If the thread title got your attention and made you go huh? Perhaps even angered you? Good! I have two very sincere and very relevant questions for my ECT brothers in Christ.
1). If God made man in His own image, why would He send any of His Image bearers to hell?
Ans: He most definitely would NOT and will NOT …The Scriptures are clear … man is made in God’s Image. Yes? Therefore it follows, were God to send even one man, let alone the majority of mankind to hell, He would be condemning His own Image to hell! No? Hmmmmmmm, I can’t see how anyone can disagree with this logical conclusion.
God’s Name is on the line here folks. His Name is who He is and He is the only true God and there is no other! AMEN! He declares He will not give His glory to another … I would here be referring to Satan. The Adversary of God and man. Is God going to allow Satan to torment Him via His image bearers? Forever? At all?
2). If Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sin, and according to so many that penalty is ECT, why is Jesus seated at the Right Hand of God instead of suffering ECT in hell for all the redeemed who have trusted Him to pay the penalty for their sin?
Ans: Because “the wages of sin is death …” Both physical and spiritual death. First death, Second Death … doesn’t matter. Death is death. The last enemy to be defeated is death! No? Jesus is not suffering ECT in hell because this carnally minded concept of man is NOT what the Scriptures teach. Plain and simple. If the wages of sin was ECT … He lied! Currently Jesus is not in hell, nor is He in a perpetual state of searing pain, paying the penalty on your behalf. Your debt is still your debt!
This kind of carnal minded theological concept, when taken to its logical conclusion, shows itself to be what it really is; the most God forsaken, wicked assault ever perpetrated against His Name. It completely negates the completed work of Christ. If He were forever suffering the eternal consequences on behalf of His people, He would not have been able to be resurrected! Contempt is being pour out on all His other promises by adhering to this carnal minded doctrine and mockery of the Gospel. Once again, I can’t see how anyone can disagree with this logical conclusion.
Blessings …
1). If God made man in His own image, why would He send any of His Image bearers to hell?
Ans: He most definitely would NOT and will NOT …The Scriptures are clear … man is made in God’s Image. Yes? Therefore it follows, were God to send even one man, let alone the majority of mankind to hell, He would be condemning His own Image to hell! No? Hmmmmmmm, I can’t see how anyone can disagree with this logical conclusion.
God’s Name is on the line here folks. His Name is who He is and He is the only true God and there is no other! AMEN! He declares He will not give His glory to another … I would here be referring to Satan. The Adversary of God and man. Is God going to allow Satan to torment Him via His image bearers? Forever? At all?
2). If Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sin, and according to so many that penalty is ECT, why is Jesus seated at the Right Hand of God instead of suffering ECT in hell for all the redeemed who have trusted Him to pay the penalty for their sin?
Ans: Because “the wages of sin is death …” Both physical and spiritual death. First death, Second Death … doesn’t matter. Death is death. The last enemy to be defeated is death! No? Jesus is not suffering ECT in hell because this carnally minded concept of man is NOT what the Scriptures teach. Plain and simple. If the wages of sin was ECT … He lied! Currently Jesus is not in hell, nor is He in a perpetual state of searing pain, paying the penalty on your behalf. Your debt is still your debt!
This kind of carnal minded theological concept, when taken to its logical conclusion, shows itself to be what it really is; the most God forsaken, wicked assault ever perpetrated against His Name. It completely negates the completed work of Christ. If He were forever suffering the eternal consequences on behalf of His people, He would not have been able to be resurrected! Contempt is being pour out on all His other promises by adhering to this carnal minded doctrine and mockery of the Gospel. Once again, I can’t see how anyone can disagree with this logical conclusion.
Blessings …
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