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Aug 30, 2008
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Hi Guys,

I have posted this inthe full time ministry section. But you guys should have parents who are pastors and I need your help.

Hi I am posting in this section because I believe many of you should have ministries and be the shepherd over the people of God. I need your assistance, and I need the help of your congregations. Our government plans to remove 4.5 Billion Dollars from the international aid budget. All of our combined churches could never raise 4.5 billion dollars to help the poor. But You can help me change his mind, and introduce to him good ideas to help the poor. I have sent him a letter containing good ideas to help the poor, and end child prostitution. But as in any democracy we need the voice of the people. Your international voice is also needed. Please email our prime minister saying you support my reforms to help the poor. Also share my letter on your face book, and church mailing lists, and compel your people to do the same. Asking them to email our prime minister Tony Abbott at Tony Abbott > Home and sign a simple online petition in support of these ideas at http://www.futureandahope.net/poorhelp.php Below is the letter to share, please ensure you cut and paste this so he knows what you are referring to:
Greetings Tony Abbott,

First I would like to start with a Statistic there are an estimated 1.2 million children trafficked each year – the majority of them being lured, bribed or forced into the sex-trade. That’s one child every 26 seconds!

This is a terrible statistic sexual abuse of minors is deplorable. Yet we as an international community are not doing our part. I would like to present to you a plan that I feel would help you gain some credit with the International Aid community, a bond and trust that you have broken by reducing International Aid.

We need to be seeking International solutions to the issue of legalised child sexual abuse. Western nations have laws that prevent the exploitation of minors, this is a good thing. What I would like to propose to you is Australia as a nation should spear head an attack on the issue of child prostitution. To do this I propose you as a nation lobby the International Court of Justice to implement international laws that govern the age of consent. Currently there are only National laws. You should seek to introduce a World wide law that governs the youngest age for a person to have sex. I suggest 18 years of age. If international laws can be introduced it will put pressure on non conforming nations to do what is right. And will act as a pretext for international action to end child prostitution. I ask that you consider using some of the Aid Budget for the issue of child prostitution.

I know that you have reduced the aid budget, but I ask that you seek a long term solution to this problem. It is my desire to see a 10% tax for the poor on company investment. If an Australian company makes a return of 9% on investment, i.e. 9% company growth. 10% of the 9% growth must be paid to help the poor. That is a total tax of 0.9%. i.e. if a companies share price increases by $10 the $1 would be given to the poor. 50% to social services in Australia, and 50% to the poor overseas. Due to the volatility of the market some times it is up some times it is down, you would not collect the tax on the actual return but on the average return which has been 9.1% over the last 10 years. So the tax would be set at 0.91% each term regardless of whether the actual return was 14% of 4%. Investors are generally rich people who can afford to help the poor. While there are millions of children living in poverty the rich need to be willing to share the small percentage to help them.

I would also like to see some simple and cost free plans aimed at increasing community giving to reduce stress on government giving. I propose that two things be done to encourage giving by the community. The first is to legislate that a percentage of prime time TV be assigned to the purpose of charitable advertising. 50% to overseas and, and 50% for local issues. Some TV stations do assign time to charities, however this is in time slots that are rarely ever seen. To stress this point I personally have never seen, or at least don’t remember seeing, a TV ad for a charity. We need to be assigning sufficient time to actually make significant change to community attitude, and giving. I propose as a minimum 2 TV ads per night, in evening TV, one for international aid and one for local issues. This will not effect the bottom lines of the TV stations, but will be sufficient in terms of educational and fund raising purposes. Nightly exposure to the needs in both our local community, and the international community will vastly improve community giving, and will act to educate the community to charitable needs. Having it legislated that there must be a balance between local and international issues will prevent the exultation of one form of giving over the other. I stress the vital importance of this being legislated, not voluntary, legislation protects and provides for all future generations. To further encourage community giving I suggest that school students be given a lesson each year of study as to the importance of caring for the needs of others. One lesson will not impact the busy study schedule but will help young people to learn from an early age that it is important to care for others needs. Giving in my opinion is more important to the development of healthy society than may other topics that are taught in schools.

I have these plans recorded at http://www.futureandahope.net/poorhelp.php in more detail along with other suggested types of taxation for the purpose of supporting the poor. Please let me know your thoughts on these ideas.

Robert Palmer

Could you please let me know if you can help, or let me know why you can’t so I can discuss the reasons.