Lois Price

New Member
Jan 14, 2020
San Francisco
United States
Marital Status
In Relationship

I am a fifth year psychology graduate student at Alliant International University. I am conducting a research dissertation. My research is looking at women 18+, in a relationship who are currently pregnant. I am looking to better understand women's experiences during their pregnancy, specifically how women view their relationship quality, aspects of intimacy and their overall mental health. Taking part is completely voluntary and anonymous, the study is not affiliated with any organization other than Alliant International University.

If you are interested in the study, please follow this link -> https://alliant.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2f9XaY9Js40Vvtr

If you decide not to take part, you can simply close the browser. If you decide to go forward, the survey should take 15 minutes or less, and involves answering some questions about your experience of the pregnancy.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!