My Dad is a pastor, and my brother is Athiest...

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Denki Wolf

The Christian Wolf
Apr 28, 2011
Midgar-Slums: Hangin with Aerith
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I need help... I need a lot of help.
I just don't know what to do, and I am at the breaking point.

Now, my faith is still strong, don't worry about that, but I am ready to blow up on him.
I love my brother, I mean he is my brother.
But everytime I got and visit he attacks Christianity, and rather harshly.
I hasn't started till as of late, but it has grow heavier, fast.
I can't stand it any longer, and I nearly freaked out on him this afternoon.

Now, my brother is older, so It is even harder for me to talk to him.
I don't even know what to say, without hurting him.
So far he has been hurt by bad churches and that is why he has moved away.
I don't want to hurt him any further.

Normally I respect him and his wishes, and pray for him.
But that doesn't register to him.
He just keeps disrespecting me and my beleives.

The other day he just flat up said my God is fake.
I asked him if he wanted to go to a new church we are going to, a good one, for my parents and he said, and I quote "Why would two Athiest's want to go to to a church about a fake god."
That really [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]ed me off, but I didn't say anything.

Oh, and if you are wondering he is married.
She hasn't said anything about it.
She's even helped me when she noticed I was upset.

My Father is [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]ed, and my mother is helping both of us.
They beleive that he is still a Christian and just going through a phase.
And I do have to agree, but he is taking it way to far!

Please help.
And no "You have to preach to him" stuff.
That won't help, so don't bring it up!
Thank you.


a poor player
Apr 7, 2011
Ecruteak city, Johto
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its always going to hurt to see lost loved ones. but prayer is all you can really do. youre not going to be able to make anyone do anything. put it out there and let him know it upsets you. but it is ultimately his choice. yes it sucks for you and your family but hes a grown man and will make his decisions as such. that doesnt mean you stop trying but dont pester him. if he was hurt by a church before the last thing he needs is someone pestering him about. it will more than likely just push him further away. he ahs decided to judge all of christianity based on a few bad congregations. a lot of the time its the church that is the least accepting and the most intolerant. i dont exactly fit into the the stereotype of an average christian male(clothes ect.) but im just lucky enough to have a very open, caring and accepting church. the bible tells us to pray without ceasing and thats all you can do. pray and seek guidance. God works in mysterious ways. who knows what tomorrow holds. but dont give up. im sure he still loves you and your family. he jsut may not be in a place that he can show it right now.
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Denki Wolf

The Christian Wolf
Apr 28, 2011
Midgar-Slums: Hangin with Aerith
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Well, that's the problem.
We don't pester him, or at least I don't.
And it has been a while since he has gone to church, so it's not like it is fresh wound.
He just started doing it, and has quickly gotten worse.
I pray everyday for him, but It just get's so hard when he says things about your beleives that cross the line, just because he knows what you beleive.
And I know he still loves us, and we love him.
But it's hard to handle.
We don't pester him and preach at him every second of the day.
Heck, we never directly preached something to him in the first place.
We know he knows the Lord, it's just he is a rebellious person.
That may be apart of it...
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a poor player
Apr 7, 2011
Ecruteak city, Johto
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some ppl hold on to things. if he is still making comments that cross lines then it sounds like hes still angry. all you can do is show him the love of God through being a loving family. take him as he is. he probably feels as though he is being judged. and i doubt he likes that very much. just pray and wait on the lord. it will all work out according to his plan. you can tell him that his comments hurt your feelings and that you would appreciate it if he stopped. it cant hurt to ask.
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Alarak, Highlord of the Tal'darim
Nov 26, 2017
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You're brother is equally right to be athiest as you are to be religious. (Athieism not religion). He just as human as you and me just with a different view of things than you. It doesn't make him bad. It's all a matter of perspective really.
Either way don't let his remarks over Christianity hurt you. It's mostly just opinion

And fact...☺
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Oct 21, 2003
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I guess my advice would be to stick to common ground, hobbies, movies, music, whatever things you have in common with him, and avoid the sensitive hot buttons. Whatever he is going through, it sounds like it is not for lack of knowledge or knowing, it is between him and God, and all you can do is try to be a positive influence, try to encourage, and mostly be patient. I have a younger brother, and I used to think of him as a Christian, but I do not know anymore, and it is difficult to talk to him, about anything that stirs up emotions. Patience and kindness is sometimes all that can be done. And sometimes it is easier for a person to listen to someone they do not know than someone they have known all of their life.
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