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Kat Kerr - Preparing for the Baptism in Fire & the Latter Rain


Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

# Hope Center The Church Presents Kat Kerr Pt 2

#93) Kat Kerr - (Talking about Harry Potter and movies like it.) Part 2

“There is another time in the Word where it says perilous days, perilous times will come where their will be earthquakes in divers places and all of that stuff starts happening. That is a different time. We’re not in that time. This first time has to happen first, or their wouldn’t be a harvest. The world would never know there was a God. And He’s going to do that. The Word says so, and it has to happen first. We’re entering into that time. It’s accelerated. Instead of taking people and training them for thirty years in something, He’ll do it in three months. He really means that. Before when you planted seeds, and maybe waited for the harvest. Sometimes you’ll get your harvest before the seed gets planted, because you already decided to do it in your heart. The blessings are going to be rapidly coming. They will happen rapidly; the blessings; the rewards will come almost immediately in these times that are on the earth. But the consequences will also be rapidly coming. In other words, what you played around in for a while, it may not have showed up for years. Guess what? That’s not going to happen. They’ll be almost immediate consequences because He’s training us right now. He’s training you. You have a short window of time for the body to find out, God actually has plans for you, and for you to get your life ready. That’s what we’re in right now, in that little window for you to find out. You need to be whole: body, soul, and spirit. There can’t be anything of the enemy in you, because yes, great darkness is going to come on the earth. But the darkness will never be greater than the light. That’s you. He’s talking about you. That means if you’re walking in the way that He wants you or needs you to walk, and there’s nothing of the enemy in you, you will always have power, even over the great darkness that is coming. And that’s His plan. That we will walk in more authority and dominion than any other body of believers before on this planet. In order to do that, there can’t be darkness in you, because are these little doors that open. Little doors open in your soul. Little doors open, and the enemy can come in and do things and mess around with you. He can steal, rob from you. He can. He can bring confusion in your life. He can bring strife into your life. So you want to keep that stuff out of you.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Hope Center The Church Presents Kat Kerr Pt 3

#94) Kat Kerr - Running into the Enemy’s Camp

“…And when you run into the enemy’s camp, guess who you’re serving (the enemy)? When you fall, and you sin in this world, you’re not just doing this little wrong thing that you can repent for, that’s not what you’re doing. You are worshipping the enemy. You are stealing glory that belongs to God and walking over and giving it to the enemy. You’re doing the same thing Lucifer did. We were created to produce glory for God. That’s what we’re here for, to produce glory. We’re glory producers. With our love; with our life; by the way we live. You produce glory for Him, the King of Kings. Lucifer was actually created to produce glory for God himself. He was not just the worship leader. He was more than that. He had an intimate, intimate, relationship with the Father. How intimate? He would step inside God and produce worship from inside God. When that iniquity was found in him, guess where he was? He was standing on the heart of God. That’s how trusted he was. He’s the only cherub God ever called “anointed”. Why was he the only one anointed? He was made to produce glory from his very being to God. …all the beautiful gemstones that were encrusted on him. Some people think he only got a few. I saw them, their were thousands on him. He was the most beautiful thing in Heaven besides the Trinity…And God trusted him. And guess what? God knew everything, the end from the beginning. He knew that a usurper would rise up. He knew that he would try to take over Heaven. He knew that he would try to take over us. That’s why He had a plan -- the Son of God, who would take back everything Satan had stolen from us…”
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Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Morning Session

#95) Kat Kerr - Discernment of Spirits - Eyes Open to the Spirit Realm

“My eyes are open to the spirit realm. I expose the enemies plans and devices in your everyday life. I won’t ever tell you, you can’t do something, but I’m certainly going to tell you what happens if you do it. God is setting up the enemy for defeat and failure in your life. In order for you to become those manifested sons and daughters of God, you’ve got to know what you shouldn’t have in your life, or what will happen if you allow it in. Whether it’s Heaven or Hell. 27:18 I see both sides. I know how both sides operate, so I have a lot to share with you… What do you want? I have fourteen years worth to share…”

