Naaman and the Two Loads of Dirt

Mar 30, 2011
Malvern Arkansas
United States
Marital Status
Often in the Bible we can find a story within a story. The is case with Syrian Commander known as Naaman the Leper. After he obeyed Elisha's instructions about dipping himself in the Jordan River seven time, Naaman was cleansed of his leprosy.

Once he returned to Elisha, the Syrian General offered the prophet many gifts which he declined. After Naaman realized Elisha would not except his gift, he asked for two loads of dirt to be packed upon two mules. Many theories are out there concerning this odd request.

One thing that must be realized that these people were not westerners and they thought different than we do today. Naaman went on to say that he now only believed in the God of Israel and to be forgiven when he would be required to enter the temple of Rimmon.

Naaman was now a changed man, but he was going back home where the world was still pagan. Since he had been healed in Israel, this Syrian General realized that this land was a special place. Going into the temple of Rimmon would be meaningless from now on. He needed a place to worship the one true God.

Many say that with this dirt he built an altar to sacrifice to the only true God. Regardless of what one may thing of the this strange request for dirt, no one can deny that Naaman went home with a different heart. I am sure those among him even saw this change.

Just a sample of my blog Novellas by Tex Dermott.