The Gnostic New World Order


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Jan 23, 2014
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There's been a constant drumbeat throughout history that seems to be reaching its crescendo today. That beat could perhaps go under a thousand different names and variations, but one that seems to stick out to me is Gnosticism.

Civilization today appears to be fully saturated in Gnostic ideology, both inside and outside the Christian church. Gnosticism has actually been referred to as a kind of 'shadow church' that has been following the real church since its beginning. The Gnostics believed that Jesus Christ was actually a messenger that came to teach his followers how to escape the prison cell of physical reality, and reunite with the cosmic one-ness that came before all existence.
Gnostics see any order or distinction in the world as fundamentally evil (as the order of phsyical existence itself is fundamentally evil, created by an evil or ignorant demiurge, or lesser creator god) The Gnostic truth lies in a state of pure enlightenment, the Monad, the unified source of all things where there are no separations.

The true Gnostic "God" is unnameable, as names themselves are distinctions, and thus impure. You will recognize this trend in the rising one-world religion, an interfaith coalition that pays homage to the principle of unity behind the gods of all faiths around the world. American politicians also frequently mention this pluralistic God that represents all the faiths of a secular society. This is the pure state of bliss that lies behind much of eastern religion and mysticism, and the cosmic pure energy of New Age belief systems.

You will see this movement in the rise of transgenderism. Traditional gender roles based on biological sexes are seen as an oppressive force, forcing separation in society and getting in the way of someone's true identity, which is their transcendant self that rises above any kind of labels society wants to put on it. Gnostics venerate androgyny because it represents the dissolution of separate male and female identities into a singular one.

Society seems literally hypnotized as it marches towards this goal, this great dissolving into one shared state with no distinctions between individuals. Technology (human willpower) has played its role in the creation of a worldwide internet and what is increasingly a kind of collective social-media hivemind, where mass thought, opinion, and reaction is continually refined one single socially-acceptable expression, beyond separate distinctions. This also falls under the subject of totalitarianism. Totalitarian regimes arise when the ideological space of the society has become "totalized", and there is only one acceptable way to view reality. (a more scientific term thrown about is "Mass Formation Psychosis")

During the theatrical opening ceremony for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth games in England (which was blessed in person by King Charles, who is now one of the most prominent political figures on the entire world stage and leading "The Great Reset" global movement)...the official Birmingham ceremony announcers/commentators described the set design as a celebration of a new "Tower of Babel".


The Tower of Babel is described in Genesis 11 as a place where all of humanity comes together as one, under one spirit and one name, so that nothing can be withheld from their collective will.

The gnostic sees his own enlightenment as the true pathway back to an Edenic type state of perfection. Gnostics actually see the serpent figure in the Genesis 3 Garden of Eden account as a benevolent messenger that tried to save Adam and Eve from the evil creator god of the Old Testament. The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was actually the object that would give them "Gnosis", and the knowledge would set them free from a realm of physical separateness.

We hear gnosticism in the popular phrases "You can do anything if you put your mind to it." ... or "become your true self" ... It is the root ideology of modern human psychology and human potential movements, "self-actualization", and the kind of spirituality you see coming from all areas of culture, from Fitness coaches to the Oprah Winfrey show. Popular movies like Star Wars, or The Matrix or The Truman Show, are overt celebrations of the Gnostic belief system, but Gnosticism is now generally the undercurrent to most popular entertainment.

Gnosticism revolves around this idea that the normal, the mundane order of things is an illusion hiding a true reality underneath. The gnostic truth is always found in the inversion of what was considered typical and normal, and progress is always the next stage in what is a permanent revolution against the previous order. Women sharing a workplace with men is considered self-evidently positive because it toppled the old order of the male workplace. the homosexual/transgender movements are considered progress because they topple the old order of traditional sex and gender roles. The erosion of natural boundaries are considered progress because since nations and boundaries only serve to divide different groups of people, their erosion must be a good thing.

America is founded on gnostic ideals which are expressed in the root of Deism and Freemasonry, a metanarrative which has humanity, through self-enlightenment, refining itself into something ever more pure and transcendant, following a mysterious 'god of nature' that lies behind all the religions of the world. The light of human reason and science is followed back towards a kind of universal language of reality behind all things. This is echoed in allegory of Plato's Cave, where the things we see here in the natural world are but rough shadows and copies of the true spiritual objects of illumination.

The agnostic/atheist echoes gnosticism in his metaphysical view of the universe as a constant evolutionary state of becoming, that we are either dissolving into one shared oblivion or evolving into a state of transhumanism. Gnosticism is also expressed in "social justice" movements, which are frequently symbolized by a raised fist, the symbol of permanent revolution against authority.

Gnostics naturally hold to (but are not limited to) a progressive/marxist style ideology, but as a kind of permanent revolution against all authorities... a march through the institutions... However, the specific issue is never really the issue they care about... the issue is always just a vehicle for revolution. For example, the hyper-focus on 'racial justice' in the BLM movement, is not because its organizers and influencers actually care about the lives and wellbeing of black people, but because the BLM movement is viewed as a powerful weapon to attack a more traditional perceived order of "whiteness" in society. Remember that the reason the gnostic spirit expressed in these movements does not actually care about individual persons is because a flesh and blood person is corrupted by their very material existence. People are only virtuous and beautiful when they are used in a state of revolt against some kind of dominant hierarchy.