“We’re supposed to show this world, we are the most exciting, amazing, creative, fun people on this planet, because we’re made in God’s image. He is holy, but He has lots of fun on the inside of Him…”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Kat Kerr - Bethel Valparaiso 10-21-11

#96) You Must Die to Live

“You need to forget about the fear of the face of man. In these last days, this is what God says. This is new revelation… And I love what Jesus said when I start talking about Heaven. “On earth you have to make a living in order to exist. In Heaven, you exist to live!” That’s one of the major differences. Isn’t that beautiful? …Well He has something new to say about the beginning of the last days…

So this is His word for now, what we’re entering into this earth, in order to live on this earth, you have to die. Now you die now physically to go to Heaven to live, but in order to live a supernatural life on this earth, you will have to die to your flesh. You will die, die, die. Your thoughts, your ways, your opinions. So you can have His thoughts, His ways, and His words. Because if you show up sometimes in the days ahead, that’s not going to be a good thing. When you show up, Heaven needs to show up. You need to speak their words. Have their ways that they operate and have them in your life, and you can have them. You can get to a place where, it doesn’t matter what anyone says to you, it cannot penetrate you. Because, guess what? Satan can’t take a dead body and use it. In order to possess someone and use someone in this earth, they have to be alive… But if your flesh dies. If you die to yourself, and surrender this flesh, and let Heaven operate fully in you, he can’t use you. He can’t penetrate you. Because you have such an understanding and awareness of Heaven, and who God is, and who you are, that he doesn’t want to mess with you, and actually demons will on purpose ask not to be assigned to you. It isn’t that they won’t try to come against you. They’ll get to the place where they go to those around you, because they know they’re wasting their time on you. But you can even do something about that. With the anointing in your life. Releasing it into your home and everything you touch. What you wear. What people eat. Where you go in your life. Everywhere, the more we do that as a body, the more anointing is going to be spread out over this earth, it literally pushes darkness out of your home. Our of your life. Out of your family. Even out of where you work, you definitely need to leave it there places. You don’t even need to tell people you’re doing it, because it is something God placed in you as a supernatural being. And you belong to Jesus Christ.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

VTS 01 22

#97) Kat Kerr - Scrape the darkness off.. Part 1

…I didn’t give myself to darkness. I tell you it blesses God when you don’t choose it. The Body worldwide: “Scrape the darkness off and block the world out of you!” “It doesn’t belong in you!” “Darkness does not mix with the light! It clouds your light… Let it blast a hole in the darkness in this world and to the glory of God is seen upon your very face! That’s how we need to live our life. If you really believe He was sitting on the throne in Heaven, and they were watching everything you did, you would live your life differently. You need to wake up. You need to know who you are. You don’t belong to this world. Stop giving yourself to darkness. It says to flee the very appearance of evil. It doesn’t say run into the theaters and watch it. It says don’t even discuss the wicked things done in darkness. That doesn’t mean go and watch it. We are an example of God the Father, and Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. By the way, you don’t even own your body anymore when you get born again. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. That means He lives there. He doesn’t want to watch garbage. He doesn’t want to watch witchcraft. He sure doesn’t want to watch vampires. None of that stuff comes from Heaven. It comes from Hell… When you buy a movie ticket to go watch the devil’s stuff, you are giving him ammunition to come and get you. You are helping to pay for the human trafficking. You’re helping to pay for the drug lords. You’re helping to pay for all that stuff you say you hate and despise. You hate abortion. You’re helping to pay money to the enemy, so he can give it to those who do those things. So if you hate it, stop helping to supply it! Stop helping to finance it! They don’t love you. The devil doesn’t love you. He loves to see you squirm. He loves to see you suffer. He hates you. He’s actually terrified of you. The Body needs to wake up and get cleaned up. Because you know what, you can’t put new wine in an old wine skin. Especially when it’s got holes. Maybe some mold on it. I’m only sharing this because your Daddy in Heaven loves you. He wants you free. He wants you to help set people free. He doesn’t want you to run down here all of the time because you need a miracle. He wants you to become the miracle! He doesn’t want you to live in lack. He wants to make you a treasure chest. I know you don’t work to get into Heaven. That blood, that salvation is free, but if you think you’re going to move and shake this earth for Him, you’ve got to be pure.”

