.

This is called doubt. To remove it you have to make a choice in the other direction. I wish I understood this principle at a younger age myself. (I didn't)

Trust means believing He won't let you fall through the cracks.

Pleasing God isn't about whether you yourself fails or succeeds in your endeavors in the world.

Believing in the victory that Lord Jesus Christ accomplished when He died for us and resurrected the third day is success.

John 6:37-40
37All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will [f]by no means cast out. 38For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. 40And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

Just like the brass serpent in the desert that Moses was told to hold up for people to look at, if they believed God and did what He asked of them and looked to the serpent trusting God's promise to take care of them... then they were healed.

John 3:14-15
14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15that whoever believes in Him should [c]not perish but have eternal life.

If you believe in the Son of God that He is able to save you and you trust Him to do so, this is success, winning, victory.

In doing this God is pleased with you, and you can believe that He knows you aren't trying to trick Him because He knows who you are.


I understand having trust issues, and if you have doubts you should pray for God to help you with them. He has for me.
Mark 9:24

You have to learn to trust Him though. Even earthly parents cannot help a child that will not trust them.

How can He help us if His guidance cannot be trusted? When will we see Him faithful? How will we ever know He will pull us through if we do not try nor give Him a chance to show us?

Remember this above all else:

Romans 5:8
But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

If He does that for us, what won't He do for us and how else could He prove His love if that doesn't work?

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things?
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Nov 21, 2008
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I know what scripture says. Scripture does say that God is sovereign over all including over lives even to the point that he planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born. But scripture also says that sanctification requires action on the part of the believer and a true believer would have action.

Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification? Why does our salvation and our sanctification require action on our part? Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

I've asked my Elder this question before and he said because that's what the Bible says and that's what God requires of us. He said God is sovereign but at the same time God requires us to take action because he commanded us to do so. But, that explanation is lacking for me. I... I just want to trust in God's sovereignty that everything is going to turn out. I want to sit back and let God lead me into what he wants for me. I don't want to take action because 1. I don't know if the actions that I'm taking is really God's will and 2. Because what if the actions that I'm taking are not fruitful enough? And 3. We'll, let's face it. I'm lazy. I don't trust God's sovereignty. I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do. Not that I'm trying to earn salvation or that I'm trying to earn his favor, no I'm just trying to earn the basics here. I'm trying to earn a relationship with him and I'm trying to earn what the Bible says is what every Christian should strive for, the Christian life.
God sovereignly chose "free will" for his intelligent created beings

John 1:11 "He came to HIS OWN - and His OWN received Him not"
John 1:12 "but to as many as received Him - to them he gave the right to be called the children of God".

Matt 23 ends like this "Jerusalem - how I WANTED to spare your children.. but YOU would not"

Isaiah 5:4 "WHAT was there to do - that I have not already done? Why then when I expected good fruit from Israel did they produce bad fruit?"

2 Peter 3 "God is not WILLING that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance"

Matt 7 - the MANY on the wide road -- go to hell.

Rom 11 - has this warning to the saved born-again Christians about the danger of making the choice to lose salvation after God has saved them.

17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, 18 do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; 21 for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either. 22 See then the kindness and severity of God: to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; for otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in; for God is able to graft them in again.
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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Praying is enough fruit. 30 fold. You don’t have to work, be sociable, just be a believer. Or pray for opportunities to witness. Worship in your own house. Be actively pursuing your God. You don’t have to do anything. Let your heart and His peace have their way in your life. Live daily life in and for Him. Unconventional yes. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. If you are unable you are unable. It’s not his money you’re investing it’s your gifts. If you don’t have any…. But maybe you are already using them here.

im not doing much, same boat as you, no opportunities. M scared to go talk to my neighbors again. The gospel can overcome fear. But I just don’t feel right to me. I know God wants me to but still I resist. I look for excuses like mental illness. I guess I’ll just ask them to come to church. Simplify. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.

maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I don’t like being in disobedience. That was my objective in coming back to the lord. For now I’ve met my match, and He is not condemning me. I don’t know how to stop the guilt when I’m not doing all I can do. That’s why we are here to do all we can do for our entire lives. But this hassling ourselves when we don’t feel like it is the pits.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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Scripture does say that God is sovereign over all including over lives even to the point that he planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born.
Scripture does not say this. Augustine said it and John Calvin ran with it. That being said, God in His sovereignty gave us free will to chose our path.
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Dec 19, 2022
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Scripture does not say this. Augustine said it and John Calvin ran with it. That being said, God in His sovereignty gave us free will to chose our path.
Correct! Thank you for this info. I did not realize before who or what the strange postings from neo was following.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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I know what scripture says. Scripture does say that God is sovereign over all including over lives even to the point that he planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born. But scripture also says that sanctification requires action on the part of the believer and a true believer would have action.

Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification? Why does our salvation and our sanctification require action on our part? Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

I've asked my Elder this question before and he said because that's what the Bible says and that's what God requires of us. He said God is sovereign but at the same time God requires us to take action because he commanded us to do so. But, that explanation is lacking for me. I... I just want to trust in God's sovereignty that everything is going to turn out. I want to sit back and let God lead me into what he wants for me. I don't want to take action because 1. I don't know if the actions that I'm taking is really God's will and 2. Because what if the actions that I'm taking are not fruitful enough? And 3. We'll, let's face it. I'm lazy. I don't trust God's sovereignty. I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do. Not that I'm trying to earn salvation or that I'm trying to earn his favor, no I'm just trying to earn the basics here. I'm trying to earn a relationship with him and I'm trying to earn what the Bible says is what every Christian should strive for, the Christian life.
God is sovereign. It's the understanding anything "good" found in us comes from God (not us). God works on the heart/mind and we may or may not respond to His leading. Even so ... He is always there to help us begin anew. God don't force Himself on anyone.

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). This passage identifies faith—belief in God and believing He will do what He says He will do—as a prerequisite for pleasing God.

We are to always diligently seek him ... knowing we are going to stumble around in the process.
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Jun 25, 2018
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I know what scripture says. Scripture does say that God is sovereign over all including over lives even to the point that he planned out and wrote out our lives before we were even born. But scripture also says that sanctification requires action on the part of the believer and a true believer would have action.

Why does God require action on our part? Why can't we just sit back and let God do all of his saving work and his acting sanctification? Why does our salvation and our sanctification require action on our part? Why must I do the works that God has planned for me from before I was born? Why can't I just sit back and let God do everything? Why have any action at all?

I've asked my Elder this question before and he said because that's what the Bible says and that's what God requires of us. He said God is sovereign but at the same time God requires us to take action because he commanded us to do so. But, that explanation is lacking for me. I... I just want to trust in God's sovereignty that everything is going to turn out. I want to sit back and let God lead me into what he wants for me. I don't want to take action because 1. I don't know if the actions that I'm taking is really God's will and 2. Because what if the actions that I'm taking are not fruitful enough? And 3. We'll, let's face it. I'm lazy. I don't trust God's sovereignty. I don't trust that my actions will ever be good enough and quite frankly? I don't trust that I'll ever please God with anything that i will ever do. Not that I'm trying to earn salvation or that I'm trying to earn his favor, no I'm just trying to earn the basics here. I'm trying to earn a relationship with him and I'm trying to earn what the Bible says is what every Christian should strive for, the Christian life.

God's Holiness.

That's why. He is Holy.

Jesus said "Be ye Holy even as I am Holy"

we don't have that ability. All of us are the same, we don't have in ourselves this ability to walk as Jesus walked.

However, the New Covenant in His Blood - it's a Covenant, a Testament. An agreement between "those who are saved" and Him. Legal and Binding.

We keep God's law, and we are saved from the wrath of God.

But we can't do that in and of ourselves, we don't have that ability. We are fallen human beings in a very fallen world.

But Christ lived the perfect life in our stead - did everything we couldn't do for ourselves and sent us the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide, teach and strengthen us ,- even to the strength to die on a cross just like Him if that is what is required of us.

But even so, our flesh remains. We still have fault, still see ourselves in the mirror and feel shame.

What we are will never be perfect, and can never be but what He is is perfect and He did everything - literally everything and God sees us now through the lens of His perfect Son, who fulfilled the law in our stead, who stands for us, between God's wrath, our just punishment for sin, and ourselves.. saving us from the second death and reconciling us back to God through Christ.

When the true gravity of your situation falls upon your soul - you are grateful. .. Grateful and absolutely in love with God, because He loves you just that much. .

For the Praise of His Glory we are saved... And so we strive out of a heart who loves God, and a heart that desires to be the best kind of obedient when standing before the God of all creation, because who doesn't want to hear a "well done, faithful servant"? Even if we are 5 billionth down the list... Who cares? It's cool.

And to stand before Him and praise and worship Him for all eternity? AWESOME!

Such that, even when there's times our flesh gets the best of us and we grumble about obedience or the mundane (because every day doesn't always feel like Christmas), We still strive towards obedience, try being that new person God created in us. Even when sometimes it does feel like "work".

So that's why. It's love of an absolutely Holy God, and a Spirit which desires to be obedient and Holy, given to us as a guarantor of our salvation.

If that's not somewhere, however imperfectly, I would meditate on the necessity for a Savior. When it hits you, it all makes perfect sense.

Don't run from the real mirror.
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Regular Member
Jun 12, 2011
I noticed the "TULIP" icon on your post. Most denominations do not like to have their teachings questioned. You may have to look outside your church to find the answers to your questions. Here is a link to an article describing free will verses election.

There are some interesting possibilities as one studies the scriptures. For example the English phrase "the elect" might describe an individual who was chosen, but it might also describe a category of people who through their choice entered that category.
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