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Mar 29, 2002
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This morning I had this dream that I was out somewere. I must have been over to someones elses apt. anyway I remeber having all these little gifts. things like. notepads, money, I think their was a ironing board. I had this olespice bodywash bottle that was actually a radio (It was really neat.) I went to see if it would work. and it did. I couldn't believe it came with batteries.

Anyway I continue to look through all this stuff. not knowing how I ended up recieving all these things. I was trying to stuff things in my pockets. I was pretty excited to say the least. and I couldn't wait to get home to sort through all this stuff.

Later I remeber several girls coming by and saying something. but I never really said anything back. so as I was still sitting on the couch. I happen to look over beside me. and notice this suitcase that had a wallett in it. it looked fimular. it look like it belong to a friend of mine. so to make sure. I went to find another friend who knew him to ask if it was his. I couldn't really get his attention cuz he was doing something else. then my dream went off. it was one of those type dreams were you hope it's all real. any thoughts?