My note: Check out this prophetic word on my forums blog the Lord gave concerning a planned trip to see the movie Twilight.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

VTS 01 22

#98) Kat Kerr - Scrape the darkness off.. Part 2

“And I have a lot of fun doing it. I have more fun than some of the wicked do in this world, and I don’t have any after effects from it. I can get drunk in the Holy Ghost and I don’t have a hangover…. I don’t think we should be drunk and then tell people in the bars that we know Jesus. I know sinners. Guess what they’ll tell you? Christians shouldn’t get drunk. They won’t listen to you. You’re no different from them. Do you agree? We need to start living by what the Word says, because Heaven does not live by the world’s guidelines. God has His own guidelines and they’re in His Word. You shouldn’t have to read it all of the time to find out what they are. It’s real simple. This is what the Father said: “If we wouldn’t show it in Heaven. If We wouldn’t have it in Heaven, you shouldn’t have it in your life.” How about that for some guidelines? If He says start by cleaning your closet. You’d better go clean your closet. It’s not just the big things that we don’t do or obey, the little things matter right now. He said you need to start listening and obeying because it might cost you your life one day. When He began to train me, He said: “I want you to hear Me if I whisper. I don’t want to have to yell at you… And I hear Him if He whispers. If there’s anything in me that doesn’t belong there. I want it out.

Stand up. We’re going to get clean right now before we finish…. Because when you sin or say the wrong things, you literally give him permission to come into you atmosphere and set up camp. I see in to the spirit realm too, I just don’t go to Heaven. I go into some people’s homes, they’ve got cesspools in there. When you shred people with your mouth, you backbite, you gossip. Out of this mouth comes a cesspool in the spirit realm. When you say the God thing. You encourage, you love; when you pray, living water. I have been in some people’s home, that their was a river, and I saw their guardian angel’s surfing from the river that came from their mouths. Who would like to have that in their home?”
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Feb 4, 2005
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Let me be the first to say there's something wrong with this woman's testimony. I don't have time to read through all the volumes of stuff you've posted, but after 30 years of my own walk with God, I can sense when something isn't right, and this has that smell to it.

Her operation in the spirit is not like my understanding of discerning of spirits. It is unreasonable to think that someone would spend every day in literal heaven. This is just common sense. Nor do we operate gifts on our own initiative, or look into peoples lives and homes indiscriminately. This is not the Holy Spirit.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
It is not about "commom sense". Also, people operate in the gifts in different measure.The Lord has said in these days (years ago even), that some ministry gifts would operate in the full measure.

As far as going to Heaven regularly. It used to be 3 times a week, and now it is very often. Yes it is extraordinary, but that is not the measure of judgment we use in spiritual things. I've heard of some who moved in discernment of spirits for a period all of the time. We don't know to what level she is, and moving in that does not disqualify one from being authentic. We must judge by the Spirit and not by our own understanding.

I would say not to judge her based on the gifts. Listen to the message and see if the Spirit of God bears witness to you.

It is true that we often put "layers" of protection on the already layered gates of the soul and spirit. This is done with our own understanding. Does she preach salvation by the blood, yes; Is she living a separated life? Yes... etc. After we've heard enough to put our "mind" at ease, we'll take the breaks off and let our spirit receive. Whether or not she sleeps 4 hours a day and eats one small meal, walks as an intercessor, moves mightily in the gifts, etc. is secondary because you have to bear witness to what is being said.

The Lord told my wife and I a year ago that Kat had a very high calling and that we would learn a lot about Heaven from her. Just give the message a chance and try not to be put off based on how we think the gifts "normally" operate. I hope you can receive the blessing. What is it about what she has said do you take issue with (if anything)?

I've been hearing long ago about a coming Feast of Tabernacles and this sounds very much like it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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I would say not to judge her based on the gifts. Listen to the message and see if the Spirit of God bears witness to you.

