It’s Unholy: A White Paper Introducing on Earth as It Is in Heaven?

The Praetorium

Pontius Pilate
Jan 2, 2017
Canton, Mi
Marital Status
Our Lady of Fatima, what about communication controlled by violence? “It’s Unholy.”

Dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima

What if communication controlled by violence is unholy? You are surrounded by it. You trust your marriage to it, your children, your country, your bodies, a part of your soul and much of what you own. Virtually every decision you make is a choice between supporting the use of violence to control communication or opposing it.

Communication controlled by violence is defined as communication that comes from the forces of violence or communication that has been changed by them in any way. An example would be the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The high priests were trying to use violence to silence Jesus or get him to recant his message. Of course, they failed so His message up until the point of His crucifixion is NOT an example of communication controlled by violence. But, what about what He would have gone on to say afterwards if He was not crucified? We have no idea what he would have gone onto say. Although Christ saved the world by showing it the path to heaven, the high priests contaminated the communication of the world with unholiness by using violence to silence Him. Thanks to their violence, the communication of the world is different than it would have been and remains changed to this day. A more modern example would be IRS Form 1040. Everything you say on that form is the result of threats of violence against you and your property. The communication on that form is communication controlled by violence.

So what does unholy mean? According the example above, the high priests contaminated the world’s communication with their violence against Christ. So how did they change the world, maybe that will help us define unholiness. Everyone in the world are still God’s children. All the world’s bounty is still God’s bounty. Christ taught his followers to pray for on earth as it is in heaven in the Christian core prayer the Our Father. Does it not stand to reason that if the world refused to crucify Christ for what he said, He would have led the world to the goal he prayed for? If it was his will to lead us to on earth as it is in heaven, that could not be unless all the pain and suffering of this earth was cured. If the theory of unholiness is true, all the pain and suffering since the crucifixion is “not from God” because Christ would have cured it. Maybe unholy means “not from God.”

If you are searching for a cure to all the pain and suffering of this earth as in on earth as it is in heaven or would like to know the cure, you need to consider this theory of unholiness. This paper will show that such a cure is a real possibility of this theory. Before you get your hopes up though, it should be quickly added that this cure probably cannot be implemented before we die so don’t cancel your life insurance or give up your religion if it promises life after death. The good news is the cure for everything does not require the entire globe to join hands in a continuous and perpetual chorus of joy or anything nearly that impossible. Not that this white paper is about politics but just to show you how close we are, there is no need for any additional legislation in the United States for the theory discussed here to be implemented. The law needed is already on the books, it just needs to be interpreted much more literally. You are closer than you might think.

So if this theory cannot cure your death then why should you care if communication controlled by violence is unholy? Answer: God. You love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength. Think about it: Do you really think on earth as it is in heaven could occur without God? Would you want it to? Maybe that is why this theory promises you no other personal benefits. (For an exception to this, see Appendix A: ItsUnholy Coin--Decentralized Political Action for On Earth As It Is In Heaven). It won’t make you rich and powerful. The only personal benefits you will get from this theory are what you would expect from God. The benefits are of the wholesome variety. Examples would be more wholesome family, food, etc and maybe better health. This paper will not promise you heaven if you practice the theory or hell if you don’t. Nobody is going to pay you. You will rid your life of communication controlled by violence to the best of your ability not because it will cure you but because it’s unholy. You will do it because you love God and maybe, just maybe, you care enough about the pain and suffering of this world that you want to be a part of the cure instead of the disease even if you can’t cure yourself.

If you would prefer to learn about such a great theory from a more credible source than this author, that makes perfect sense; but, don’t bother Googling this one because you won’t find anything. As for learning it from your spiritual leader, well, good luck. Even Pope Francis said not too long ago that he would punch his best friend and adviser in the face if he called his mother a harlot. If the theory of unholiness is true, controlling his friend’s communication with violence would be awfully unholy of His Holiness. (The author is church going Catholic and a true believer in the faith.) The good news is the world is full of evidence that supports the truth of what you will learn here. It’s all evidence you can see and experience for yourself. Hopefully someday we can teach the Pope a thing or two about holiness.

