Las Vegas in the Context of Evidence of Past False Flag Attacks


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Jun 4, 2015
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Las Vegas in the Context of Evidence of Past False Flag Attacks — Steemit

Las Vegas in the Context of Evidence of Past False Flag Attacks

By Munkle

While it is too soon to know if there are signs that the Las Vegas attack was a false flag, possibly supported and enabled by what Ron Paul and others refer to as the Deep State, anyone who does not at least ask the question has not been paying attention. There is convincing evidence that law enforcement is not telling us the whole story in, at the very least, the recent mass casualty attacks in San Bernardino, Boston, Orlando, possibly Sandy Hook, and ultimately, 9/11.

We will list this evidence point by point and provide alternatives to the official narrative. There is no need to resort to "conspiracy sites." All of the evidence can be found reported in the back pages of mainstream sources.

The point of putting the Las Vegas shooting in the context of these facts not to suggest, in the absence of further facts, that Las Vegas was a false flag. It is to suggest that the true "nutter" position in the face of such facts is to not entertain the possibility at all. To the well-informed citizen, the suspicion that a given event is a false flag should not be the last thing that comes to mind, but the first.

The notion that the US government does not plan false flag attacks, which would kill civilians, to be blamed on an enemy, was thoroughly debunked by the release of classified documents relating to Operation Northwoods, a Joint Chiefs of Staff operation which was signed off on by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Arthur Lemnitzer. In it, attacks on Americans by black ops soldiers were to be blamed on Cuba, giving a pretext for open warfare with that country. The only reason it was not executed was that President John F. Kennedy squashed it.

But first, to head off the question which is inevitably coming, why would the Deep State, now a term which has quietly entered the mainstream vocabulary, do such a thing?

We are all familiar with this form of argument. If you cannot provide a good reason or motive for x, y, and z, then x, y, and z must be false, a logical fallacy. It is a hallmark of disinfo agent smoke-blowing, and a sign that whatever facts are being discussed have attracted the attention of the smoke-blowers and are true.

One answer to the question dates back to a part of history which is no longer "conspiracy theory," Operation Gladio. First exposed in European courts after World War II, Gladio was revealed to be a global operation of the CIA which implanted secret cells of operatives, "secret armies," in Europe and around the world in order to serve a number of political agendas, at that time, mainly to attack domestic civilians and blame it on leftists. But it was revealed in an Italian court that there was another reason. This was known as the 'strategy of tension', which was intended to generate a pervasive sense of fear which would encourage the population to cede more authority to the state.

In his testimony before the Italian court, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio operative now serving a life sentence for the bombing murder of three Italian policemen, said:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.’ "

Operation Gladio provides a window into the thinking of elites on the power of false flag attacks as a device for the accumulation of authority over the masses, who willingly relinquish basic rights.

What is the clear evidence of recent, past false flag attacks in the US, which is never reported except in dribbles and dots which are never connected? We take a look at only the strongest evidence, although there are hundreds upon hundreds of circumstantial, inconclusive pieces of the puzzle.

- Boston Marathon Bombing -- High quality image files from courtroom exhibits posted at the FBI website in the Tsarnaev trial show conclusively that the backpack carried by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in a surveillance video is white, and the one said to contain the bomb which killed eight-year-old Richard Martin, is black. The FBI indictment describes the backpacks carried by both brothers as "black." LINKS TO ORIGINAL FBI SOURCES. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan, writes on this extensively in "FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev."

A good treatment of many of the inconsistencies surrounding the Boston Marathon Bombing is here:


Side-by-side photos of backpack shown by FBI as the one he allegedly placed by victim Martin Richard. Image on right is Dzhokhar carrying his backpack, which is white. Indictment says the backpacks both bombs were in were "black."

- San Bernardino -- MSNBC Inside Edition, immediately after the shooting, broadcast police audio in which police can be heard saying:

“We have two witnesses that watched the whole thing start, they said there is three shooters with rifles without a doubt, they said definitely three.”

