Here are the graphs, from the
second article. I am not that good at reading MRI graphs, but maybe our guy
@sjastro can interpret.
View attachment 356192
View attachment 356193
The information is from a sample size of 34 individuals holding either very right-wing or left-wing views.
They provided feedback on how they responded to the following movie clips.
(a) A neutral clip.
(b) A right-wing political ad (RWC),
(c) A right-wing political speech (RWS).
(d) A left-wing political ad (LWC)
(e) A left-wing speech (LWS).
The bar plots in blue and red compare the responses of extreme left-wing (blue) vs. extreme right-wing (red) participants.
For the neutral clip there was a fairly equal response from both groups.
For right-wing content (RWC and RWS), right-wing participants showed higher levels of agreement, interest, and emotional engagement.
Similarly, for left-wing content (LWC and LWS), left-wing participants exhibited significantly greater emotional engagement and interest.
Their brains were also MRI scanned when watching the movie clips where various regions for brain activity were examined:
Yellow regions: Common brain activity for both groups.
Red regions: Significant brain activity primarily in right-wing participants.
Blue regions: Significant brain activity primarily in left-wing participants.
The responses to the questions and the brain activities both groups shows correlation.
Higher subjective interest and engagement correspond to increased brain activity in areas associated with emotion and cognition.
Ideological content triggered stronger and more extensive brain responses according to one’s political views both subjectively and objectively.