Non Denominational vs Denominations


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Dec 1, 2019
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Do you love your ND church? What do you love about it? What do you dislike about it? Were you ever in a denomination, then left for ND? Why?

I’m currently Lutheran LCMS but thinking about going to one of the ND churches I’d been to. The main reasons are the LCMS church’s teaching in Biblical Creation and a young earth. I want a church where I don’t feel uncomfortable for believing in theistic evolution and a young earth.
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Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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Do you love your ND church? What do you love about it? What do you dislike about it? Were you ever in a denomination, then left for ND? Why?

I’m currently Lutheran LCMS but thinking about going to one of the ND churches I’d been to. The main reasons are the LCMS church’s teaching in Biblical Creation and a young earth. I want a church where I don’t feel uncomfortable for believing in theistic evolution and a young earth.

criteria for a church.

That it preaches what the bible teaches, that is a 6 day creation.
That it practises what it preaches. that is open and welcoming to people actively reaching out to them.
\That the leadership is willing to answer questions.

Of course there is the criteria of what one believes.
Is it biblical, is one willing to live according to biblical principals to accept the teaching, leadership and discipline of ones church.

That includes realising that sometimes ones ideas, theology is false.
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Life lived by the Bible is life worth living.
Jul 25, 2022
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Do you love your ND church? What do you love about it? What do you dislike about it? Were you ever in a denomination, then left for ND? Why?

I’m currently Lutheran LCMS but thinking about going to one of the ND churches I’d been to. The main reasons are the LCMS church’s teaching in Biblical Creation and a young earth. I want a church where I don’t feel uncomfortable for believing in theistic evolution and a young earth.

I've been on my journey with the Lord for 45 years. When I got saved I was in a Baptist Church. I have also been a part of Assembly of God and Methodist churches. Any congregation that is truly serving the Lord Jesus with a right heart and presenting the word correctly is a blessing to the Body of Christ.

That said, when it came time for me to go into full-time ministry in 1994 I chose, because of what God had spoken to my heart, to do so as a non-denominational minister.

God showed me very early on that denominations are not of him. It's not a concept that he created and it's not a biblical concept. There is only one True Church, the Body of Christ. Most people don't like that Truth, but it is the truth.

Back when God showed me this he also showed me and gave me insight to what he was going to do in the future to denominations, now this was back in 1994 or so. I'm not going to go into that full revelation but I will say this, we are beginning to see the fruit of how he feels about denominations. So many congregations with both the Baptist background, Assembly of God background, etc had began to "rebrand" themselves by giving themselves names that remove the word Baptist or the words Assembly of God or just the word Assembly, etc and they're doing so because they're dying, people coming up in Christ today for the most part do not want to be a part of a denominational church congregation. Therefore, in order to survive these congregations are still associated with the Baptist Conventions or the Assembly of God but they're keeping quiet about it and they're getting that identification out of their names so they can get people to come in the doors. You see it everywhere, you can look in almost any town in any state and you will see it.
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Mar 16, 2019
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It is impossible to find a church that matches my Christians views around here. I refuse to accept some Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Lutheran beliefs and those are my four choices. Next year, I want to look for a non-denominational Internet church and see if that helps me enough to become part of my weekly routine.
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Sharon Hayes

Jun 13, 2015
Denominational is fine as long as it's a Bible teaching ministry. I've belonged to both and leaned toward non-denominational. I find that denominations can be given to rules, requirements and restrictions that are not God-centered. They also tend to be more judgmental because of the same, causing unnecessary bondage that can be stifling. I like to eat meat, like to go to the movies, like to have a glass of wine on occasion (or even a margarita), like to dance, like to watch television, like to wear jewelry, like to wear makeup, like to wear pants, like to celebrate Christmas and everyone else's seasonal holiday from Hannukah to Kwanza (except any parts that require fasting), like to listen to some secular music and love enjoying life abundantly. Over the years I've been a part of Denominations that restricted some or all of these things and there is nothing I've read in God's word that gave me the impression they were necessary. So, non-denominational gets my stamp of approval as long as the church is a Bible teaching, God centered environment, and does not go off into opinions about politics or social issues (the latter we can get from the news).
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Feb 24, 2023
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I guess the question is "What is our basis for fellowship?" We tend to like to be part of a club "Oh! We're better than them because we believe in Believers Baptism... by FULL immersion. They just get sprinkled at birth so it doesn't really mean anything to them". (I was raised a Baptist... can you tell?)

The problem is that when a denomination forms they take a particular idea, set it concrete (because they consider it a foundational truth) and any further understanding on that subject cannot be considered because it's set in concrete. (e.g. When you get baptized in water then there is also, perhaps at some point later on, a place or desire where there can be a further baptism in the power of the Holy Spirit... not every Baptist, I found, is ok with that).

So then... what do we do? Tell them they're wrong... that they are teaching the doctrines of Satan... that they need to change it to believe your doctrine which, surely, someone else would agree with... then maybe get dis-fellowship... excommunicated... or whatever happens in that church? Or... sit back and just bare it... always cringing when that teaching is brought up? Or maybe... start your own denomination that emphasizes your take or certain teachings (after all so many other people have done that... what's one more)? We could leave... go to another Church... until we discover things we don't agree with there... then go to yet a different Church. (I knew a lady who became offended with and left at least 7 churches... that I know of... I use to be married to her). At some point in time, if we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, God will put us in fellowship with a part of His Body. We may not understand or agree with everything that is taught but we need to enter into fellowship over that and seek some way to meet where we would normally use that as a point of contention. Perhaps in this fellowship greater understanding can come to the Body and the matter over which we have concerns may be resolved to the continued growth and development of that Church.
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