The gift of discernment of spirits


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Thanks for sharing that. It reminded me of the manifestation I get on my palms of heat or a gentle flame. Others can feel the heat if it is strong. The Lord brought healing to someone that was in the prayer line next to me when I prayed for his back pain. I interviewed him during the process and he reported a tremendous heat on his back. He arrived at the meeting walking with the assistance of a cane. After prayer he was swinging the cane over his head praising God.

That's a wonderful testimony! It's called the spirit of burning. There's a reference to it in the Old Testament.

The gift of discernment requires discernment. Many readily assume discernment means deliverance ministry or a related subject but that's not always the case. I was called to the marketplace and fashion industry.

I suspect my experiences were meant to prepare me for the demonic elements that are prevalent in the sector. It's impact on social culture is very pronounced and the notion of "fashion gods" or "slaves to fashion" is true.

I recently saw a video illustrating the demonic influences in the music industry. It was heart wrenching to watch. And this wasn't the lighter stuff. It was very dark. The subliminal and overt messages were evident. I'm familiar with most and unlike the past it was very prominent.

I stopped listening to music that contained lyrics. I make an exception for opera but that's it. I don't consume much media either. I don't know if that's true for others with the gift.
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Saint Steven

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That's a wonderful testimony! It's called the spirit of burning. There's a reference to it in the Old Testament.

The gift of discernment requires discernment. Many readily assume discernment means deliverance ministry or a related subject but that's not always the case. I was called to the marketplace and fashion industry.

I suspect my experiences were meant to prepare me for the demonic elements that are prevalent in the sector. It's impact on social culture is very pronounced and the notion of "fashion gods" or "slaves to fashion" is true.

I recently saw a video illustrating the demonic influences in the music industry. It was heart wrenching to watch. And this wasn't the lighter stuff. It was very dark. The subliminal and overt messages were evident. I'm familiar with most and unlike the past it was very prominent.

I stopped listening to music that contained lyrics. I make an exception for opera but that's it. I don't consume much media either. I don't know if that's true for others with the gift.
I would love to know that OT reference to "the spirit of burning". If you know it or could direct me I would very much appreciate it.

I first started to notice this manifestation in worship. It felt warm, like a gentle flame on my hands. What I was feeling was so specific, I could almost see it. I could imagine the size and movement, even the color to some degree. Flickering orange, yellow, and blue. Like the flame on an oil lamp. I wondered what it was. No one else had ever mentioned such a thing. Years later I heard testimony of others with the same manifestation.

I guess I assumed that everyone had the gift, or spiritual ability, of discernment to some degree, since we all need to use discernment somewhat. Typically just enough to weigh a situation and know what is happening spiritually. (whether good or bad) I mean in a vague general sense.
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I would love to know that OT reference to "the spirit of burning". If you know it or could direct me I would very much appreciate it.

This is the direct reference. There was another site that had a really informative post but I'm on a new computer. I'll see if I can dig up the link for you.

I first started to notice this manifestation in worship. It felt warm, like a gentle flame on my hands. What I was feeling was so specific, I could almost see it. I could imagine the size and movement, even the color to some degree. Flickering orange, yellow, and blue. Like the flame on an oil lamp. I wondered what it was. No one else had ever mentioned such a thing. Years later I heard testimony of others with the same manifestation.

What a lovely experience! I've seen green smoke rings when praying heading upward. It doesn't happen often. And I see color when I close my eyes. Sometimes when they're open.

I guess I assumed that everyone had the gift, or spiritual ability, of discernment to some degree, since we all need to use discernment somewhat. Typically just enough to weigh a situation and know what is happening spiritually. (whether good or bad) I mean in a vague general sense.

We do. I believe our gifts are customized. We may have several working together to enable us to fulfill our Kingdom mission. I had many people pointing me towards ministry. They assumed I was called to the church and should teach. I was encouraged to attend a bible college and divinity school.

But I never had a confirmation of any of this from the Lord. I didn't have a burden for shepherding in the manner they supposed. I'm called to a different flock.

Have you worked with healing ministries in the Church? Are you involved in worship?
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Saint Steven

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But I never had a confirmation of any of this from the Lord. I didn't have a burden for shepherding in the manner they supposed. I'm called to a different flock.