I suppose all of this comes down to human pride, which is the original sin, which is why it is so prevalent in the world and one of the most dangerous heresies that has followed the church since the first century. People want to be gods and so are continually following that temptation. The more people collectivize, the more amplified this gnostic trance of progress and transhumanism.

In studying this, I have come to appreciate more and more how Jesus emphasized his physical body so much. How after his resurrection, he wanted to show his followers that he was a real body and could even eat food. How he told his disciples that they would be saved by partaking in communion of his flesh and blood. The real Gospel completely destroys Gnosticism in no equivocating that the whole thing revolves around a very distinct identity of God in the flesh as the man Jesus Christ.... and not the transcendence beyond material reality as the Gnostics believe, but the resurrection and restoration of material reality and the glorified human body that is not touched by sin. We remain God's distinct children with distinct names given to us by Jesus. We live under Jesus' absolute monarchy in his kingdom.

Gnosticism can't tolerate any of this because it keeps the human under God's authority, and Gnostics want to worship themselves and be their own gods.

If society is the fish, then Gnosticism would be the water. It's everywhere today, in all facets of our culture, from the most niche pockets of entertainment to the civil religion practiced in government institutions. The corporate world and Mass-media seem to be obsessed with normalizing the radical, now militantly pushing homosexuality and transgenderism, as is the US Military. The American nation itself was created out of a kind of masonic gnostic rebellion against the old order of monarchy in favor of a government based on the collective minds of men. We tap into the gnostic ideals whenever we pledge allegiance to a flag of revolution in the name of freedom from authority. The Statue of Liberty hold alight the "sacred" torch of freedom and human enlightenment.

The modern age itself is crafted out of human willpower, or the ability for man to use his mind to harness the powers of nature. "Knowledge is Power." Science is on a continual Gnostic quest to find the hidden universal code behind all of reality. The reigning cosmological model of the "Big-Bang" is a familiar Gnostic motif whereby the entire universe exploded in a sudden and violent event from a state of purity that existed before physical nature itself... Christians routinely lean into Gnosticism when they embrace evolutionary models of the universe and creation.

Gnosticism directly manifests in the church when congregants become fixated on a personal spirit that is beyond intelligibility, driving them into a state of ecstasy, or replacing the real Gospel and becoming their own 'personal truth' about their relationship with God that is not or limited by the authority of scripture.

One of my motivations for writing all of this is that the church today seems largely at peace with the Gnosticism seething all around them and through their own congregations. The church almost feels like the moral office of the modern world, making sure we keep feeding the poor and building schools as the culture all around us and our children consolidates more and more into this new world order, where society keeps breaking down boundary after boundary. We are nearing the time where it will be considered a hate crime to not celebrate the transformation of a young boy into a girl... and it feels like the church, instead of standing in the stream of social change, has helped guide it along, and continues to drift along with the increasing hivemind of the world. The church seems defenseless and entangled because it's had its feet in the affairs of the world for so long.

This concern blends into a popular phenomena called "Moral Therapeutic Deism" which was recently found to be one of the most popular religious views among young people who would call themselves a Christian. The heaviest gnostic element is the Deism, in which the God becomes an unknown God that is behind all religions in the world, and as long as you're a good person you go to heaven. Heaven here is not so much the resurrected creation and specific architecture of the New Jerusalem, and the Temple of God with foundations and gates named after the tribes of Israel and the Apostles of Jesus... Instead the gnostic heaven is more like the state of pure energy and spiritual bliss where names and things don't even exist, an immaterial melding back into divine light.

Lost churches seem primed and ready to accept whatever mass delusion comes their away in order to guide them further into this one-world religion system, where they will be encouraged to worship, not the God of Israel, but the god beyond names and beyond codes of morality that might offend someone. The god of "World Peace" ...

A lot more could be said but I'll stop here... thanks for reading.


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Dec 31, 2018
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We live under Jesus' absolute monarchy in his kingdom.
Yes but ironically the whole idea was to eliminate our separation from God and start living under His will rather than our own. Kinda like being one with Him again. Good points though
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Gregory Thompson

Change is inevitable, feel free to spare some.
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Dec 20, 2009
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where there is light, there is shadow.

The shadow expresses a mockery of the light, lacking definitions of the actual body as seen in the light.

The shadow implies there is a light by virtue of its existence, but it loses all shape and meaning if the light disappears.

the current shape of the shadow is a crude reflection of the current body as seen in the light.

as the light changes its expression, so must the shadow.

The shadow has no originality, this is why it is popular.
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Tolworth John

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There's been a constant drumbeat throughout history that seems to be reaching its crescendo today.

