The Difference Between True and False Prophets In the Old Testament

Presbyterian Continuist

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Mar 28, 2005
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The difference between the true and false prophet in the Old Testament is very simple and straightforward. The true prophet was one whose role was to ensure that the nation of Israel remained faithful to God and to keep away from idols. His role also was to warn the nation of the consequences of turning to idols. He also foretold what would happen to nations that worshiped idols, and also foretold the coming of the Messiah.

The false prophet preached that holiness and faithfulness to God was not important, and that there would be no consequences to following and worshiping idols. They told the people that everything would be okay, that the nation would continue to be victorious and prosperous, even though they were being unfaithful to God. Examples of false prophets were the ones who support King Ahab and said that when he was going out to battle, he would win and drive the enemy back out of the land. The truth was that the Lord had allowed a lying spirit to enter into the mouths of those prophets.

Simply, the true prophet exhorted the nation to remain faithful to God, and the false prophet told the people that everything would be okay in spite of the nation going after idols and practiced immorality.

The evidence that the word of God had come to the true prophet was that the prophet told the truth about the idolatrous state of nation, in spite of threats to his life. Elijah was a true prophet, and he put his life on the line through what he did on Mount Carmell.

The evidence that God had not spoken to or sent the false prophet in that he preached peace to the people in spite of their idolatry and said that they would be okay in spite of their immorality.

We need to clearly understand this when examining the prophetic today. How do we know that a believer is giving a true prophecy? It testifies of Jesus, consistent with the Gospel, and provides edification, exhortation, and comfort to believers in their walk with the Lord, especially in times of persecution, or difficulties.

False prophecy promises health, wealth and fame irrespective of a person's walk with God. It concentrates on the creature rather than the creator. It is not about faith in Christ and the promises of God's Word. It is all about a persons material life in the world, and human achievement.

Therefore it is the content of a person's prophecy that determines whether the person has received a prophetic word that the Holy Spirit can speak through, or not. If the prophecy is about Jesus, then it is genuine, if it is about "me" or "you" then it probably isn't.

Someone saying that he or she is a NT Prophet as part of the five fold ministry and is merely exercising the gift of prophecy as per 1 Corinthians 14, is giving themselves a false label. The NT Prophet's preaching is a trumpet call to the church to turn from the world and to get right with God. The NAR "prophets" are not NT Prophets and not part of the five fold Prophet ministry. They are deceiving themselves and others, and therefore the NAR office of the Prophet is an outright fraud.


Sep 29, 2014
United States
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Yes there are false prophets today and yes there are true prophets today as well. There is a NT five fold ministry, there are pastors, evangelists, teachers, apostles and prophets today. The NT declares it. Ephesians 4:10-13
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