Have you worked with healing ministries in the Church? Are you involved in worship?
I feel the same way. My calling is specific to me. Rather "unorthodox", shall we say. You too, it seems.

Surprisingly, I haven't been much involved in healing ministries. Which surprises me. I had a divine appointment that I thought was the launch of something. But God seems to like to send me on strange missions just once. Nothing further comes of it. That's fine. What I am learning about spiritual gifts is that sometimes (or oftentimes) we don't own them. I would never say "my" gift is healing. It isn't mine in any sense of the word.

I am involved in worship ministry though. I've played on the worship team at my church for over 30 years. And in the last year I have been writing/recording songs. But they aren't worship songs. I would call what I am doing secular music with a Christian worldview. I am able to reach out into areas where you can't really go with traditional ministry. And I do run into Christians out there too. Anyway...
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I feel the same way. My calling is specific to me. Rather "unorthodox", shall we say. You too, it seems.

My spiritual battle was very bad. I honestly contemplated speaking to a therapist. It was a traumatizing experience but the Holy Spirit brought me through. I was a very devout child and my parents didn't know what to do with me.

I spent weekends with my aunt and we had long discussions on faith, watched television programs, and attended local Christian conferences. She had a copy of the bible on cassette tape and I always put it in when I visited. Most children don't spend their free time in a rectory talking to priests. I loved God immensely even then. I used to read the bible by flashlight. I could hide it from my parents when I should be resting for school.

It took a while for me to reconcile what happened. "Why?" lingered in my heart. I accepted responsibility for wandering. I looked for Him everywhere. By the time I went to the synagogue I was totally spent. I'd run out of steam.

The Holy Spirit answered my question and directed me to Job. I've experienced healing on many levels and His restoration is continuous. But I've encountered the demonic in a manner no mortal should. I wouldn't wish my experiences on a soul. The constancy of battle is draining and it takes a toll on every facet of your person. I paid a heavy price for my freedom.

I had a period of warfare after it was resolved. I was laboring for someone in prayer. That was a positive result of what I endured. I was fearless and willing to stand with a dagger in hand. I'm not afraid of Satan. I've gone through too much and lived to tell.

I don't believe the experience was solely for my benefit. I am conversant in many religions and I've seen a great deal in the spirit realm. And the Lord is leading me into hell's cesspool. It is hard to remain unchanged in that environment when most are demonic or moving in that direction.

Their involvement in our culture is more pronounced than many realize. I diagrammed it for my daughter over the weekend and had an uninvited guest. That's what she calls them. ;-) He appeared on three occasions. There is a heavy assignment against Hollywood and celebrities. Something powerful. Many are trapped and can't get out.

I think your experiences have a purpose. It may be part of your preparation. I received my calling but didn't know the fullness of what it involved for a few years. Then I was given the blueprint for business and He's been fleshing it out. I know the time frames for each thing He wants me to do. But the 'how' is revealed over time.

I think your music is very important. I am happy to hear He's called you to that path! We need godly voices to counter hell's message. Some are called to the flock and others are fitted to go out into the world and take ground from the evil one. Snatching many from the fire as Jude mentions.

Given our discussion I'd say you were given these experiences for such a time as this. When you hear that many sell their soul to progress in music; believe it. I was addressing that practice and the other when the visitor arrived.

Pride, Greed, and Lust are the biggest threats. I'd pray against them frequently.
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Saint Steven

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I think your experiences have a purpose. It may be part of your preparation. I received my calling but didn't know the fullness of what it involved for a few years. Then I was given the blueprint for business and He's been fleshing it out. I know the time frames for each thing He wants me to do. But the 'how' is revealed over time.

I think your music is very important. I am happy to hear He's called you to that path! We need godly voices to counter hell's message. Some are called to the flock and others are fitted to go out into the world and take ground from the evil one. Snatching many from the fire as Jude mentions.

Given our discussion I'd say you were given these experiences for such a time as this. When you hear that many sell their soul to progress in music; believe it. I was addressing that practice and the other when the visitor arrived.

