The Great Chocolate Evangelizing trick - This works.


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Dec 2, 2021
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I have been trying to find easy ways to approach non-believers and then tell them the Gospel. I personally find going up to a stranger and saying the full Gospel very scary.
I read on this forum about a challenge where the stranger must name all the 10 Commandments in 60 seconds. If they get them all, then they get a large block of chocolate. This challenge makes approaching a total stranger much easier, as the stranger sees that they may win a chocolate bar. So, the stranger is happy to talk to you.
First you need to purchase 3 large sized chocolate bars and some very small chocolates as consolation prizes. Then go up to a stranger and ask them if they would like to try a 60 second challenge to win a chocolate bar. As you do this, fan out the 3 large chocolate bars in one hand. The stranger then sees all the chocolate, and most will accept the challenge thinking that this could be fun. If the stranger gets all the 10 Commandments, then they win a large chocolate bar. If they do not get them, then you give them a consolation bar. This means that no matter whether they win or lose, you are still rewarding them. You can then lead them to the Gospel by asking why God gave us the 10 Commandments.

NOTE: When you do this, you will find that not many people will get all the 10 Commandments. Even many believers’ struggle to get them. LOL. So, 3 chocolate bars can last a very long time. I also take extra chocolate bars encase one is given away. That way, when I show the next stranger the chocolate bars, it is still very eye catching and enticing.

Second Note: This does lead into the Good Person Test (Ray Comfort) but you will notice that it is less offensive. I have changed the part where he says, “So you are a lying, thieving, blaspheming, adulterer…” by turning it back on myself and then getting the stranger to reflect on weather they are also like me.

Last Note: Here is a real easy way to memorise the 10 Commandments. Check out this video

Here is how you do it.

Walk up to a stranger in a park and fan the chocolate bars out so that they can see all the bars. Then say: (You in Red and stranger in Green)
“Would you like to try a 60 second challenge to win a block of chocolate?”
“Yes. That sounds fun. What is it?”
All you have to do is name all the 10 Commandments in 60 seconds. Do you think you can do that. Yes OK, “Go.” (Start your stopwatch) (NOTE: If they are hesitant, then tell them that you will help them get them by giving them prompts. Most will then want to do it.)
“Don’t lie, don’t steel, etc…” (99% of people will never get them all)
“Sorry. You have run out of time but here is a consolation prize anyway.
Give them a block of chocolate if they get can name all 10 and give a little bar as a consolation if they do not get them all.
"Do you know why God gave us the 10 Commandments?”
“He gave them so we can what is right and wrong. Good and bad. So, do you think you are a good person?”
“Can I ask you a few easy questions to see if you are a good person?”
“I guess so”.
“OK. So how many lies have you told?”
Lots. Too many to count.
What do you call someone who lies?
A liar.
Have you ever stolen something?
What do you call someone who has stolen?
A thief.
Have you ever used God’s name in Vain?
Would you ever use your mother's name as a cuss word? No. Why not? Not sure. It is because you respect your mum, and you love her. But you have taken the Holy name of God and used it in place of a filth word. It is called blasphemy.
Just one more to go. Jesus said, “Whoever looks with lust has committed adultery in their heart”. Have you ever looked with lust?

Yes. Plenty of times
I asked myself these questions, and I was guilty of them all. This makes me, a lying, thieving, blaspheming, adulterer at heart. You said yes to these as well. So, if you were to face God on judgement day and he was to judge you by these standards, would you be found innocent or guilty?
Heaven or Hell?
Does that concern you?
Yes. It does.
Can you tell me what God did for guilty sinners so they would not end up in hell?
Well, God loves us so much that He sent his son to pay our fine. We’ve earned the death penalty because of our sins, but Jesus took our punishment by dying on the cross for us. So, you and I broke Gods law, the 10 Commandments, Jesus came and paid the fine.
It is a bit like, if you are in a court of law and someone pays your fine, you can legally be set free. The Judge can say, “You're guilty, but someone paid the fine, and you are out of here”. God paid the fine by sending his son, Jesus. He died, in your place, for your sin.
Does this make sense? Yes. It does.

Then after Jesus paid the fine, he defeated death and rose again. And now, we no longer have to come under condemnation. God can give us grace because of what Jesus did.
So, do you know what you need to do to be saved?

