Rebuild St. George Coptic Orthodox Church destroyed by fire in Canada


Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
United States
Oriental Orthodox
Marital Status

As was widely reported last month, St. George Coptic Orthodox Church in Vancouver, BC was burned to the ground recently under what investigators have deemed suspicious circumstances (the investigation is ongoing). The Church community of St. George is asking for donations via their website, which offers several means to donate (Paypal, GoFundMe, etc).

Whether you donate or not is between you and the Lord, and if you cannot there are still other ways to help, such as posting the above YouTube video, link to the church's website, or any similar appeal on social media. I've noticed that the above video sits at under 1,000 views after nearly a month on YT. I know videos about depressing subjects like church burnings aren't as fun to watch or share as more uplifting content, but perhaps we can use this terrible event as a motivator to show others not just how the Church has suffered this loss, but also how resilient the believers are, and how strong their faith is, that they continue on even when things like this happen, determined to be a holy place for the presence of the Lord, which is a call beyond the physical presence of the church building in which we are to gather as one body.

The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
Site Supporter
Nov 26, 2019
The Wild West
United States
Generic Orthodox Christian
Marital Status
From my readings about this, it could almost be considered State sponsored terrorism. In any other era, it probably would be. Your P.M. may as well have endorsed the arson.

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