Pride, Greed, and Lust are the biggest threats. I'd pray against them frequently.
Thanks for your post. That is quite the testimony of what God is doing in your life.

I think what I am learning from my experiences is that we need to be prepared for whatever God may be doing. Like I said earlier, it seems to me that we don't own the gifts (manifestations) the Holy Spirit distributes them as He determines. My divine appointment was rather bizarre. For me anyway. I'll give a very brief summary.

When a prayer minister saw me worshiping with arms spread to the song On Eagles Wings, he placed a hand on my forehead and declared, "Vision like an eagle." I was startled by this, since I was only up front as a catcher for those that might be slain in the Spirit. But I received it none the less. A few weeks later I started having visions of a street in a neighboring city. I was familiar with the area but had no idea what it meant.

These occasional visions continued with no answer to why. One day I found myself nearby on a bicycle and decided to pedal over there to see if I could figure this out. I didn't really see anything that resonated with me until I decided to turn my bike around and head home.

I noticed a woman looking at the back of her car as if checking damage from an automobile accident. I crossed the street to get a closer look. I noticed that the woman looked rather sickly. As I rode past her God said, "Talk to that woman." I turned my bike around and went back. I asked God, "What should I say?" No answer.

As she approached me I said, "It looks like there was an accident here." She stopped and talked to me about it. When I stood face to face I could see how sick she was. Her hair was either falling out or growing back in from chemo. She had bumps the size of cherry tomatoes on top of her head. Her completion was gray. I asked her if she had cancer. She said "Yes." I asked her if I could pray for her. She agreed. I said a simple prayer but could feel God's presence all around us.

As I rode away I asked myself, what just happened here? The logistics of this meeting blew my mind.
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Jan 16, 2019
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Thanks for your post. That is quite the testimony of what God is doing in your life.

Thank you. It's been quite an experience. I'll capture it in print at some point.

I think what I am learning from my experiences is that we need to be prepared for whatever God may be doing. Like I said earlier, it seems to me that we don't own the gifts (manifestations) the Holy Spirit distributes them as He determines.

Yeah, my "where is my husband" rants are pretty funny in hindsight.

When a prayer minister saw me worshiping with arms spread to the song On Eagles Wings, he placed a hand on my forehead and declared, "Vision like an eagle."

Did you understand what he meant or ask him later?

As I rode past her God said, "Talk to that woman." I turned my bike around and went back. I asked God, "What should I say?" No answer.

Don't you love that? ^_^

That sounds like a divine appointment. How did you feel after the encounter?

I recall an incident a few years ago. It was a windy day and my hat blew off and landed in the middle of the street. It's my favorite and I headed towards the traffic to retrieve it. I didn't pay attention to the cars. I wanted my hat!

A man darted into the street out of nowhere and grabbed it. He came over and handed it to me and I thanked him. I saw him at a later date after a Christmas Eve service. It was bitterly cold. We were walking home from church and freezing.

He was huddled beneath a blanket and resting on a piece of cardboard. Before I knew it the following words flew from my mouth, "Honey, would you like some coffee?" My daughter looked at me in astonishment. That's not my vernacular! He nodded yes and shivered.

I went into Starbucks and grabbed him a venti. When I handed it to him he smiled and thanked me. I asked his name and he told me his and we said goodnight. That was the beginning of our connection. I ministered to him for 9 months. One day he was gone. He'd found a place to live and I didn't see him again but came across someone he knew.

When I went to the monastery for the monastic weekend I was asked by the vocation director if I was teaching. I told her no. She said I should. The next month I volunteered to lead an Alpha group. It's a casual gathering of people interested in learning about God without pressure. We share a meal and discuss different subjects.

During the group assignments the pastor decided I'd work with the homeless group. He paired me with another man. I looked at him in astonishment. I was new to the church. There's no way he could have known about my experiences because I hadn't shared it. When I told him this he smiled and said, "the Holy Spirit knew" and we laughed.

I spoiled my guys. It was an interesting mix and one person wasn't homeless. But they were a great group with amazing backgrounds. We had an MIT graduate (he was quite ill), veterans, a seeker who'd studied many traditions, and an admitted alcoholic and gambling addict who didn't want to be there.