No. Can you tell me?
To be saved, you need to do two things. First, you need to believe that Jesus died on the cross for you, and then, you need to repent. That is, to tell God how sorry you are and then turn from your sins. Don’t be the hypocrite who says he is a changed man but then continues in his sin. Truely mean it.
If you do this, and you do truly mean it, God can wash you clean and grant you everlasting life as a free gift.
Does this make sense?
So, are you going to think about what we have talked about?
This is about your eternity. It is really important. The big question is, when do you think you’re going to put your faith in Jesus and turn from your sin?

Can I pray for you?
Father, I thank you for this young man and I thank you for his open heart today. I pray Lord that he finds a place of genuine sorrow and repentance. I pray too that he sees your love, and that he runs to you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you
So now, as soon as you can, get alone and tell God about the sorrow within you. Be truly honest. Then, choose to honour Him with your life.
It’s been great talking to you. I have really enjoyed it.

I enjoyed it too. Thank you.
After finishing, remember to give them a million-dollar Gospel tract and you may be also want to recommend a local church to check out.

One other trick is to print off the 10 Commandments and then Sellotape them onto the back of one of the blocks of chocolate. If you cover the entire piece of paper, it makes it waterproof. Make sure that the flavour is not a common one you would give away. Then you can use a kids felt and cross off the commandments that the person gets right. Once finished, simply wipe off the felt with your finger and you are ready to do it again.
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Dec 2, 2021
New Zealand
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Edit 14/10/23
Over the last year of going out and sharing with people I have learnt some extra things that may be of use to other people. So, here's an extended version of what I say. Most of the changes are to the end and they speak about the urgancy to this decision. So, it makes people think that they should not muck around with
their life. They need to put their faith in Jesus.

I have underlined where I have put additions.
It can be good to memorise some of these paragraphs as they could come in useful when you share the Gospel. Always be prepared to give a defence for your faith.

NOTE: I do not always use the extended version. I pick and choose according to the situation.

Hi. Would you like to try a 60 second challenge to win a block of chocolate?

“Yes. That sounds fun. What is it?”
All you have to do is name all the 10 Commandments in 60 seconds. Do you think you can do that. Yes OK, “Go.” (Start your stopwatch)
“Don’t lie, don’t steel, etc…”
“Sorry. You have run out of time but here is a consolation prize anyway. (Give them a small chocolate bar anyway)
So, do you know why God gave us the 10 Commandments?” “No”
“He gave them so we can know what is right and what is wrong. So, what is good and what is bad. So, do you think you are a good person?” “Yes”
“Can I ask you a few easy questions to see if you are a good person?” “Yes”
“OK. So how many lies have you told?” Lots. Too many to count.
What do you call someone who lies? A liar.
Have you ever stolen something? Yes.
What do you call someone who’s stolen? A thief.
Have you ever used God’s name in Vain? Yes.
Would you ever use your mother's name as a cuss word? No. Why not? Not sure. It is because you love and respect your mum. But you have taken the Holy name of God and used it in place of a filth word. And that is called blasphemy.
Just one more to go. Jesus said, “Whoever looks with lust has committed adultery in their heart”. Have you ever looked with lust?
Yes. Plenty of times
I asked myself these questions, and I was guilty of them all. This makes me, a lying, thieving, blaspheming, adulterer at heart. You said “yes” to these as well. So, if God was to judge you on judgement day according to these standards, the Ten Commandments, would you be found innocent or guilty? Guilty.
Heaven or Hell? Hell
Does that concern you? Yes. It does.
Do you know what death is according to the bible? No. It is wages. In the Bible it says, “The wages of sin is death”. So, God is paying you in death for your sins. It’s like a judge who looks at a criminal who keeps saying he’s a good person, but he’s committed multiple murders. The judge says, “You've earned the death sentence, and this is what we are paying you.” And so, sin is so serious to a Holy God, He's given you the death sentence. You're on death row.
Can you tell me what God did for guilty sinners so they would not end up in hell? No Have you heard of Jesus dying on the cross? Yes
Well, God loves us so much that He sent his son to pay our fine. We’ve earned the death penalty because of our sins, but Jesus took our punishment by dying on the cross for us. So, you and I broke Gods law, the 10 Commandments, Jesus came and paid the fine.
It is a bit like, if you are in a court of law and someone pays your fine, you can legally be set free. The Judge can say, “You’re guilty, but someone paid the fine, and you are out of here”. God paid the fine by sending his son, Jesus. He died, in your place, for your sin.
Does this make sense?
Yes. It does.
Then after Jesus paid the fine, he defeated death and rose again. And now, we no longer have to come under condemnation. God can give us grace because of what Jesus did.
So, do you know what you need to do to be saved?
No. Can you tell me?
To be saved, you need to do two things. First, you need to believe in the sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross for. And then, you need to repent. That is to tell God how sorry you are and then turn from your sins. So, leaving your sins is a result of being truly sorry. Don’t be the hypocrite who says he is a changed man but then continues in his sin.
If you do this, and you truly mean it, God can wash you clean and grant you everlasting life as a free gift. So, the big question is, when do you think you’re going to put your faith in Jesus and turn from your sin? Not sure.
So, there is an urgency to this. You and I do not know when we are going to die. You could walk across the road today and not notice a truck, and you could be killed instantly. Then you would be facing God at judgement day, and you will not have any more chances. Your time would be up. Right now, you are alive, and even though you have sinned and deserve death, God is granting you grace right now. You are alive and so God is giving you time to turn to Him. Time is short and you do not know when you are going to die. So please think about this with a great urgency.
Are you going to think about what we have talked about?
Now, this is about your eternity, and satin will be whispering to you saying, “You have plenty of time left”. But the bible says, “Today, if you hear his voice, don’t harden your heart.” God is calling you right now. So, the big question is, when do you think you’re going to put your faith in Jesus and turn from your sin?
Can I pray for you?
Father, I thank you for this young man and I thank you for his open heart today. I pray Lord that he finds a place of genuine sorrow and repentance. I pray too that he sees your love, and that he runs to you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you
So now, as soon as you can, tell God about the sorrow within your heart. Be truly honest. Then, choose to honour Him with your life and turn from your sin.
It’s been great talking to you. I have really enjoyed it.