Another threat that could prevent you from properly evaluating this theory of It’s Unholy is that most men are too broken in spirit to understand it even if they could forget themselves long enough to care. You very well could be one of them; though, the fact that you have read this far is a good sign that you are not totally broken. If your too broken in spirit, Jesus Christ could be right in front of you, you could have heard the story a thousand times and go to church daily, preach the gospel to everybody you know but you would do exactly what the crowd did that screamed “crucify Him” two thousand years ago. If your spirit is broken, you are too broken to see what you are doing. You cannot see Jesus in his modern form. You cannot resist the calls of those in authority to crucify Him. You literally know not what you do. You are too broken to prevent yourself from doing anything other than scream crucify him!

Are you so broken you know not what you do? Before you jump to the conclusion that you are free and clear, consider the plight of most devout Christians (they are a great example even if you are not Christian.) If these Christians make a living in the good ole USA, they are required to file IRS Form 1040. Every utterance that they make on that form or pay somebody to make for them is a function of government threats of violence against them. There’s certainly no speaking from the heart or sharing the Holy Spirit on IRS Form 1040.

Here’s how Form 1040 breaks the spirits of most Christians: Jesus says in the Book of Matthew that on the day of judgment, men will render an account for every careless word they utter, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned (M12:36). This means the words of Christians cannot be separated from their souls. In effect then, on IRS Form 1040 Christians are giving a part of their soul to Caesar. What about Christ’s command to give unto the Lord what is the Lord’s? The primary goal of Christianity is to give your soul to the Lord. If Christians are giving their souls to Caesar by letting him control their words on Form 1040, how could that not break them? It takes one word to break a man and prove his life a total lie. What if Jesus had let threats of violence control his words and just said “no” when Pilot asked Him are you the king of the Jews?

Most men are too broken to understand the words you just read. They will insist the words are about avoiding taxes even though the word “tax” was never mentioned once. If they’re knowledgeable Christians, they will then go on to preach how Jesus said that we are to give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Oh how broken men love to quote that line while they totally ignore the next infinitely more important one (assuming God is infinitely more important than Caesar.) They are too broken to see that if they are judged by every utterance, paying their taxes is the least of their problems on IRS Form 1040. Despite the spiritual focus of their religion they cannot see from a spiritual enough perspective to understand the significance of IRS Form 1040. The government breaking their spirit every year with that same form certainly doesn’t help.

If you are broken, all is not lost, at least in the Christian faith. Peter denied Jesus three times. He would go on to get his spirit back, take control of his words and soul from Caesar and be martyred for it. And for what it’s worth, this author is a CPA who has prepared and signed thousands of returns. The purpose of this little test was not to condemn anyone but to protect you from a threat that could prevent you from learning this theory.

One of the goals of this paper is to help you find alternatives to unholy contamination so that you can compare it to less contaminated alternatives and see evidence supporting the theory for yourself. Unfortunately, IRS Form 1040 is the hardest contamination to find an alternative to. Prison is always an option. Other than that, you could beg for charity, gifts generally will not require the beneficiary to file a return. Maybe the nation learning that there is a lot more at stake on tax return forms than taxes is the cure.

Broken Husbands and Fathers
Marriage can be hell. The majority end in divorce. Of the marriages that survive, many of the husbands are spiritually broken, hopelessly subordinate to their wives and unable to lead their family. Their wives and children have little use for them. What good is a broken husband and father except as a laboring donkey?

The civil marriage contract is enforced by some of the most brutal courts enforcing some of the most brutal laws known to civilized society. The civil contract is enforced by threatening the father with removal from the home of his family and replacing him with the Friend of the Court. Of course, the father must subsidize the court for the entire cost of replacing himself. The father could be paying for another man helping the government lead the family while this other man is having sex with his wife and mother of his children. If the father tries to protect his family from this by resisting, he will probably end up in prison. If he resists arrest, he could end up dead like many have. This reality is what the civil contract is all about.