She does not bear witness with my spirit.
One of the first marks of someone false or at least in error is that they have to spend so much time validating themselves, letting you know how humble they are. A true prophet needs no such apology. Nor would a true prophet require others to go about promoting them.
If she helps you, fine. But there is nothing she is sharing that can be substantiated from the Word, nor does it set anyone free, so at best, it is of very limited value.
There are many like her in the so-called prophetic movement. She is not Word of Faith, for what it's worth. I don't mean to come out against her if it weren't that you've flooded the forum with her "teaching."
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Heaven 2 4_23_11 PM Oasis Church

#106) Kat Kerr - Entering a New Season of Heaven Coming to Earth

“All of your loved ones that live here, don’t want to come back here. But they’re up there cheering you on, watching what you’re doing in your life; wanting you to be excited about the days we’re entering into. If they could come back, it would only to be a part of what He’s going to do with us. It’s no mistake that you’re here. I don’t care how your birth took place, it was not a mistake. He knew when to send you. He wanted you here for these days and hours, and you may have battled your whole life with the enemy, that’s about to change. Because we’re entering into a new season of Heaven coming to earth, and showing up on the inside of us…
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Heaven 1 4_23_11 AM Oasis Church

#107) Kat Kerr - Heaven’s Timeline

“There is a timeline embedded in the Throne Room, back behind the throne. The throne is in the center of the Throne Room… There’s four sets of steps that go up there, so you can run up there and be with Him whenever you want to. So He’s in the middle of the Throne Room, but back behind it, embedded from one place all the way across. I haven’t seen the beginning from the end, only God has seen that, but they did let me look at part of it. I’m telling you what. The end time, we still have some years left, by the way, He’s not coming tomorrow. Not coming in 2012 either. I have a 20 year assignment after this, that I’ve known about for 40 years. So we’ve got some time, because we’ve got to get ourselves ready. We have to cover this earth with the glory of God. He’s not going to come for two weeks and show off and then whisk us out of here. If the enemy has had thousands of years to show off his evil, and his power… If you think God is going to come in an hour and do something, then you don’t know Him. He’s going to arrogantly, arrogantly, arrogantly show off inside His kids. He’s going to put it in the face of the enemy; in the face of the liberals; in the face of the atheists. There is a God, and His people who will follow Him and believe in Him no matter what they‘ve been through, especially the one’s who have been through stuff… If you think that we’re going out of here barely hanging on to life, poor, broke, sick, and oppressed, you’re wrong! Because He’s coming for a spotless church and bride. No spots or wrinkles. Spots are sin. Wrinkles are your flesh. Your flesh, your ways, your thoughts, your opinions will be wiped off of you…When He gets a hold of you, He’ll use you the way you are. And He will empower you to become those manifested sons and daughters of God. So we, this is what He says: “You’re entering into the most exciting time to be alive as a believer.” He didn’t tell anyone to hide money and horde food. He didn’t do that…Right now, it’s about to come the time, when he’s going to show up and let the world know He’s real. In Heaven, there is a timeline embedded in the Throne Room of God, He put it there. Those are His important dates…It’s the fullness of time…

And the next dot coming up is called the Heaven Invasion. Underneath it, it says “Joel 2”. So it hasn’t happened yet. So we’re not going anywhere. I don’t know why pastors, pastors who are supposed to know the Word of God, want to rip it out of the Bible. Christ said you’d do greater miracles and works that I did and nobody’s done them. So we can’t leave yet. All things have to be restored before the end comes, so we can’t leave yet… He wants us to focus on now! Stop looking for an escape. Take dominion. The whole reason Christ came was to give us our dominion back, and almost nobody’s taken that either, are they? We’ll you’re about to.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Heaven 2 4_23_11 PM Oasis Church

#108) Kat Kerr - The Enemy Wants You To Think You Have No Power!

