inappropriate content on the brain


Active Member
Dec 23, 2016
Queensland, Australia
Marital Status
To me this means you want pain relief, but don't want God to be your God. You want him to do what you want, instead of accepting him as he is. If we made our choice to follow God based on how much short-term relief we could get, then we wouldn't actually be choosing (or trusting) him; we'd be trying to use him. A person who is used by another person discovers it makes them feel worthless, rejected, and means the other had no basic respect for the person at all. God will not be a party to helping the other do such awful things.

We all want pain relief, but whenever we get it (in this life), something else will be waiting. There's no complete escape in this life. Having said that, the way for pain to mostly go away in this life is for the Lord to make a person strong (which he does for those who are faithful to him).

We either go through the pains of life with hope in God and his promises or we go through the pains of life without it. With faithfulness to God we come to complete assurance that the pain is temporary. Without God the pain is not temporary. This makes a huge difference in how we handle pain. It's the difference between pain+hope and pain+despair. The latter is far darker, draining, and destructive.

Because God loves us intensely, he will bless us in greater ways we know to ask for, but in his own way in his own time.
I'm not in that much pain, more so in Christian forums than inappropriate content sites.
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