The Approach to Global Warming: Utilitarian, Pragmatic, or Homicdial?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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Global warming is not a fraud. You can witness the mean temperature of our world slowly increase.

Whether of not increased CO2 emissions and global warming are responsible for the exponential increase and intensity frequency of natural disasters around the world, no one can say for certain.

We do know that the Polar Ice caps are melting and the temperature of ocean currents greatly determine the climates around the world. The increases and decreases of water in certain parts of the world could increase the movement of tectonic (ocean floor) plates, which would cause more volcanic and earthquake activity. We are already seeing indications of this around the world.

Most commercial and military aircraft around the world are equipped with Chemtrail emitters that, in theory, are supposed to cool the atmosphere. They also are carcinigenic and weaken our immune systems because these contain barium, arsenic, lead and aluminum.

Most world leaders see our present population as unsustainable and therefore, expendable. They believe that world catastrophes will be survived by some, and life can continue after that (google the Club of Rome).

Cooling the earth so that the ice caps can freeze again would seem to be a good idea, but we currently lack the political will and the machinery to do this at this time. Essentially what we would require are freezer coils that would draw heat beyond the atmosphere above the poles like a straw.

In theory it should work, but the world seems to have developed a tribal mentality that has its eyes on the remaining oil and water. It does not seem to be terribly interested in combining its efforts to save the world, I'm afraid.

If it were up to me, I'd choose life and try to save the planet and worry about feeding ourselves, should we avert the upcoming disasters. I don't think I would want to be part of a world that values survival over humanity. How about you? Do you want to live in a world without love? Christ didn't (John 15).


Senior Veteran
Jan 20, 2006
I was watching a recent documentary on this. People are still saying that "global warming is exaggerated" or that is a lie, while the scientists on the doc were saying that Global Warming is not going to happen, but it is happening. It is no longer if the world will have an increase of water and heat, but when. Water levels have already risen, polar caps have already started melting.

They then showed how numerous countries are preparing for the increase of water levels . For example, they showed how nets have been invented to float on the water's surface to allow for plants to receive sunlight, etc.

Because of oil and convenience, I think that people will continue to ignore the problem before it is too late. People use less gas because it costs $4/gallon, not because of Global Warming. If we tried to invent Electric Cars, for example, Oil companies would potentially go out of business, but because they continue to make money, they are probably going to fight using less oil. It would help the environment, and stop our dependence on the Middle East, but money seems to be trumping that.
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free Crazy Liz!
Jul 14, 2005
Down in Mary's Land
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I think attempting to cool the planet would probably be more dangerous to populations at large than trying to conserve and adapt. Climate is a chaotic system and well-intentioned steps on a large scale might have unpleasant results--what if your cooler ushered in an ice age?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
Marital Status
I think attempting to cool the planet would probably be more dangerous to populations at large than trying to conserve and adapt. Climate is a chaotic system and well-intentioned steps on a large scale might have unpleasant results--what if your cooler ushered in an ice age?

Your position is in keeping with the pragmatic approach favored by the Club of Rome. As for creating an Ice Age, I'd be okay with it. I'm from Canada:D
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