Killzone - PA BETA testers give it thumbs down


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2004
Victoria, British Columbia
Marital Status
Mixed reviews, definently. So far there saying it's really buggy and the controll scheme is weird. Well, here are there thoughts:

Frank said:
I am not sure what the NDA is, but I am sure I am not breaking any rules since SCEA sent me it.


Pause game ................................................................. (Start) button
Objectives.................................................................... (Select) button
Contextual (Climb, Melee, Hop over wall, etc.)................. (X) button
Move............................................................................ left analog stick
Sprint .......................................................................... (L3) button
Toggle Stance (stand, crouch)........................................ (L2) button
Aim weapon/look ......................................................... right analog stick
Toggle Zoom (dependant on weapon) ............................ (R3) button
Increase zoom level (sniper rifle only) ........................... (up) d-pad
Decrease zoom level (sniper rifle only) .......................... (down) d-pad
Fire weapon / Primary Fire............................................. (R1) button
Fire weapon / Secondary Fire......................................... (R2) button
Cycle through Weapons/Equipment................................. (C) button
Reload Weapon ............................................................ (T) button
Voice Chat (with headset) ............................................. right on crosspad


Nothin much, but you can see some stuff.

You can also see that the grenade I throw doesn't go off.

[removed ala felron - killing bandwidth is mean]


Hand-held Weapons
All the weapons in the game are based around contemporary weapons. It is our strong belief that this makes them much more satisfying for the player to use – firing bullets is always more fun than firing lasers or other fictional weapons. In general, the human weapons are more accurate and precise, whereas Helghast weapons are more powerful with higher rates of fire.

The player will only be able to carry 3 weapons at any stage. This adds to the feeling of realism, and also encourages the player to make tactical decisions regarding what weapons to pick up and discard.

Also, most of the weapons have primary & secondary fire modes.

Gatorade said:
I played this and I kinda hated it. Sorry guys.

Mediocre if anything gameplay, as well as rediculous outcomes in my games.

Grenades right at the feet of people and they not being affected.
That kind of stuff.

I was with my friends and we counted for 15 seconds me right next to a person shooting him for 15 seconds straight and not dying.

Halo isn't that unrealistic.

So far it sounds like the game is a failure, and I don't think that will change with the final release.