If It’s Unholy is true, this civil contract could be more of problem DURING THE MARRIAGE than it is after, as bad as that is. How could such a powerful force not influence a single word during the marriage? Any such words are words that come from violence and are therefore an unholy contamination of the marriage. The gift from God is called Holy Matrimony. How can contamination by unholiness be good for HOLY Matrimony? Which marriage would you expect to be closer to hell on earth, one where the communication is heavily influenced by the reality of the civil contract or one where it has little or no influence? Maybe this is why so many couples avoid Holy Matrimony and live in sin. The sacrament performed by the church is so contaminated by unholiness that many cannot recognize God’s gift. Of course, this all assumes the theory of unholiness is true and you probably still have a long way to go before you buy into that.

Testing for yourself the It’s Unholy theory in marriage by experiencing what your marriage would be like if it was free of the threat of contamination of the civil contract comes right after freeing your soul from IRS Form 1040 in level of difficulty. If you are not married yet, you could find a priest or minister who will marry you without involving the state although this would not make any difference if you live in a common law state. Good luck finding a minister who will do that. The minister could get a $90 fine here in Michigan. If you are already married you could go to Guam and get a legal divorce and keep your sacramental marriage. It’s supposedly the easiest as long your divorce is uncontested. Good luck convincing your spouse without letting this threat of violence put any words into your mouth. Another idea is you and your spouse could become traditionalist Catholics who believe divorce is a mortal sin and is therefore not an option. There are a lot of divorced traditional Catholics so how that one works probably depends on the couple. You and your wife could become perfect saints too, but for virtually all couples, this is a goal, not a current state. If the theory of unholiness is true, which marriage would be more conducive to leading a couple to sainthood, a heavily contaminated marriage or a less contaminated? Did God really intend the gift of marriage to benefit saints only and be hell for everyone else? Marriage existed long before sainthood.

You could also arrange your affairs so that your wife and children would get absolutely nothing in the event of a divorce. In that fashion, the civil contract becomes meaningless. After all, it’s just based on money and property. This has nothing to do with actually giving them nothing. You an always give them whatever you want, don’t be silly. The whole point is to prevent the violent threat of divorce from influencing any communication DURING THE MARRIAGE. If the theory is true, protecting your wealth and power from the threat of divorce is actually a way to protect your holy marriage from unholy contamination. Gold and silver buried in grandma’s backyard without telling grandma might be the best way of protecting your assets from divorce court. Gold and silver are the easiest assets to legally buy and own anonymously without the government knowing. They are even better than any cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and all the others. As far as protection, who really owns the gold if it’s on grandma’s property and there is no agreement with her to give it to you? Consider too from an unholiness perspective that gold is much less contaminated than the dollar who’s entire value is dependent on the threat of violence to prevent it from being copied. Other ideas along this line would be renting your home or keeping it cheap so there is little or nothing for the government to seize, being ready to walk away from your job and working instead for donations, etc. As painful as all this sounds, many men would rather do this than pay somebody else to run their family. More importantly from the perspective of holiness and the health of your marriage, by being ready to do this, you are freeing your words in the marriage from being contaminated by unholiness. If your wife knows she’s going to get nothing other than what you decide to give, it will free hers too. The good news is that testing the theory of unholiness is much easier in the other arenas discussed below.

Breaking Children and Teaching Them to Have Inferior Minds
Everyone knows stories of spiritually broken children who are as dumb as they are bad. What if children are not born like this but learn it? Much of what many children learn comes from sources seriously contaminated by unholiness. Public schools depend heavily on violence for their ability to communicate. They are tax funded. Taxes are collected from threats of violence. What is taught in public schools is regulated by governments that rely on violent based laws for their day to day administration. If communication that comes from violence is unholy, then public schools are heavily contaminated. To make matters even worse from an unholiness perspective, the schools can threaten the children with force to write and say what the schools want said. A six year old could face an elementary school version of the soul stealing IRS Form 1040 every day!

Of course, we also all know children in public school who are doing great and homeschoolers or private school kids who aren’t; but, school is only one source of child learning. The influence of school can be offset to the good or the bad by other inputs. Kids’ video games and Hollywood movies depend on violent backed copyright laws. If anybody could just copy them without legal risk the games would be totally different or wouldn’t exist at all. Television, radio and cable rely on violence for their existence. If anybody could just broadcast without a violent backed and strictly controlled license, if there were no laws allowing cables to force there way onto private property, certainly the messages here too would be totally different or non-existing. They therefore are contaminated according to the theory. Some of the most powerful vendors in the juvenile and young adult market space are public Wall Street companies. Their capital raising stock certificates would be worth less than toilet paper without violent backed laws enforcing them. This allows them to pool massive amounts of capital. Without these stock certificates, they would not exist as they are. They are contaminated.