The delusion that ' I can be a god! 'as first seem in eden, but still seen in peoples lives today.
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Jan 23, 2014
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Here is the 7th Congress of the Leaders of World Religions that took place just a few days ago, led by the Roman pope Francis.


part of their declared mission statement:

"....guided by our shared desire for a just, peaceful, secure and prosperous world,

affirming the importance of shared values in the spiritual and social development of humankind,

recognizing the necessity of countering and overcoming intolerance and hate speech, xenophobia, discrimination and conflicts based on ethnic, religious and cultural differences,

respecting the richness of religious and cultural diversity,..."

Religious leaders are converging with each other in order to form a union with a single religious expression of humanity... a humanity that has broken free of the distinct gods and moral values that keep them separated. True gnostic holiness is coming together as one.

Just as leading American politicians will never specifically name the "God" they are always asking to bless America. It is not God the Father and Jesus the Son... it is the gnostic 'god of nature', the illuminating light that they believe as the ultimate truth behind all religions, and they desire a single brotherhood of humanity to rise up in its own enlightenment. Enlightened, unified, and transcended humanity that will reign as its own god and usher in an era of global peace and prosperity.

This is why they will have no choice but to attack Christians who still follow the Jesus found in the Gospels. Jesus came to divide people with the truth, of who belongs to the Father and who doesn't, and when we follow Jesus we are standing against the gnostic program of a spiritually integrated global humanity.

Here is a recent photo of the British Army "marching for PRIDE"


This is not about the rights of actual homosexual individuals. For example, gay people who are against transgenderism (and want to "drop the T" from the LGBT) will find out quickly that their beliefs and opinions are not welcome. This is because it is never about the actual issue (gay rights), but instead about using the issue of the day as a kind of gnostic vehicle for dismantling traditional social order. It is a celebration of a humanity that is transcending all rules and authority, a spiritually androgynous humanity that has transcended any orders or distinctions that might separate it, including the order of male and female instituted by the God of Israel.

As many have been warning, the next thing this rising world army will be defending is pedophilia.

Not even a decade ago, the average person would have thought it insane for very young children to be getting drugs and surgery in order to change their sexes, and today it is being cheerfully encouraged by the nation's largest medical and hospital centers. It is now mainstream and the world's largest corporations are celebrating "Drag Kids"... If a little boy or girl can opt to change their sex then it really is not much of a leap for them to have the "choice" to engage in romantic relationships with adults. To the spirit of gnosticism, this is all about removing the fleshly barriers that separate us and becoming one.
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this is all about removing the fleshly barriers that separate us and becoming one.
Understood, but there is a difference between seeing this in a fleshy way versus spirit. The Adversary is restricted to mimicking God in the physical world. His oneness is not the same as being one under God.
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Jan 23, 2014
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This has been openly discussed for centuries... especially during the age of revolution in America and France. A "New Order of the Ages" was being inaugurated on the earth, a "revolution in the minds of men"... a global fraternity of men based on the idea that man should be free and unshackled from any authority over his own reason and will. Liberty. Democracy. The will of the people.

What we are seeing happen today seems to be the actualization phase of these plans, and the world is marching forward towards it, more as if in a trance than a conscious undertaking. The goal is a state of oneness where all people are in perfect harmony with each other with no beliefs separating each other, not even a separation between male and female. A gnostic androgyny.

This seems to be describing the spirit of Anti-Christ... If true followers of Jesus are all one in the body of Christ, then the body of anti-Christ must likewise strive to have a kind of hivemind oneness to it, moving as one beast, a global society in perfect accord.

And eventually, anyone who does not join this beast will be viewed as the most detestable evil creature, an obscene hater of humanity, trying to hold people back from realizing their true potential... We already see that happening today of course, but I think it's going to be shocking how much this mentality takes over the world in the near future.
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And eventually, anyone who does not join this beast will be viewed as the most detestable evil creature, an obscene hater of humanity, trying to hold people back from realizing their true potential...
This was the case in the Roman Empire (the mini version of globalization) when early Christians were called haters of man for simply not playing along with the traditional ways of man, preferring the ways of the Kingdom instead. Think 1960's.
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Jan 23, 2014
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This was the case in the Roman Empire (the mini version of globalization) when early Christians were called haters of man for simply not playing along with the traditional ways of man, preferring the ways of the Kingdom instead. Think 1960's.

You can really see the return of that kind of social hivemind today, where even many professing churches began locking hands with the world to denounce anyone taking an unpopular stance against feminism, or homosexuality, or gay-marriage.

Today these things are regarded as a kind of civic badge, confirming one's allegiance to the new order. But it's never about the social issues themselves... It's always about perpetuating a state of permanent revolution. (for example, a homosexual individual who is against transgenderism is regarded as an enemy of the new order, because they've abandoned participation in the revolution.)

It's a tricky situation because churches signed up for the revolution centuries ago and consider themselves post-Enlightenment churches, thinking they were building heaven on earth, but were actually building a kind of New Atlantis society that venerates humanity over God.

I think that's what the apostles were always warning the church about... getting led away into these sensual myths that gave rise to humanism, celebration of human willpower, and the modern technological age itself, where mass culture is steeped in the things the apostles warned about. Gnosticism seems to have paved the way for that transformation of the church, into a global movement of human potential and human transcendence beyond even male and female.
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