I stayed behind after every session to pray with my co-leader and another gentlemen who led a bible study with many of the group members. This was a divine set up. By the time we finished the program, their situations had changed. The gentleman who was ill had reconnected with his family and moved in with his daughter. His health had turned around.

The former addict surrendered his life to Christ and came out of his addiction. His deliverance brought me to tears. And the seeker found the company of someone who understood and knew his struggle. He turned away from that path and back to Christ. Another member found a job and a place to live in another state. And the others were no longer on the streets.

We didn't tell them what to think or believe. We let the Spirit lead them and I was adamant about that. So they'd learn to trust Him and be able to stand. I knew the perils of dogma and didn't want them to fall away.

I gave them touch. Something the homeless are usually lacking. They were greeted with hugs and treats from Whole Foods and bakeries. We fed their spirits and nourished their person too. I was the lone woman in the group. But that didn't matter. I did the same thing for the man in my neighborhood. I'd bring him treats from the store and we had the best discussions.

God used me to minister to them for a season. And I'm glad He did. I was blessed by the experience.
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Saint Steven

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Did you understand what he meant or ask him later?
I know the man. And pretty much understood it.
He's a prophet and a healing minister. I think the pose I struck with arms outstretched and the song lyrics about eagle's wings inspired the action. Like I said, I was startled by it. I hadn't come up for prayer. I was there to help. I was just enjoying God's presence and a moment between people needing prayer and me to back them up.

He stepped toward me and slapped a hand on my forehead and said "Vision like an eagle." And then backed away. There was no more discussion. I remember being startled and then knowing I needed to either accept or reject it. I nodded in agreement and received it. Not knowing what might come of it. When I started having the visions I didn't make the connection right away. But then I remembered what had happened. Still it was puzzling until it happened. Then it was even more puzzling. And I thought it meant the beginning of something. Which it wasn't. That too was puzzling.

I never saw the woman again or had any idea what became of her. I hope to meet her in heaven.
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Saint Steven

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Don't you love that? ^_^

That sounds like a divine appointment. How did you feel after the encounter?
Yes, so typical of these situations. We walk in obedience only half knowing what's going on. But obviously there wasn't enough time in the moment to answer all may questions. So, from that perspective, I just needed to roll with it. Which was fine. Funny how the spiritual mind processes these things. Hmm... she looks really sick... maybe God wants me to pray for her? (ya think?) lol

Yes, everyone I have shared the account with seems to agree that it was a divine appointment. I have had several, of lessor magnitude. This one was a real trip.

I was quite emotional afterwards. As I rode away on my bike I was praying in tongues with tears streaming down my face. I have only cried on rare occasion, so this was a moment of extreme emotion for me. I think this is when the effective prayer happened. The Spirit intercedes on our behalf.
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Francis Drake

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There are at least 2 different kinds of discernment in the NT. THe OP is asking about the one in 1 Cor 12.

You are talking about the other one, which is not a gift of the spirit but a fruit tht grows. They have different functions. The gift is one of revelation, not unlike prophecy or words of knowledge and wisdom. The fruit is something that is grown into over time and comes from a lengthy learning process.

But fruits of the spirit invariably start as gifts of the spirit. Like produces like.
Fruit cannot come unless a seed gift is first planted, only then might it be multiplied 30, 60, or 100 fold, and that multiplication depends on the condition of the soil, our hearts.
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Francis Drake

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Frankly, there is a lot of guesswork in trying to define Discerning of Spirits. Paul does not actually definite it, nor does he give any instructions on how to use it and what it is actually used for. First Century Christians knew more about it, and Paul obviously had the attitude that because the churches knew all about it and were doing it correctly, he didn't need to say anything about it in the letters he wrote.