The really good news here is that getting around this contamination is easier than getting around contamination of your soul or marriage and can be a lot of fun. Think in terms of family and friends face to face conversation, playing outdoors, a deck of cards, a chess set and homeschooling or at least private school.

If you want to easily raise any child academically superior to virtually any public school kid without the unholy contamination, download the PDF for free, Give Your Child a Superior Mind at After you implement that, you can take the next step with the cheap paperback Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. Then teach them math with a program called Saad Developmental Math at It’s a program designed by the old British empire to be as self taught as possible. They were trying to get past cultural differences in order to teach the Egyptian children math. These were the programs used by the author’s wife to home school our children. They all started college at fourteen and were the top of their classes. The oldest is an ophthalmology MD resident, the second oldest a dentist, the third in medical school and the youngest is on Wall Street as a trader for a big bank, at least for now. Three of these kids are boys. From what this author has seen of the local public schools, they would have dumbed these boys down something wicked and they would never be where they are today.

Broken Nations for War and Grinding Poverty
What do North Korea, Venezuela and the United States all have in common? All three are places you could choose to live. According to news reports, Venezuela is a great place to live if you are recent member of the middle class and enjoy eating out of garbage cans. North Korea has a pretty low cost of living if you don’t have a problem with starving or being executed. In contrast the United States is the only country in the world where the highest law in the land, if taken literally, promises absolute and total freedom of communication from the control of government violence. If the theory of unholiness is true, you would want to avoid Venezuela and North Korea despite any other ideas you have because those nations are heavily contaminated by unholiness in comparison to the U.S. this is very powerful evidence that CCV is unholy.

As the examples in this paper highlight, the use of violence to control communication in the U.S is still massive regardless of the law and we have a long, long way to go for our communication system to to be perfectly free of unholiness.

Broken Minds for Long Lasting Brain Damage and More War and Poverty
Have you ever tried to discuss a political issue with a foreigner fresh from life long indoctrination in a violent communication controlled society? Their perception of truth and reality are so far from reality, it’s as if they’ve suffered massive and permanent brain damage. You can’t reach them in any kind of logical economic discussion and time seems to be of little help. Do you really think the average Joe in North Korea or Venezuela knows how to solve his country’s economic problems and would not proudly fight and die for his country’s economic system? Do you really think you could set them straight in a short conversation about free speech and press?

The main stream media, the so called MSM, and public universities rely heavily on violence for the existence of their communication systems. They are huge players whose power can be traced to violent based broadcasting licenses, massive Wall Street or taxpayer funding and so on. For many years whatever they reported as news was considered gospel by most of the country. As Walter Cronkite used to say on is his sign off during the height of MSM power “And that’s the way it is.”

Now the rise of the internet has produced alternative news sources that are often individually owned. They are much less contaminated and dependent upon violence. Many if not most of these sites consider just about everything produced by the MSM and public universities to be manipulation, lies and perversion of all that is good. Of course, the MSM and public universities say the same of many the internet sites, in particular the so called “alt-right.”

If the theory of It’s Unholy is true, then the more violent dependent media would be expected to promote the opposite of God and the less unholy media should be a better source of truth assuming God is truth. Assuming further that unjust war, violent crime, grinding poverty and fake news are not from God, than this is what you should see the masses being lead to by the unholy MSM. The trick is, if you only get your information from the MSM, how will you know? You can easily test this aspect of the theory yourself. Just try getting your news from sources that are not tax payer funded, owned by Wall Street, broadcast over licensed airwaves or government established cable. Also beware of news sources that are subsidized by individuals who’s wealth comes from violent controlled communication like Wall Street. Expect them to be loyal to the unholy hand that feeds them. Avoiding copyrighted sources would be better yet but this author does not know of any of those. Just like comparing North Korea with the U.S., you don’t need perfection to test this theory, you just need to find a less contaminated alternative.