I enjoyed it too. Thank you.
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Junior Member
Dec 20, 2007
Greetings 1Tonne,
Thank you for this write-up, it's informative and great to see all the thought and hard work you clearly put into this. These kinds of challenges can be cleverly and very effectively used and this indeed is a smart, sensitive and quality idea. Of all places, Tiktok can be a good source of more ideas on this, and some of our own missionaries and street pastors have been inspired by some of the better thought out and well considered challenges there. They can, with some creativity, be adapted in many ways to ex. teach Bible lessons, or answer questions or simply to start a process of exploration for someone to come to a church. And of course, adding chocolate to the mix makes everything work better!
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Dec 2, 2021
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I have just come back from the local park, and I used this technic, and everyone loved it.
I got to share the Gospel to 11 people in total. I spoke to 2 people sitting at a park bench and it looked like a light switched on in them. They liked it that much that they got their kids to come over so that I could share with them too. It was awesome.
The other people I spoke to all really enjoyed the conversation too. So not one bad comment at all and they all said that they would be thinking of our conversation.
I did give away a couple of large chocolate bars. Not because they got the 10 commandments but just because it was a good way to show love.
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David Hunter

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Absolutely great idea!!! I use a variation of this but offer $10 if they get all 10 commandments. Most people never come close. And, when they don't get it they do get a 10 commandment coin and a gospel tract that includes a real $2 bill.
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Dec 2, 2021
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Lightbulb moment. That is what I remember reading. That is where I got the chocolate idea from. It was not originally done with chocolates but with a $10.00 note. I thought that was a really good idea but then I got thinking one night on how to make it cheaper but still just as effective. So, chocolate came to mind. The cost of a good-sized block of chocolate is only $3.00 and so if I purchase 4 bars, it is only $12.00. 4 bars looks really enticing when you fan it out. People also really appreciate it when you do decide to give them the block even if they did not get all commandments. But most of the time though, I just give out a little bar as a consolation prize.
I also gave them a $1,000,000 Gospel note.

Also, as you mentioned, most people do not come close to getting all commandments and so I help them. Even with helping them, at the most get 7 of the commandments.
So, I help them by saying, "What do you do with a gun?" or "What is special about the seventh day". This makes the person that I am talking to happier as they then realise that I am on their side, and I want them to win the bar. Makes talking a lot easier.
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Dec 2, 2021
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One other trick is to print off the 10 Commandments and then Sellotape them onto the back of one of the blocks of chocolate. If you cover the entire piece of paper, it makes it waterproof. Make sure that the flavour is not a common one you would give away. Then you can use a kids felt and cross off the commandments that the person gets right. Once finished, simply wipe off the felt with your finger and you are ready to do it again.

I will add this to my original post
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Dec 2, 2021
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I went into the centre of town today and did this chocolate evangelizing trick on the main street. The problem I found is that people were too busy to listen. They have gone to town to purchase an item and that is their goal. I did get to tell a few people, but the response was a lot less successful than in the park last week.
Anyway, I went to the park a little later and done the same thing, but the response was way better. Every person I asked wanted to take part in the chocolate challenge.
So be wise in where you choose to share the Gospel. Look for places where people are not in a rush. The park is a lot better than in a main street.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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So you're going to trick people by pretending to be nice and offer them chocolate rather than just be upfront about preaching the Gospel? I'm a Christian, and if someone did this to me I'd be pretty unhappy.