But over the centuries, the church has lost the "instruction book" through lack of use. So we can only guess about how to use it, and in any cases, the guess is imperfect. Hence the debates about it.
When ordinary people brought their children to Jesus, they didn't start off by saying, "my daughter has ADHD or Aspergers,"
They said "My son has a demon".
The ordinary man in the street had more discernment than most Christians and church ministers today.
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Welcoming grandchild #7, Arturus Waggoner!
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But fruits of the spirit invariably start as gifts of the spirit. Like produces like.
Not really. Gifts are given. Fruit grows.
Gifts are a function of the Spirit Upon (outside)
Fruit is a function of Spirit Within (inside)
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Francis Drake

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Apr 14, 2013
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Not really. Gifts are given. Fruit grows.
Gifts are a function of the Spirit Upon (outside)
Fruit is a function of Spirit Within (inside)
You cannot grow spiritual fruit unless you are first given spiritual seed.
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Welcoming grandchild #7, Arturus Waggoner!
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When ordinary people brought their children to Jesus, they didn't start off by saying, "my daughter has ADHD or Aspergers,"
They said "My son has a demon".
I have received deliverance and will concur that most, if not all, psychopathy is a demon, but not all differences are.

I'll accept deliverance whenever and wherever it is appropriate, but I don't expect my sister or my son to get delivered of "left-handedness."
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Jan 28, 2019
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Discernment... When our lives line up with the Word we will walk in the Spirit.* We can cooperate with God by applying His Word to our lives. It need not be mystical, but practical. When you walk in the Spirit, it will become obvious (over time and a great number of experiences) what spirits are contrary to His.

On the other hand there certain instances when the Gift of Discernment is given and that is arbitrary to God. He gives to each one accordingly... Grow in grace and in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and all differences will stand out.

*They teach the Secret Service to spot counterfeits by exposing them to the real one in such great detail that anything different stands out immediately. The same with us and spirits.
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When a prayer minister saw me worshiping with arms spread to the song On Eagles Wings, he placed a hand on my forehead and declared, "Vision like an eagle."
What do you make of this action? Is it a thing in the church or is it very unusual. I had that happen to me on a mission trip in Atlanta during the olympics. I was going up for healing and that happened, I don't know what to make of it.
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Saint Steven

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What do you make of this action? Is it a thing in the church or is it very unusual.
That's an interesting question.

It was unusual for me. I had never had anyone do that to me before.
So, I would say, not a thing in the church. At least as presented here.
Here's what I made of it though.

It was a prophetic anointing. I think God prompted him in the moment.
And I don't think he had any idea what would come of it. I think he wanted to impart a spiritual gift to me. And from that perspective it was biblical, I suppose. (Rom.1:11) And I actually felt a spiritual transfer. Like when Jesus said power went out from him. (Mark 5:30) I remember I gasped when he did it. Partially out of surprise and partially due to the spiritual transfer. I wasn't seeking it, or expecting it.

But ironically, nothing more came of it. No more prompting visions, no more extraordinary divine appointments. Little stuff. But nothing on the scale of the original encounter.

Romans 1:11
I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—

Mark 5:25-30
And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. 30 At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
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That's an interesting question.

It was unusual for me. I had never had anyone do that to me before.
So, I would say, not a thing in the church. At least as presented here.
Here's what I made of it though.

It was a prophetic anointing. I think God prompted him in the moment.
And I don't think he had any idea what would come of it. I think he wanted to impart a spiritual gift to me. And from that perspective it was biblical, I suppose. (Rom.1:11) And I actually felt a spiritual transfer. Like when Jesus said power went out from him. (Mark 5:30)

But ironically, nothing more came of it. No more prompting visions, no more extraordinary divine appointments. Little stuff. But nothing on the scale of the original encounter.

Romans 1:11
I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—

Mark 5:25-30
And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26 She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. 30 At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
That is definitely what it sounds like.

When you observe a situation or a conversation are you suddenly drawn to things that are missed? Things from the outside people didn't think to consider and things too small to be noticed. In way that is noticed and remarked upon by people?
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Saint Steven

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When you observe a situation or a conversation are you suddenly drawn to things that are missed? Things from the outside people didn't think to consider and things too small to be noticed. In way that is noticed and remarked upon by people?
No. I don't think so. Does that happen to you?

I certainly have my own perspective. But I think everyone does.
I am a keen observer for what I think is significant. But when I point them out, others seem to get what I see. I usually have to explain it, because I have a quirky view. I see things in common situations that most people overlook, or don't realize are significant. But maybe that is what you are asking me about.
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