Cancer, Flint City Water, and Home Delivered Water in Glass Bottles
Cancer is killing a lot of us and our loved ones. Your body is ninety percent water. Drinking water from municipal water systems such as Flint or Detroit is a low cost and easy option. If the theory of unholiness is true, that could be a problem. Just like public schools, government water systems pretty much by definition rely more on violence for their existence typically than a private water vendor. If their existence is more dependent on violence then their communication is more dependent. Since organizations such as the North Korean government or your local municipal water service are a function of their communication, it is hard to picture how a product or service delivered by such an organization would not be impacted by their communication, both internal and external. Which communication system would you trust more for your water, that which is more contaminated by unholy or less?

This author for decades has relied on home delivered water in glass bottles from private vendors. From an unholiness perspective, the issue with plastic is that it leaches into the water. As opposed to pure water, the manufacture of plastic and the possible roles that violence could play in that complex process means that water contaminated by plastic is likely more contaminated by unholiness. Armed with the theory of unholiness, you could have been avoiding water in plastic long before the health risks of municipal systems such as Flint were known. This too is evidence that CCV is unholy.

Killer Food
Heart disease, obesity and a host of other food related diseases are killing many of us. If God forbid you get some horrendous disease, would you rather it be God’s will or the result of what you ate over your lifetime? Much of our food supply comes from violent enforced fast food franchises and Wall street. Many more depend on violent based broadcasting and other CCV based advertising to attract customers that they need to survive and communicate. If the theory of unholiness is true, our food supply is contaminated with something that is not from God.

This author just picked up some fresh bread that was cooked in a wood fired oven as opposed to an oven that depends on electricity from the government regulated utility. He ate the bread with some produce he preserved in the fall. The produce was originally bought from an Amish and holistic farmer at a farmer’s market held on a church operated village green. Holistic is good from an unholy perspective because it usually requires the farmer avoiding Wall Street’s chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Food is the easiest and lowest risk way to test the theory of unholiness for yourself. About all you have to lose is a bag of groceries and your cooking time. Pursuing food that is free from unholy contamination can be lead to some really “killer” meals as well as an enriched buying experience. There seems to be just no comparison between the freshness and taste of the food if you ignore unhealthy but tasty additives like sugar and salt. Most of the shoppers at the least contaminated markets are pursuing health without a clue or concern with the theory of unholiness. It’s seems to be a major trend with many of these health seekers doing as good a job or better than the author. If the theory of unholiness is true, they may be getting what they are looking for.

Finding the purest sources of food can be a lot of work. The possible sources of contamination are many. For example if the theory of unholiness is true, it makes sense to avoid or consider the contamination represented by a government certified organic label or consider the contamination level of even a farmer’s market’s because it is operated and funded by a local government. Complications such as these make this is a pursuit that could certainly benefit from fellowship and shared knowledge. Maybe a once a month meeting would help?

Free Him or Crucify Him
Probably the most famous and influential story of using violence to control communication is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The high priests tried to use violence to silence Jesus. Thanks to the power of life after death, we know what Christ had to say up until the point of his crucifixion; but what we don’t know is what he would have said next. What about his goal of on earth as it is in heaven that he taught his followers to pray? What would he have said about that? If it was true that he could cure the sick and raise the dead, it wouldn’t have taken long for him to become King of Kings on this earth. He seemed well on his way. This rapid rise in power and his message is what got him crucified. With Christ as King of Kings on this earth way back then, how could that not have lead to on earth as it is heaven a long time ago, in other words the cure for everything? We certainly would be a lot closer than we are now. Since he could cure death on this earth, it would be fair to believe he would be still ruling today as King of Kings. While Christ was carrying his cross he’s said to have told some women who were weeping for him that they instead should be weeping for their children. Maybe he knew their children were being robbed of on earth as it is in heaven and would experience suffering and death instead.

Such talk is wildly theoretical. There was zero chance back then of the world honoring free speech, free religion and free press. The point is that analysis of one of the most widely believed stories in the world is also the most powerful evidence that CCV is unholy. If the world believed and enforced this theory in Christ’s time, how that story could not have lead to on earth as it is in heaven two thousand years ago is hard to picture.