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Dec 2, 2021
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So you're going to trick people by pretending to be nice and offer them chocolate rather than just be upfront about preaching the Gospel? I'm a Christian, and if someone did this to me I'd be pretty unhappy.


No. I am not tricking them at all. I try to be nice all the time. I offer them a legitimate challenge. Nothing deceitful about it. If they get all 10 Commandments, then they get a whole block of chocolate. So far, I have not had one person who did not like it. It is a fun challenge and even I have joined in to help them get the 10 Commandments. Then after the challenge I ask them some honest questions which leads to the Gospel. Pretty simple and honest if you ask me.
I also wear a t-shirt that says "". That is pretty up front in my opinion.

Can you please tell me what you do when you go to the park and tell people about Christ? How do you approach a total stranger and make them feel comfortable enough to have a conversation.
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Confessional Lutheran
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No. I am not tricking them at all. I try to be nice all the time. I offer them a legitimate challenge. Nothing deceitful about it. If they get all 10 Commandments, then they get a whole block of chocolate. So far, I have not had one person who did not like it. It is a fun challenge and even I have joined in to help them get the 10 Commandments. Then after the challenge I ask them some honest questions which leads to the Gospel. Pretty simple and honest if you ask me.
I also wear a t-shirt that says "". That is pretty up front in my opinion.

Can you please tell me what you do when you go to the park and tell people about Christ? How do you approach a total stranger and make them feel comfortable enough to have a conversation.

I can't say that I've ever gone to the park to proselytize. Instead I tell people about my faith in the context of conversation. But the way Lutherans do and understand evangelism is very different than how it is done in American-style Evangelicalism. We simply point back to Jesus and try to be honest about it. As we recognize that faith is something God does, God gives and creates faith as a gift (Ephesians 2:8) entirely apart from our works (Ephesians 2:9) which He does through the Gospel (Romans 10:17). So we recognize the power of God's grace through the means He has given: Word and Sacrament.

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So, the Gospel is the Power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16). This is why Jesus commanded us to go and say it to everyone. If we look for opportunities to say the Gospel, God can minister to that person. So, it is not me changing the persons heart but God. "So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." 1 Cor 3:7
It is not American-style Evangelism you will find. It is copied off what Jesus did with the rich young ruler. So, I guess you could call it Jesus Styled Evangelism. Jesus showed the law first and then told him how to be saved. Matt 19:16-22.

Also, I tell people about my faith in the context of conversation. I think that as a believer that is a natural thing to do.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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So, the Gospel is the Power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16). This is why Jesus commanded us to go and say it to everyone. If we look for opportunities to say the Gospel, God can minister to that person. So, it is not me changing the persons heart but God. "So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." 1 Cor 3:7
It is not American-style Evangelism you will find. It is copied off what Jesus did with the rich young ruler. So, I guess you could call it Jesus Styled Evangelism. Jesus showed the law first and then told him how to be saved. Matt 19:16-22.

Also, I tell people about my faith in the context of conversation. I think that as a believer that is a natural thing to do.

American-style Evangelicalism. Not American-style evangelism. Evangelicalism refers to a specific religious movement within Protestantism that arose in the 19th and 20th centuries, primarily in the United States; which is marked by very particular views about how evangelism and conversion work which are a radical departure from historic Christian beliefs and practices.

While I wasn't trying to start a debate on that subject, I did want to highlight that since I'm a Lutheran the way we understand evangelism as well as what conversion means and how it happens is markedly different from the modern Evangelical model. The Lutheran way of doing things is simply to point to Jesus and trust that God will do the rest. God brings people into His Church, He does that through Word and Sacrament.

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I have just added a few little alterations. Over the last month or so I have been going into the parks and doing this and as I have done it, I have found better ways of saying things. As per normal, it along the lines of LivingWaters (Thanks Ray. You Rock)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2021
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This has been a while since I have posted on this thread but over the last year I have learnt some more of what to say to unbelievers. So, in the second post, I have put these additions and I have underlined them.
It is always good to be prepared to share the Gospel. A lot of believers know what it is, but then when they say it, they can waffle on or that may accidentally leave important parts out, giving the Gospel less potency. So, if you memorise certain paragraphs, it may help you in sharing the Good News.
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