Police Audio at Inside Edition:

In addition US News reported that a witness saw a black SUV slowly pull away from the social services center where the gunfire had erupted. A summary of disparities and inconsistencies in the official account is written up here, and in the video below.

-Orlando - The Hill reported after the 2016 shooting that the FBI had conducted three interviews of the alleged shooter, yet he was allowed to pass a background check through the FBI NICS database. The alleged shooter was even placed on a watch list.

The Hill:

"The FBI conducted three interviews of the man suspected of killing 50 people early Sunday morning in an Orlando nightclub, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. An official said the FBI first became aware of the suspect, Omar Mateen, 29, in 2013 when he made "inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties." In the course of that investigation, Mateen was interviewed twice, but the FBI was unable to verify the substance of his comments. The FBI interviewed Mateen, who was killed in Sunday's shootings, again in 2014. In that investigation, the FBI was looking into possible ties between Mateen and an American suicide bomber."

Not only this, Mateen was on a terror watch list, with the New York Times reporting in "Orlando Gunman Was on Terror Watchlist, F.B.I. Director Says":

"The F.B.I. director said on Monday that the gunman in the mass killing in Orlando was on a terrorist watchlist from 2013 to 2014, but that months of intense investigation into his foreign travels, his inflammatory language with co-workers and his possible motivations did not produce enough evidence to arrest him."

This is enough to tell us that the FBI must have seen Mateen as a very bad actor. Yet, astoundingly, he sailed through a background check in the FBI's own database when he bought the rifle used in the shooting. See: ABC News, "Orlando Shooter Legally Bought Guns Despite Previous Flags by FBI."

It is beyond the pale of plausibility that Mateen would not have been red-flagged when it came through that he was trying to buy a semi-automatic weapon. Yet the media studiously ignored this problem in the story.

As for Sandy Hook, this is the mass shooting most riven by small details none of which constitute a solid indictment of the official report, generated by the Connecticut States Attorney. But facts remain which smack of a cover-up, namely, why do authorities refuse to this day to release the full 9/11 tapes, even to journalists, and why were all workers who participated in the razing of the school required to sign confidentiality agreements, prohibiting from discussing with anyone anything they saw while demolishing the school? A tunnel or escape hatch for other shooters?

Then there is the big one, 9/11. In the last 16 years an enormous amount of work has been done to pull together the credible and legitimate strands of criticism of the official story, culminating perhaps in the magnum opus of Italian film-maker Massimo Mazzucco, The New Pearl Harbor.

The 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks coincides with an effort by some 9/11 families to impanel a new investigative committee, very different from the first. Bob McIlvaine's son's body was one of the first found by EMTs, cut by glass from the lobby windows blown out in the North Tower, at the same time the first plane hit 90 floors up. The elevators are in banks, with only one running from the bottom to the top, so the official "fireball" theory of jet fuel down the elevator shafts is impossible. Many other witnesses heard and saw the explosion, including janitor and 9/11 hero Willie Rodriguez.

Whether or not evidence begins to emerge that Las Vegas was a false flag, it behooves Americans to begin to red pill themselves by supporting Mr. McIlvaine's petition to Congress, The Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act.

Las Vegas in the Context of Evidence of Past False Flag Attacks — Steemit


simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
footnote: Gist of televised phrase/ statement overheard from television news at a store earlier today:
Someone is looking into who paid the shooter $10,000.00 right before it happened,
or who / why he sent $10,000.00 to an account or someone in another country.

status: not double-checked nor verified nor followed up.
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Paul of Eugene OR

Finally Old Enough
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May 3, 2014
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Las Vegas in the Context of Evidence of Past False Flag Attacks — Steemit

Las Vegas in the Context of Evidence of Past False Flag Attacks

By Munkle

While it is too soon to know if there are signs that the Las Vegas attack was a false flag, possibly supported and enabled by what Ron Paul and others refer to as the Deep State, anyone who does not at least ask the question has not been paying attention. There is convincing evidence that law enforcement is not telling us the whole story in, at the very least, the recent mass casualty attacks in San Bernardino, Boston, Orlando, possibly Sandy Hook, and ultimately, 9/11.