Another interesting piece of biblical evidence is applying the theory of unholiness to God’s promises of protecting Israel from any enemy no matter how great. This promise was contingent on the Jews keeping their part of their contract with Him. One of the requirements was keeping the Sabbath holy. If the theory of unholiness is true, Christ’s crucifixion proved for all ages to see that the people of Israel were subordinate to the use of violence to control communication and were therefore subordinate to unholiness. What sense would it make for God to subordinate his message to earthly authority and allow them to change what he has to say with threats of violence if such communication would be unholy? The killing of Jesus certainly changed the communication of the subsequent sabbaths and therefore contaminated them with unholiness. Instead of on earth as it is in heaven, many of the Jewish children during Christ’s time would grow up to be massacred or dispersed all over the world by the Romans.

If the theory of unholiness it true, you cannot help but wonder what would happen today if we got this unholiness contamination cleaned up. According to Christian belief, Christ is in almost everyone. If this is true, the unholiness of our communication system is doing to Christ exactly what the world did to him two thousand years ago. We’re preventing him from leading us to on earth as it is in heaven. Imagine a world where Christ could preach whatever he wanted without any risk of violence being used against Him. This would be a world where it didn’t matter if we recognized Him or not, he would be free to teach us no matter how untrue or threatening we silly mortals thought his message was. It would be a world where His message did not have to compete with the massive wealth and power of communication that comes from violence because there would be none. What do we have to lose other than a lot of concentrated wealth and power?

If you graph this plotting the pain and suffering and lack of free speech in North Korea and such with the U.S., and then plot how much further the U.S needs to go down the path of freedom to reach the goal of total freedom from unholy contamination, the graph goes to the sky. Is this graph showing that on earth as it is in heaven, the cure for everything, is where we would end up?

You Could Try Asking

So far, the focus of this white-paper has been a search for worldly evidence that CCV is unholy. Another approach would be to simply ask our Lady of Fatima. That’s how his author learned it. This claim certainly is not evidence of any significance, but just an idea.

What about Curing You and Your Loved Ones from Illness?
The author of this paper certainly has no authority to promise you divine intervention to cure whatever ails you or a loved one. If you are asking God for a personal cure though, wouldn’t it make sense to avoid contributing to a disease that is killing his children, causing them so much suffering and preventing on earth as it is in heaven? If you need mercy, as we all do, it would just seem to make sense to try to be as much a part of the cure as possible instead of part of the disease. If the theory of It’s Unholy is true, almost every purchase decision you make is a decision between a vendor that depends more on CCV or one that depends less. You get decide which vendor gets your money. You decide which vendor becomes stronger and a bigger force in our world. Not only that, but in the case of food and water, you are deciding which vendor you are trusting with your health. If your trust is wrongly placed, you could be killing yourself. For ideas in picking vendors that seem to rely the least on CCV, see Appendix B.

Closing a Major Highway to Hell
If you ever read Fatima, in Lucia’s own words as this author was when he believed he heard an answer to his question about CCV, three children are shown hell by Our Lady of Fatima. Their focus in life then becomes to suffer and make personal sacrifices for the conversion of sinners in order to save souls from this horrible fate. If communication controlled by violence is unholy and the pen is mightier than the sword making it the most powerful force on this earth, then where would an unholy pen most likely lead the souls of mankind, to God or to Hell?

If you run the theory of unholiness by your parish priest, more likely than not you get a reaction like “who cares, you should be more worried about abortion!” But if the communication system that people rely upon to make their decisions is unholy, that is, if the communication system is ultimately from something that is not from God, how can you expect people to come up with the choice that is God’s will?

The Cure for Everything
When you are asked on a daily basis whether or not Jesus should be crucified, just say “no.” Say this even if you don’t recognize Jesus, even if you know not what you do, even though your most trusted leaders say “crucify him or all will be lost.” If you accept the theory of It’s Unholy, you will get this right no matter how little little else you know and no matter how powerful the deceivers. You will be forever protected from failing this test because you know that the use of violence to control communication is unholy and you know this truth is infinitely important.
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