The Good King (A Soldier's Story)

red bits

Nov 23, 2011
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My feet were unsteady and worn; Death was my footsteps. Oblivion was about me as a shroud, and my heart failed in it's place.

The battle was long over, and the sword in my hand was heavy. In the fight, it had been covered with the blood of the enemies of the unjust princes who ruled over me. The spirits of the slain, and of those that I caused to suffer; chased me day and night, giving me no rest. Evil assailed me continually, and I struck out wildly in all directions. All greatness had left me, and the glory of war had long faded.

My shield was broken; shattered in the onslaught. Blow after blow, strike after strike; my resistance was destroyed, and my strength was all but gone.

The weight of my helm was great, and I could not lift up my head. It was filled with my iniquity and bound to me by my wrath. The people of my prince had looked upon my suffering and forced me to wear it, as to not see the grief worn across my face; on it, the word SOLDIER was written in blood.

Herbs had lost their savor, and wine had become bitter. Rage had driven away all of my allies, and my mouth was laden with the dust of the earth. I had no one to command me, or direct me in my ways.
Hope had gone from me.

All joy had left my eyes.

I had been cast out by my people; and wandered the earth, searching in vain for peace.

I saw around me the spoils of war enjoyed carelessly by those who had not borne its grievousness. By the blood of my brothers, and the sweat of our labors, men had become as gods who cared not for their children. Gods obsessed with power and wealth who preyed on the souls of the weak. Without justice or temperance, they consumed the house of the poor, destroyed the oppressed, and trampled the residue with their feet. They traded men's souls and mocked their suffering.

"My God, my God!" I cried aloud, "My country has fallen to an evil people; their ways are openly deceitful, and filth has become the acceptable standard. Men have become more effeminate than the women who run rampant in their evil ways. Violence and perversion are their entertainment; and wickedness is the language of our once great society."

"Even the sight of our flag causes me to weep."

I fell to my knees in despair. I was a man without a country. My sorrow waxed exceedingly great, and I could go no further. My soul longed to join my brothers in the dust of the earth. I wept, not for my fellow man, or my brothers, or for my country. I wept for the man that I had become.

Hope had forsaken me, when I heard the gentlest of voices.

"Soldier of Man, who are you that you suffer so greatly?"

I said to him, "My Lord, please, I beg you not to speak to me, because, I am an evil man, I do evil things for evil people. For I love violence and the ways of the wicked. All day long, I glorify my violent heart and have become as a god of death. Even the good that I do is evil. There is no truth found within my mouth; and my great pride has brought me to unfathomable ruin. I suffer so greatly because I don't know any other way to be."

"You poor soul!" He said, "Come then, join My Kingdom. I have need for a man such as you, for you have fought valiantly and love to speak of glory. My ways are peaceful and My Glory is eternal. You have looked within your heart and have prayed after much grief for a way to be a better man. Your sorrow is true and heartfelt and has been heard. Besides, your misery is breaking my heart!"

"Good King, how can I join you? My heart lies with the dust of the earth, and my mind is heavy with iniquity. Every thought leads me to destruction; for my very nature betrays me, and I cannot suffer my fellow man. The only way I know is the way of the sword!"

With a laugh and a kind smile, he said, "My child, all that you have seen and will see; and all that you have heard and will hear, is mine. I AM the Lord of all Creation. My name is Jesus, I AM the Christ, and all has been given to me by the Eternal Father, including your iniquity. I have placed my laws in your heart and mind so you would repent, and come to me! Your sins are forgiven you; now, lift up your head and shine."

With all of my strength, I raised up my head, and saw a man standing in radiant white robes. He was peace. His countenance was as bright as the sun, and in his hands was a single white rose. There were many behind him, who were slight in stature, and humble. They cared for the sick, wept with the mourners, fed the poor, and praised their King.

"Righteous King," I begged, "How can all be yours? I have seen the camp of the wicked men; they are strong, and their evil has no limits! They hate righteousness, and devour the kind whole. You and yours are but slight in stature, and humble; and your ways are good."

The King took the sword from my right hand, and the shield from my left. He reached down and removed the cumbersome helm from my head. He said, "Now, you can see more clearly! Go and ponder the path of the wicked." He then handed me the white rose and sent me out to wander the wilderness for a time.

I saw the wicked, trapped in their pride; bound to their evil ways for fear of shame, and desire for glory. Even the upright were captured in the iniquity of their society. I saw those with means to help, donating publicly to charity, while denying the downtrodden among them any aid or kindness. Surely, they must see their callous ways create the filth around them, and the violence in their streets. I saw the poor and oppressed forced to steal from the rich to survive, then cast into prison for their transgressions. There was no justice, and no fault was ever forgiven the poor. I saw the grand society of man grinding to dust because of the evil of their ways; while they cursed the very God that offered salvation. Their wars consumed them, and their arrogance devoured them. Their greed left nothing behind.

However, I saw good as well; and it was steadfast.

I saw compassion among the oppressed, no matter how cruel the tyrant. I saw that there was always love, even in the greatest presence of evil. I witnessed people thirsting for righteousness and justice, quietly caring for their fellow man; and that the Almighty Father was with them. And, I heard hope in the name of a King.

I returned to the Lord and he said to me, "See! I have replaced your sword with a pen; your glory with Mine. I have taken your helm of destruction and replaced it with a crown of wisdom, for you have witnessed both great good, and terrible evil. Your broken heart has been filled with peace, and your tortured spirit has been lifted up. Go forward, in joy and loving kindness, and let everyone see you, so that they may know that redemption is for all men! Tell them of My Kingdom, as I have told you, so that they may find peace as well."

I left the presence of the Lord to go forward, ministering to his people and to declare his great works before all men, saying, "Glory to God! Believe and obey his Christ, for salvation belongs to him."

And I wait in peace, for his Kingdom is coming.
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