We will list this evidence point by point and provide alternatives to the official narrative. There is no need to resort to "conspiracy sites." All of the evidence can be found reported in the back pages of mainstream sources.

The point of putting the Las Vegas shooting in the context of these facts not to suggest, in the absence of further facts, that Las Vegas was a false flag. It is to suggest that the true "nutter" position in the face of such facts is to not entertain the possibility at all. To the well-informed citizen, the suspicion that a given event is a false flag should not be the last thing that comes to mind, but the first.

The notion that the US government does not plan false flag attacks, which would kill civilians, to be blamed on an enemy, was thoroughly debunked by the release of classified documents relating to Operation Northwoods, a Joint Chiefs of Staff operation which was signed off on by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Arthur Lemnitzer. In it, attacks on Americans by black ops soldiers were to be blamed on Cuba, giving a pretext for open warfare with that country. The only reason it was not executed was that President John F. Kennedy squashed it.

But first, to head off the question which is inevitably coming, why would the Deep State, now a term which has quietly entered the mainstream vocabulary, do such a thing?

We are all familiar with this form of argument. If you cannot provide a good reason or motive for x, y, and z, then x, y, and z must be false, a logical fallacy. It is a hallmark of disinfo agent smoke-blowing, and a sign that whatever facts are being discussed have attracted the attention of the smoke-blowers and are true.

One answer to the question dates back to a part of history which is no longer "conspiracy theory," Operation Gladio. First exposed in European courts after World War II, Gladio was revealed to be a global operation of the CIA which implanted secret cells of operatives, "secret armies," in Europe and around the world in order to serve a number of political agendas, at that time, mainly to attack domestic civilians and blame it on leftists. But it was revealed in an Italian court that there was another reason. This was known as the 'strategy of tension', which was intended to generate a pervasive sense of fear which would encourage the population to cede more authority to the state.

In his testimony before the Italian court, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio operative now serving a life sentence for the bombing murder of three Italian policemen, said:

Operation Gladio provides a window into the thinking of elites on the power of false flag attacks as a device for the accumulation of authority over the masses, who willingly relinquish basic rights.

What is the clear evidence of recent, past false flag attacks in the US, which is never reported except in dribbles and dots which are never connected? We take a look at only the strongest evidence, although there are hundreds upon hundreds of circumstantial, inconclusive pieces of the puzzle.

- Boston Marathon Bombing -- High quality image files from courtroom exhibits posted at the FBI website in the Tsarnaev trial show conclusively that the backpack carried by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in a surveillance video is white, and the one said to contain the bomb which killed eight-year-old Richard Martin, is black. The FBI indictment describes the backpacks carried by both brothers as "black." LINKS TO ORIGINAL FBI SOURCES. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan, writes on this extensively in "FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev."

A good treatment of many of the inconsistencies surrounding the Boston Marathon Bombing is here:


Side-by-side photos of backpack shown by FBI as the one he allegedly placed by victim Martin Richard. Image on right is Dzhokhar carrying his backpack, which is white. Indictment says the backpacks both bombs were in were "black."

- San Bernardino -- MSNBC Inside Edition, immediately after the shooting, broadcast police audio in which police can be heard saying:

Police Audio at Inside Edition:

In addition US News reported that a witness saw a black SUV slowly pull away from the social services center where the gunfire had erupted. A summary of disparities and inconsistencies in the official account is written up here, and in the video below.

-Orlando - The Hill reported after the 2016 shooting that the FBI had conducted three interviews of the alleged shooter, yet he was allowed to pass a background check through the FBI NICS database. The alleged shooter was even placed on a watch list.