“The enemy wants you to think that you’re nothing and nobody, and have no power, and he’s going to do what he wants to with you! That’s pretty much the message he has given everywhere. He also wants people to be afraid of what’s coming on the earth. Well, the world better be afraid! But NOT God’s people. Because we’re going to do those greater works, those greater miracles Christ said we would, and they haven’t happened yet. Also we have to be loving one another so the world will know that it’s by our love for each other. Not denominations fighting denominations. There are NO denominations in Heaven… (The Holy Ghost) He’s not something to be afraid of… He’s the third person in the Trinity. They call Him the “Drama King” in Heaven, and you’re about to see more drama from Him than you ever have on this earth. He’s going to come to services totally uninvited, with permission from the Father, and turn them upside down. Because they’re tired of adapting to man’s services. They’re about to adapt to Heaven. For a while we will have a little Heaven on earth…”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Bethel Valparaiso 10-21-11

#109) Kat Kerr - You’ll Feel His Presence 24 Hours a Day

“Your alive now, because you’re supposed to be a part of it and make it happen. Never stop pursuing His presence. There will come a time on this earth where you’ll feel His presence twenty four hours a day, if you even sleep, it will be twenty four hours a day. There will come a time where as a supernatural person, a being from God on this earth, walking in it, having an understanding. You know what getting an understanding means. In all your getting of wisdom, wisdom is good. Knowledge is important. That’s what God says. Wisdom is even better, but understanding is what you really need. Understanding is knowledge of the Holy One. But you can have God’s wisdom, but if you know Him, and know His heart, it’s going to be a whole lot more powerful. But there will be a time on this earth when some people literally won’t sleep. And you won’t need to eat, because you’ll be fed from Heaven. And you’ll be able to go unstoppable. The enemy won’t be penetrating you, he’ll try, and there’ll be a season on this earth where we push darkness back so much, that He said they’ll have to build cities to sin in. And there’ll be regions of light on this earth where people will load up their dead, drive them into these regions and the dead will be raised. It’s God inhabiting His people.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Heaven 2 4_23_11 PM Oasis Church

#114) Kat Kerr - Releasing the Anointing Pt 1

“When you go around and release the anointing into something, every demonic being knows you found out who you were.
What they see if that same fire that, that same glory that left Christ when He released it. They saw, they received it on everything. Anything you lay your hands on, it can be any inanimate object. This is what God wants you to know, you were created when you received Christ, you get that released in you. It’s always been there. The enemy beats you up and keeps you depressed and oppressed, so you wont pursue to find out who you are, made in the image of God, it’s one of the things you get as His children. In the last days, what you’re going to do when you do those greater miracles, it supercharges your faith, when you realize who you are. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the (rhema) Word of God. God is telling you, you need to stand up and know who you are. You received His power and authority, over all the power of the enemy. “My Son already whipped them before.” You have that authority to release this, and it does something to darkness. If you release it into things and you give it to your family members who don’t know Him, once they touch that, that anointing will get on them. You could put it in a piece of paper. If I I released it into this piece of paper, it would never wear off. You couldn’t wash it off. You couldn’t scrub it off. My Mom when we moved out of home, she took a handkerchief and release it into it and pin it underneath our mattress. You were sleeping on the anointing. You have authority to do that now. You don’t need somebody like me to come and pray for your family. You don’t need me to pray for your healing. What’s on the inside of you? The anointing has the power to break bondages. It heals. It delivers. It sets free. You need to release it into everything you touch: in your home; in your car; your job… You don’t even have to tell people you’re doing it. It is one of your supernatural weapons that He gave you. It has great power over the power of the enemy. They’re going to know you know who you are. I challenge you to start releasing it… You are no longer just going to be hearing about the ministry. This is part of you doing the works of the ministry. We’re supposed to train you to do them and it will change your life. It will change your loved one’s lives. We’ve had people release the anointing in a pair of boots given them to their brother who hated them for years. He was restored to them… from wearing the anointed boots! We had somebody from another congregation go to a lady in a hospital, she was pregnant. They were telling her to abort her baby because it was deformed. The congregation laid hands on a box of tissues. Everyone came by after they activated them. You really don’t need me to activate you, but you know what it is, it’s a point of contact…They lay hands on this tissue box, they took the tissue that the congregation prayed for (not me), they took it to the hospital, laid it on that baby, on that woman, and three days later, they did another sonogram and the baby was whole! That baby has been born. He is well and whole now. They saw all kinds of miracles happen because they choose to release the anointing.”
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