
The Masters Gardener
May 15, 2002
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My King is honorable.
My King is just.
My King is powerful.
In Him, I do trust.

My King is forgiving.
My King is above.
My King knows my heart.
It is Him, who I love.

My King is righteous
My King is worthy of praise.
My King is eternal.
For Him, my heart is ablaze.

My King is Merciful.
My King is true light.
My King gives his grace.
In Him, I delight.

My King is all knowing.
My King is my guide.
My King is my counselor.
In Him I abide.

My King is a refuge.
My King is an anchor.
My King gives strength.
To Him I surrender.

My King is great comfort.
My King truly does care.
My King gives His peace.
His Name I'll declare.

My Kings name is Jesus.
My King and saviour.
My King is true love.
It is Him I adore.