The Hill:

Not only this, Mateen was on a terror watch list, with the New York Times reporting in "Orlando Gunman Was on Terror Watchlist, F.B.I. Director Says":

This is enough to tell us that the FBI must have seen Mateen as a very bad actor. Yet, astoundingly, he sailed through a background check in the FBI's own database when he bought the rifle used in the shooting. See: ABC News, "Orlando Shooter Legally Bought Guns Despite Previous Flags by FBI."

It is beyond the pale of plausibility that Mateen would not have been red-flagged when it came through that he was trying to buy a semi-automatic weapon. Yet the media studiously ignored this problem in the story.

As for Sandy Hook, this is the mass shooting most riven by small details none of which constitute a solid indictment of the official report, generated by the Connecticut States Attorney. But facts remain which smack of a cover-up, namely, why do authorities refuse to this day to release the full 9/11 tapes, even to journalists, and why were all workers who participated in the razing of the school required to sign confidentiality agreements, prohibiting from discussing with anyone anything they saw while demolishing the school? A tunnel or escape hatch for other shooters?

Then there is the big one, 9/11. In the last 16 years an enormous amount of work has been done to pull together the credible and legitimate strands of criticism of the official story, culminating perhaps in the magnum opus of Italian film-maker Massimo Mazzucco, The New Pearl Harbor.

The 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks coincides with an effort by some 9/11 families to impanel a new investigative committee, very different from the first. Bob McIlvaine's son's body was one of the first found by EMTs, cut by glass from the lobby windows blown out in the North Tower, at the same time the first plane hit 90 floors up. The elevators are in banks, with only one running from the bottom to the top, so the official "fireball" theory of jet fuel down the elevator shafts is impossible. Many other witnesses heard and saw the explosion, including janitor and 9/11 hero Willie Rodriguez.

Whether or not evidence begins to emerge that Las Vegas was a false flag, it behooves Americans to begin to red pill themselves by supporting Mr. McIlvaine's petition to Congress, The Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act.

Las Vegas in the Context of Evidence of Past False Flag Attacks — Steemit

Well, that's a weird way to try to argue against gun control legislation. Talk about ways to deny plain evidence! Just say that there's no real problems with all those civilian guns, its just black ops folks trying to make it look that way.

No need for evidence. Just say it anyway.
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Redefined comfortable middle class
Mar 31, 2017
Marital Status
Well, that's a weird way to try to argue against gun control legislation. Talk about ways to deny plain evidence! Just say that there's no real problems with all those civilian guns, its just black ops folks trying to make it look that way.

No need for evidence. Just say it anyway.

On the other hand, believing the stuff in the OP means there has NEVER been a "lone wolf" mass shooting or any terrorist attack EVER in the USA. So that's kind of comforting.
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Redefined comfortable middle class
Mar 31, 2017
Marital Status
footnote: Gist of televised phrase/ statement overheard from television news at a store earlier today:
Someone is looking into who paid the shooter $10,000.00 right before it happened,
or who / why he sent $10,000.00 to an account or someone in another country.

status: not double-checked nor verified nor followed up.

Rich man sends money to his girlfriend overseas before mass shooting is the least questionable part of the whole thing.
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Active Member
Jun 4, 2015
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On the other hand, believing the stuff in the OP means there has NEVER been a "lone wolf" mass shooting or any terrorist attack EVER in the USA. So that's kind of comforting.
I wouldn't say that, I found it easy to believe guys could come back from Vietnam or Iraq so messed up and angry that they would do something like this. But lately way too many of the alleged shooters profiles sound like patsies.

I agree it is kind of comforting in a strange way. People don't just blow up out of nowhere.
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Redefined comfortable middle class
Mar 31, 2017
Marital Status
I wouldn't say that, I found it easy to believe guys could come back from Vietnam or Iraq so messed up and angry that they would do something like this. But lately way too many of the alleged shooters profiles sound like patsies.

I agree it is kind of comforting in a strange way. People don't just blow up out of nowhere.

In your opinion, have any of the mass shootings that have ever occurred anywhere ever been "real"?
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